Tamil to English: Paayum puli | |
Source text - Tamil 󧾡º¢Â¡¨Åô§À¡Ä ¿õ «Æ¸¢Â ¾Á¢ú¿¡Îõ «Ãì¸÷¸Ç¡ø À¨¼¦ÂθôÀðÎ , ¿õ ¿¡ðÊÛ¨¼Â «¨Á¾¢Ôõ , ´üÚ¨ÁÔõ ¦ÅüÈ¢¸ÃÁ¡¸ º£÷̨Äì¸ôÀð¼Ð. 󧾡º¢Â¡Å¢ø ¿¼ó¾Ð §À¡Ä «ùÅÃì¸÷¸¨Ç ¨¾Ã¢ÂÁ¡¸ ±¾¢÷¦¸¡ñÎ §À¡Ã¢¼ ¿õ ¾Á¢ú¿¡ðÊÖûÄ ±øÄ¡ ţà ÌÆ󨾸¨ÇÔõ ¿õ ïÂ¡É ¾¡ò¾¡ ÅÄ¢ÔÕò¾¢É¡÷. ¿õ ¾Á¢ú¿¡ðÊÖûÄ ±øÄ¡ ţà ÌÆ󨾸éõ «ó¾ ÒÉ¢¾ §À¡ÕìÌ ¾í¸¨Ç «÷ôÀÉ¢ì¸ Óý ÅÃ, «¾¢ø Á¢¸ Á¢¸ ¨¾Ã¢ÂÁ¢ì¸ ´ÕÅ¨É §¾÷ó¦¾Îì¸ ¦¾¡¼í̸¢ÃÐ µ÷ Á¸¡ §¾Î¾ø §Åð¨¼. | Translation - English Like Antosia, our beautiful land of Tamil Nadu too has been invaded by evil monsters and they have successfully disrupted peace and harmony in our land.
Gnana Tatha urges, like in Antosia, , the brave warrior kids of Tamil Nadu to stand up and fight the evil monsters. The brave kids of this great land Tamil Nadu have volunteered for the cause and the quest to find the bravest of them all thus begin…