Working languages:
French to English
English to French
English (monolingual)

Patricia Lane
Cross-cultural corporate communications

Local time: 21:42 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: English Native in English, French Native in French
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Intercultural Consulting and Training Projects

This section allows me to profile my work as an intercultural management consultant and trainer, an activity about which more information is available at as well as in a recent interview with the Journal du Net | Management here.

Recent projects:

Since 2006 and still ongoing in 2008
Series of two-day workshops on intercultural communications and presentation skills (Airbus)

May 2006:
Workshops on perfecting oral and written, on site and remote, presentation skills and sales and support techniques, in English and French, to international high finance prospects (senior sales and support specialists, Infinancials)

March 2006:
Dinner debate on the particular challenges of managing international subsidiaries (Executive Committe, Mapa Spontex, a subsidiary of Total) - in English and French.

More translators and interpreters: French to English - English to French   More language pairs