Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 7 ara>eng الهيئة الصحية الشرعية الأساسية Main/Primary Sharia Health Authority pro closed ok
4 Jan 7 ara>eng هذه دعواي I rest my case pro closed ok
4 Dec 31 '23 ara>eng دورات المعركة rounds of battle pro closed no
- Jan 1 ara>eng رفع اليد termination of usurpation/returning of the usurped object/removal of possession pro closed ok
4 Jan 1 ara>eng طلب الحبس والرجوع عنه request imprisonment and revoke the same pro closed ok
4 Jan 1 ara>eng وقد استوفى جميع حقوقهم قبل بعضهم البعض they collected all of their dues/rights from each other pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '23 eng>ara These hold the final breaths of our once-Kings. هذه تحوي الأنفاس الأخيرة لملكونا السابقين pro closed no
2 Dec 13 '23 ara>eng دافع دفاع الأبطال his son defended me heroically pro closed no
4 Dec 12 '23 eng>ara Non-Section 423 Component العنصر الذي لا يخضع/لا يستوفي شروط المادة 423 pro closed ok
4 Dec 11 '23 ara>eng الرد الواحد Single Lane/Trip pro closed ok
- Dec 5 '23 eng>ara on the plea بخصوص الدفع pro closed ok
4 Dec 5 '23 ara>eng الحصر والاستقصاء census and survey pro closed ok
4 Dec 2 '23 ara>eng عدم وضوح رسومها its undefined/unclear fees pro closed ok
4 Nov 29 '23 ara>eng متصلة الأراضي contiguous pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '23 eng>ara Airplanes الطائرات pro closed ok
- Nov 21 '23 ara>eng جامعها محاماة مع مرجله as he is both a man of law and a man of gallantry pro closed no
- Nov 20 '23 ara>eng لأن في الإحالة إليها ما يقوم مقام إيرادها as reference to them serves the same purpose as stating them pro closed no
4 Nov 21 '23 ara>eng فلا يعيبه خطئه it shall not be rendered defective/flawed due to committing an error in.. pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '23 ara>eng اذ اهدر دفاعهم الجوهري as it considered their substantive/fundamental defense invalid pro closed ok
4 Nov 15 '23 ara>eng التهميش باكتساب القطعية making an annotation on the judgment deed indicating that the judgment is final/gained the force of pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '23 ara>eng لم يحضر من يمثلها no one appeared on its behalf pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '23 ara>eng فتح المحضر بتاريخه The report was reopened on the date hereof/the date stated herein pro closed ok
4 Nov 12 '23 ara>eng كفالة غرم وأداء تضامنية Joint payment and performance bond pro closed ok
4 Nov 12 '23 ara>eng كفالة شركة تضامنية joint corporate guarantee pro closed ok
- Nov 12 '23 ara>eng الخاضعون The persons subject to these Rules pro closed ok
4 Nov 12 '23 ara>eng يجوز ولكن ليس إلزاميا it shall be permissible, but not mandatory, pro closed ok
- Nov 9 '23 eng>ara editor at large المحرِّر/الصحفي المتجوِّل / الحر pro just_closed no
- Nov 6 '23 ara>eng والأصل فيها the principle is that pro closed ok
4 Nov 6 '23 ara>eng تبعا لاختلاف صفة مصدرها according to the different capacity of their issuer pro closed ok
- Nov 5 '23 ara>eng بما يُغني عن إعادة سردها which eliminates the need for recounting/stating them pro closed ok
4 Nov 1 '23 ara>eng تحرير written statement/plea pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '23 ara>eng الحسم على العامل deduction on the worker/employee pro closed ok
4 Oct 24 '23 eng>ara Adjusted مُعدَّل / مُصحَّح pro closed no
4 Oct 15 '23 ara>eng مواقع استخدامها the locations where it is used pro closed ok
4 Oct 15 '23 eng>ara Regulation A offering statement بيان طرح بموجب اللائحة التنظيمية (أ) (Regulation A) pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '23 eng>ara ending on the date hereof تنتهي بتاريخ هذه الاتفاقية/العقد pro closed ok
4 Oct 9 '23 ara>eng تتم الفوترة بعد تشغيله provided that the invoicing for each hospital is made after its operation pro closed ok
4 Oct 8 '23 eng>ara for the first and third segments للشريحتين / الفئتين الأولى والثالثة pro closed ok
4 Oct 5 '23 ara>eng التسجيل من خلالكم registration is made through you pro closed ok
4 Oct 4 '23 ara>eng وأعلنت قانوناً duly served on the Defendants pro closed ok
4 Oct 3 '23 ara>eng الأربعاء قبل الأربعاء الفائت The Wednesday before last pro closed no
- Oct 1 '23 eng>ara currently being used التي تستخدمها في الوقت الحالي pro closed ok
- Oct 1 '23 eng>ara Grounding yourself لمس / تأريض نفسك بجهاز الكمبيوتر pro closed ok
4 Oct 1 '23 eng>ara Cable mess الفوضى الناتجة عن تشابك الكابلات pro closed ok
4 Sep 25 '23 ara>eng تأمين المراجل ومحطات الضغط ضد الأخطار an all risks insurance policy for the boilers and compressor stations pro closed ok
4 Sep 25 '23 eng>ara plant نباتات pro closed no
- Sep 25 '23 ara>eng تغيير من اسم shall be changed from the First Party to the Second Party pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '23 ara>eng تحت طائلة فسخ العقد on pain of the termination of the contract pro closed ok
4 Sep 24 '23 eng>ara Log with سجل pro closed no
- Sep 22 '23 ara>eng في غاية الأنس extremely pleasant pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered