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    • English
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • back office
          • Definition(s)
            • the administrative staff of a company who do not have face-to-face contact with the company's customers.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ANZ India is set to transfer 400 back office jobs from Australia and New Zealand to India in the next eight to 10 months. - The Telegraph of Calcuta
            • Financial institutions all around the world are saving millions by successful transformation of their back office operations. Major European banks are doing everything possible to make their back office operations faster, cheaper, more secure and more effective. - Jacob Fleming Conferences
            • Back offices of traditional money mangers are now being faced with the tracking, accounting, reporting, analytics and performance measurement of these complex assets. Without this back office capability, it becomes more difficult to maintain the existing business, and even more difficult to grow total assets under management. - Thomsom White Paper
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    • Portuguese
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • back office
          • Definition(s)
            • Por oposição ao Front Office, o Back Office reúne a parte do sistema de informação com a qual o utilizador final (interno ou externo à empresa) não tem contacto. Podem ser bases de dados, sistemas transaccionais, processos de tratamento interno das aplicações de gestão e ferramentas ligadas ao CRM (ver CRM) -, bem como todas as aplicações que não necessitem da intervenção do utilizador final. econogloss - by Joao Albuquerque (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "No back office grande parte das atividades executadas pela empresa ocorrem dentro da empresa. Por exemplo, os departamentos de informática, contabilidade e recursos humanos." - Wikipedia by Joao Albuquerque (X)
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    • Bulgarian
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          • Term
            • бек офис
          • Definition(s)
            • Бек офис са хората, които приемат информацията от фронт офиса, обработват я и я предават към нейното изпълнение, обясниха от консултантските агенции. Бек офисът се занимава с обработката на документацията по сделките с клиентите, валутните операции или, просто казано, с книжата, посочи Николай Димитров. По думите на Веселка Цочева изискванията към тези хора е да имат по-специфични умения и знания в зависимост от дейността на компанията. Кариери. Работа, обуче - by natasha stoyanova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • С помощта на системата за централизирана обработка всички платежни нареждания в лева, постъпващи в 62 клона на банката, се въвеждат в core-системата от специализирано звено в централата на банката, т.нар. “централизиран бек офис”. - банка Прокредит CIO - бр by natasha stoyanova
            • Текущ проект в Банка ДСК: интеграцията на Бек офис системата Clavis с платформата за електронно банкиране „ДСК Директ” В момента се правят тестове на разработената от „Дорсум България” ЕООД интеграция на Бек офис системата Clavis с платформата за електронно банкиране „ДСК Директ”. - Дорсум by natasha stoyanova
            • Бек офис (Back Office) - счетоводен отдел, който извършва действията, свързани с окончателното завършване на сделките (водене на сметките, пускане на счетоводните операции и други. - Финансов портал by natasha stoyanova
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    • Slovak
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • back office
          • Definition(s)
            • Je to časť administratívneho oddelenia, ktoré neprichádza do priameho styku so zákazníkmi. Own research - by Michal Zugec
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Napokon, programy IDA a IDABC poskytujú odvetviam verejnej správy a členským štátom infraštruktúrne služby, to znamená rámce, spoločné služby a všeobecné nástroje, ako je komunikačná platforma známa ako sTESTA, charakterizované vysokým stupňom zabezpečenia a dostupnosti, a viaceré doplňujúce nástroje zamerané na dosiahnutie interoperability medzi administratívnymi systémami a procesmi back-office, ako aj medzi službami back-office a front-office. - Eurlex by Michal Zugec
            • Výrazný rozmach týchto typov služieb dosahuje Bratislava, kde sa presúvajú mnohé tzv. back office služby z Viedne, kde sídlia regionálne pobočky korporácií. - Euba by Michal Zugec
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    • French
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          • Term
            • (service de) post-marché
          • Definition(s)
            • Service d'un établissement financier qui s'occupe de l'enregistrement des transactions et de la réalisation des opérations de règlement et de livraison découlant de cese opérations, pourle compte de l'établissement ou de sa clientèle. (extrait de la définition donnée dans le Dictionnaire de la comptabilité et de la gestion financière, ed. 1994), publié par l'Institut Canadien des Comptables Agréés Cette traduction est également celle qui figure au lexique de la Banque du Canada. Own research - by C. Tougas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ...est une firme de courtage américaine indépendante très populaire ici, qui fait du service de post-marché pour des firmes de courtage en ligne... - by C. Tougas
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    • Finnish
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • yrityksen tukitoiminnot
          • Definition(s)
            • back office = yrityksen tukitoiminnot (kirjanpito, hallinto,tutkimus ym.), front office = yrityksen näkyvät palvelutoiminnot (asiakastiskit) ASIAHAKEMISTO (MOL) - by Arja Whiteside (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Henkilöstöhallinta on yrityksen tukitoimintoja, mutta sitä pystytään usein myös hallitsemaan pääosin perustoimintoihin käytetyillä ... - TIEKE by Arja Whiteside (X)
            • Turun ammattikorkeakoulussa täydennyskoulutuksena aloitettava Facility Management -koulutus on johtamisteoria yrityksen tukitoimintojen organisoinnista siten, että ydintoiminnot saadaan hoidettua mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. - Yritys ja koulutus by Arja Whiteside (X)
            • Palvelukeskuksiin yleisimmin keskitettäviä tehtäviä ovat erilaiset yrityksen tukitoiminnot kuten asiakaspalvelu, laskutus, IT-tukipalvelut tai muut erilaiset back office -toiminnot. - Barona by Arja Whiteside (X)
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    • Danish
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • administrative funktioner
          • Definition(s)
            • Generelt samlende udtryk brugt om de administrative funktioner i en virksomhed, dvs. it, bogholderi, sekretær mv, over for produktion, salg osv. Kan også bruges mere specifikt om støttefunktioner for sælgere eller højere niveauer i teknisk support. Own research - by Mads Grøftehauge
          • Example sentence(s)
            • BackOffice varetager en lang række vigtige interne administrative funktioner hos Fleggaard Leasing. Medarbejderne i BackOffice står bl.a. for afgiftsberegning, periodeafgifter, leasingaftaler, førstegangsfaktureringer og brugermapper - Fleggaard Leasing by Mads Grøftehauge
            • The Back Office tilbyder management support, direktionsassistance og traditionel salg/marketing- eller sekretærassistance til små og mellemstore virksomheder, som ikke har ressourcerne in-house. Vores mål er at blive anvendt som den back office funktion, der kan aflaste eller supplere eksisterende medarbejdere i dagligdagen. Med beliggenhed i Forskerparken Scion DTU har The Back Office de optimale forudsætninger for at servicere et inspirerende og hurtigt skiftende iværksættermiljø og være med til at løse de administrative udfordringer, som vokser i takt med vækstvirksomhederne. - The Back Office by Mads Grøftehauge
            • Inden for jobområdet er medarbejderne i det væsentligste ”Front-office”, der håndterer kontakt til kunder, mens ”Back-office” personale håndterer nødvendige administrative funktioner som fx produktudvikling og fremstilling af salgsmaterialer. - Undervisningsministeriet by Mads Grøftehauge
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Croatian, Albanian, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Chinese, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

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