Working languages:
English to Chinese
Chinese to English
Russian to Chinese


Local time: 12:26 CST (GMT+8)

Native in: Chinese Native in Chinese, Japanese Native in Japanese
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(about letter translation, I willing to provide you further details about this job.)
I also have a lot of experience in listening translation.
(I willing to provide you further details about this job.)

I graduated from Huainan Institute of technology in china. My pen name is tangxiao. I have nearly 8 years translation experience(English to Chinese and Chinese to English)in area as technic, Law ,patent ,construction, trademark, Copyright news ,letters and conversation. I have worked in one of the top state-owned construction corporation in China for 8 years (China Railway Construction Corporation) , I am 29 years old, have a major in economic management for construction. I have been attended many national classic construction projects, such as: The F1 racing-road of Shanghai and the high-tech construction material company of our headquarter , Tibet railway etc .I am familiar with engineering technique and construction material, have abundant experience in construction projects and company management.

My expected translation rates is 0.07 USD per word ,if it's a long time cooperation, I think the translation rate can be 0.05USD per word.My expected editing rate is 0.04 USD per word. If it's a long time cooperation, I think the editing rate can be 0.03 USD .I can translate 2000 words per day and make sure the quality.

payment and tool:
I can receive payments via paypal . I use TRADOS 7 Freelance. I willing to accept any short test in my spare time .(English to Chinese)

About me
1.建筑类(English to Chinese)
2..法律合同类(chinese to English,English to Chinese
3.新闻类(chinese to English,English to Chinese)
4.金融类(English to Chinese)
5.商业贸易类(English to Chinese)
6.教育学类(English to Chinese)
7.听译(chinese to English,English to Chinese)

About me

I use TRADOS 2006 . I can translate six days per week. The translation service cover the following areas and industries:

A. construction related.(highway,railway,bridge,tunnel )
Immigration law: visa papers, asylum documents and forms, etc;
Contracts: technology transfer, investment, employment, tenancy, stock purchase, sale,

employment, confidentiality agreement, non-compete and so on;
Corporate: articles of incorporation, charters, memorandum, shareholder registry, merger and acquisition, etc;
Trademark, Copyright and Patent: claims, descriptions, application filing, etc;
Notarization documents: power of attorney, wills, certificates, academic transcript, etc.
C. Business:maketing
D. Finance:Tax, accounting,and other financial documents
E. Tech/internet
Website localization,
F. Government & international organization
Yearbook, fact book, tourist guide, investment guide, city guide, procedure guide and other intra or inter working documents.

Thank you very much for your time and looking forward to your business.