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    • English
      • Marketing
        • Search
          • Term
            • cool hunter
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • a person who is employed to identify future trends, esp in fashion or the media Collins Dictionary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Cool hunters are usually interested in getting what their target audience has to say, and that is why they use an invisible group to do the recordings. Cooling hunting allows marketers to interact with their target audience and are very keen in terms of their opinion. - Usecart by
            • Cool hunters utilise both overt methodologies such as focus groups, and covert methods such as entering a chat room posing as a member of the target market. - Market Research World by
            • The irony of the cool hunter is that, by their very existence, the more the cool hunters do their job, the more their job is necessary. The more they do their job, the more they create these hidden pockets of coolness that require discovery and interpretation. - Frontline by
  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Albanian, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Ukrainian

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