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H. J. Zhang
The Magic of Chinese

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English to Chinese: Tourism Piece
Source text - English

Enjoy the winter enchantment! The air is crystal-clear, the meadows, forests and impressive Dolomite mountains are covered in snow. Discover the forces of nature. Exhaust the variety of possibilities available. Make activities part of your holiday. Find a place in the sun ...

In every season, the world of the Dolomites demonstrates its particular charm in an impressive beauty. The towns of Ortisei, S. Cristina and Selva Gardena (in all only 6 miles distance) not only offer beautiful nature, but also a wide variety of art and culture. Ortisei 1236 m, S. Cristina 1428 m and Selva Gardena 1563 m, is situated at a height of 1200 to 1700 meters above sea level. The alpine meadows and ski pistes rise up to 2518 m and the mountain peaks up to 3181 m.


You can discover the mountain world on well-developed roads and paths. Cable-cars enable you to access the higher-lying areas. Original alpine and refuge huts invite you to relax. On hot summer days, it is particularly refreshing to hike in higher-lying areas and enjoy nature!

A tight network of hiking trails and easy to reach high-alpine tours, guide you through the Dolomites. Guided hiking tours give the necessary safety on high mountains. Excursions and "teaching paths" give you some insight into flora and fauna.
Translation - Chinese

畅享冬日激情! 这里的空气清新明净,皑皑白雪覆盖着草甸、森林和令人神往的多洛米提 (Dolomite) 山脉。 探寻大自然的力量。 穷尽各种存在的可能。 让户外活动充实您的假日。 寻找阳光地带……

无论在哪个季节,多洛米提的世界里总有独到的美景,让人心驰神往。 Ortisei,S. Cristina 和 Selva Gardena 这三个小镇相隔都不到十公里,自然风光旖旎多姿,艺术与文化宝藏星罗棋布。 整个地区海拔 1,200-1,700 米,其中 Ortisei 海拔 1,236 米,S. Cristina 1,428 米,Selva Gardena 1,563 米。 高山草甸和滑雪道高达 2,518 米,而山峰高耸入云,最高峰海拔 3,181 米。


这里公路与道路系统完善,带您一路探索大山深处的世界。 缆车则带您登临高地。 还有原始的高山避暑小屋,邀您享受闲情逸致。 在炎炎夏日,高地远足尽享自然风光,令人心旷神怡!

密布的远足小径,方便的高山观光路线,为您的多洛米提之旅提供全程向导。 有了这些向导,您的高山远足将成为安全之旅。 短途的野外探险和“求知路线”则让您深入了解当地的动植物种群。
English to Chinese: Software License
Source text - English
Regardless of whether any remedy set forth herein fails of its essential purpose, IN NO EVENT SHALL X OR ANY OF THE LICENSORS, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES OR AFFILIATES OF THE FOREGOING BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR SIMILAR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like), whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, arising out of the use or inability to use the Software or accompanying written materials, regardless of the basis of the claim and even if X or a X representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage. X's liability to you for direct damages for any cause whatsoever, regardless of the basis of the form of the action, will be limited to the price paid for the Software that caused the damages. THIS LIMITATION WILL NOT APPLY IN CASE OF PERSONAL INJURY ONLY WHERE AND TO THE EXTENT THAT APPLICABLE LAW REQUIRES SUCH LIABILITY. BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.

In the case of software designed to operate on X equipment, you may not transfer the Software to another party except: (1) if you are an end-user, when you are transferring the Software together with the X equipment on which it operates; or 2) if you are a X licensed distributor, when you are transferring the Software either together with such X equipment or are transferring the Software as a licensed duly paid for upgrade, update, patch, new release, enhancement or replacement of a prior version of the Software. If you are a X licensed distributor, when you are transferring the Software as permitted herein, you agree to transfer the Software with a license agreement having terms and conditions no less restrictive than those contained herein. You may transfer all other Software, not otherwise having an agreed restriction on transfer, to another party. However, all such transfers of Software are strictly subject to the conditions precedent that the other party agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License, and you destroy any copy of the Software you do not transfer to that party. You may not sublicense or otherwise transfer, rent or lease the Software without our written consent. You may not transfer the Software in violation of any laws, regulations, export controls or economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. Government.
Translation - Chinese
不管本协议中列出的任何救济是否能达到其基本目的,X 或其任何许可方、董事、管理人员、雇员或上述人员的关联人在任何情况下均不因任何相应而生的、偶然性的、间接的、特殊的或类似的损害(包括但不限于因营业利润损失、业务中断、商业信息的丢失及类似的损失导致的损害)对您承担责任,而无论该损害是否可预见、是产生于使用或不能使用本软件或其附随书面材料,也无论索赔的基础是什么,即使 X 或其代表事先已被告知此类损害的可能性。

无论行为方式的基础是什么,对于任何原因引起的直接损害,X 对您的赔偿责任将限于您为引起损害的软件所支付的价格。只有在适用的法律有相关责任要求时并且仅限于该适用法律要求的范围内,本限制才不适用于人身伤害的情况。有些司法权不允许排除或限制对相应而生的或偶然性的损害所负的责任,因此上述限制可能不适用于您。

如果软件旨在 X 设备上运行,那么您不能将本软件转让给第三方,除非: (1)您是终端用户,当您将本软件与运行本软件的 X 设备一起转让时;或者(2)您是 X 许可的发行人,当您将本软件与该 X 设备一起转让时或当您转让经许可且正当付款的本软件以用于对本软件先前版本进行升级、更新、添加补丁、新发布、增强或替换时。如果您是 X 许可的发行人,当您根据本协议的允许而转让本软件时,您同意将许可协议与本软件一起转让,该协议条款的限制应不低于本协议包含的条款。 您可以将没有双方同意的限制条件的所有其他软件转让给第三方。但所有这类转让必须严格遵守先决条件,即该第三方同意接受本许可证的条款,并且您必须将本软件任何未转让给该第三方的副本予以销毁。未经我们的书面同意,您不能发放子许可证,或者将本软件转让、出租或租赁。您不能在违反任何法律、法规、出口控制或美国政府施加的经济制裁的情况下转让本软件。
English to Chinese: Management Piece
Source text - English
These authors introduce another personality type (besides procrastinating, disengaged, and distracted managers) that may emerge when a manager lacks focus, energy, or both. Called the smart talker, this type of manager substitutes talk for action. He responds to a problem by discussing it, formulating decisions, and hashing out action plans rather than fixing it. Smart talkers know too much and do too little. How to close that knowing-doing gap? Ensure that your organization 1) has leaders who are very knowledgeable and do the work, 2) emphasizes plain language and simple concepts, defining a few straightforward priorities with clear implications for action, 3) focuses on genuine problem solving, not simply criticizing, 4) closes the talk-action loop by ensuring that promised actions are implemented, and 5) encourages “enlightened trial and error” rather than the endless working out of details before starting.
Translation - Chinese
作者在“因循苟且”、“心不在焉”及“手忙脚乱”之外介绍了另一种缺乏干劲和专注的管理者类型。这类管理者被称为“纸上谈兵”者,他们是语言的巨人,行动的矮子。遇到问题,他们会展开讨论、形成决议并且拿出行动计划,但他们就是不去实实在在地解决问题。 纸上谈兵者总是知之甚多,行之甚少。 如何弥合知与行之间的鸿沟呢? 确保您的公司 1) 拥有博学多才并且注重实践的领导, 2) 强调平实的语言与简单的概念,简洁明了地界定几项工作重点,并给出明确的行动指示 3) 关注解决实际问题,而非一味批评责备 4) 确保承诺的行动得以实施,从而弥合知-行鸿沟,并且 5) 鼓励“合理的反复试验”,不要在行动开始前进行没完没了的细节推敲。

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