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    • Dutch
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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          • Term
            • gateway
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          • Definition(s)
            • Een gateway (...) zorgt voor de vertaling en daarmee ook voor de verbinding van twee incompatibele netwerken, bijvoorbeeld ATM en Token Ring netwerken. Op het internet of een bedrijfsnetwerk verzorgt een gateway daarmee de connectie met andere netwerken. Verschil met o.a. een bridge is dat een gateway een heel wat geavanceerder apparaat is. Terwijl een bridge slechts op OSI laag 2 (datalink) werkt, kan een gateway voor de complete vertaling op alle lagen zorgen: van het fysieke medium (bv. koperdraad naar glasvezel) tot aan de toepassingslaag (bv. XMPP naar HTTP) aan toe. Wikipedia - by Ron Willems
          • Example sentence(s)
            • De USRobotics Wireless Ndx ADSL2+ Gateway biedt de nieuwste 802.11n concept-technologie in de branche en levert optimale draadloze verbindingen naar uw pc's, laptops en andere draadloze apparaten. De gateway biedt ook de hoogste snelheid, maximaal 270 Mbps, zodat grote bestanden zoals MP3's, digitale foto's en digitale video's snel en efficiënt over het netwerk worden verzonden. Bovendien wordt uw netwerk met de gateway beveiligd met een bijzonder uitgebreide beveiligingssuite, die bestaat uit een Stateful Packet Inspection-firewall om het netwerk tegen ongeoorloofde toegang te beschermen, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA en WPA2), WPA2/802.11i, TKIP- en AES-codering, MAC-adresverificatie, etc. - US Robotics (gebruikershandleiding) by Ron Willems
            • De nieuwe DataTank Gateway is compatibel met alle gebruikelijke besturingssystemen en maakt het aansluiten van 30-50 clients mogelijk (het aantal clients is o.a. afhankelijk van het datavolume). - HotFrog (persbericht Freecom) by Ron Willems
            • Ik kan alleen op internet wanneer ik de NIC in mijn systeem uitschakel. Zodra ik de NIC weer inschakel dan werkt internet niet meer. Het lijkt erop dat het verkeer voor internet gerouteerd word via mijn NIC. Op deze NIC heb ik geen gateway ingesteld. Weet iemand wat ik in moet stellen om de telefoon als gateway te gebruiken voor internet terwijl normaal netwerk verkeer (naar mijn servers of NAS toe) over mijn normale NIC gaat? - (forums) by Ron Willems
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    • Romanian
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • poartă
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            • Dispozitiv care conectează reţele ce utilizează protocoale de comunicaţii diferite, astfel încât informaţiile pot trece de la una la cealaltă. Poarta are rolul de a transfera informaţiile şi de a le converti într-un format compatibil cu protocoalele utilizate de reţeaua destinatară. Termenul este folosit şi în domeniul software. Editura Teora -Dicţionar de calculatoar - by Cristian Mocanu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ce este o poarta (Gateway) ? Poarta este o entitate a retelei care face legatura cu alta retea. In Internet un nod sau un punct de oprire poate fi o poarta sau o gazda (un nod final). Sunt noduri gazda atat calculatoarele utilizatorilor de Internet cat si calculatoarele care gazduiesc pagini de Internet. Calculatoarele care controleaza traficul in cadrul retelei dvs. sau pentru cele apartinand furnizorului de servicii internet (ISP) sunt porti (gateway). - MySoft Antivirus ANTIGEN SMTP by Cristian Mocanu
            • Poarta (gateway) WAP este un soft care are rolul de conversie între standarde, astfel : - converteste cererile formulate de mobil din WAP în HTTP; - converteste limbajul WML din formatul text în formatul binar, format care poate fi afisat de display-ul mobilului; - converteste protocolul de transport TCP în protocol de transport al sistemului mobil WDP(Datagram Protocol) ; - prin intermediul WSP (Session Protocol) datele sunt pregătite pentru a fi transferate între aplicaŃii ; - converteste paginile criptate cu SSL (Secure Socket Layer)– folosit de web, în pagini criptate cu WTSL (Wireless Transport Security Layer) – sistemul de criptare folosit de WAP. - Curs UPG Ploieşti by Cristian Mocanu
            • Practic, un server Web trece informatia catre o executie exterioara care este scrisa in mod uzual in C, Java, Perl sau alt limbaj din UNIX. Acesta este modul in care se pot accesa aplicatii exterioare, cum ar fi bazele de date, atat pentru restabilirea cat si pentru centralizarea informatiilor. Procesul se manifesta efectiv ca o "poarta" (gateway) intre serverul web si aplicatie. O astfel de procedura este larg disponibila si permite relativ simplu sa integreze un server web cu orice aplicatie de baze de date importanta (de fapt, cei mai multi furnizori de aplicatii de baze de date incorporeaza aceasta functionalitate in produsul lor de baza). - Computerworld Romania Nr. 12 (82) by Cristian Mocanu
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    • Korean
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            • 게이트웨이
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            • ①넓은 의미로는 2개 이상의 다른 종류 또는 같은 종류의 통신망을 상호 접속하여 통신망 간 정보를 주고받을 수 있게 하는 기능 단위 또는 장치. 통신망에는 구내 정보 통신망(LAN), 공중 데이터망(PDN), 일반 전화 교환망(PSTN) 등이 포함된다. ②좁은 의미로는 OSI 기본 참조 모델의 각 계층에서 프로토콜이 달라 호환성이 없는 복수의 통신망을 상호 접속하여 프로토콜의 변환을 행하는 기능 단위 또는 장치. 통신 프로토콜이 같거나 유사한 통신망을 상호 접속하여 정보를 주고받는 브리지와는 달리, 게이트웨이는 프로토콜이 다른 복수의 통신망 간에 프로토콜을 변환하여 정보를 주고받는다. 한국정보통신기술협회 - by English2Korean
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            • 차이점을 알고 싶습니다. 라우터와 게이트웨이의 차이점을 알고 싶습니다. 또 L2, L3, L4 Switch 와 브리지, 라우터, 케이트웨이 의 차이점을 알고 싶습니다. 정의는 어느정도 이야기들이 있는데 차이점들에 대한 정보는 없는 것 같습니다. 어디에서는 라우터나 게이트웨이나 같다고 하는데 분명 틀린 점이 있는 것 같은데 위의 열거한 것들의 차이점을 알고 싶습니다. 많은 조언 부탁드립니다. . . . 라우터는 말그대로 라우팅을 해주는 장비입니다. 라우팅이라면, 서로다른 네트워크끼리 길을 찾아가는 과정이며, 이런 과정을 라우터에서 하죠.. 그래서 a.b.c.0네트워크에서 x.y.z.0네트워크로 간다면 라우터는 어느 인터페이스로 나가서 어느 호스트에 전달해야 하는지 알고 있는 것이죠.. 그리고 게이트웨이라고 하면, 라우터가 아닌 PC(or Host)의 입장에서보면.. 자신이 속한 네트워크가 아닌 다른 네트워크로 패킷을 전송할 때, 전달해 줘야할 호스트(or Router)를 가리킵니다. 즉, 로컬에 존재하는 호스트끼리는 바로 통신을 할 수 있지만, 다른 네트워크에 존재하는 호스트와 통신하기 위해서는 외부로 나가는 길을 아는 호스트에게 전달해 줘야 하죠.. 위에서도 말했지만, 라우터는 다른 네트워크 경로로 가는 길을 알고 있으므로, 게이트웨이는 보통 라우터가 되죠.. 다른 경우로 게이트웨이가 방화벽 또는 스위치가 될 수도 있는데, 이런 경우에는 해당 장비에서 라우팅을 해주기 때문에 게이트웨이가 될 수 있는 것이죠.. . . . - KLDP by English2Korean
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    • English
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • gateway
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            • A switching node that translates data formats, signaling protocols and sometimes address information in order to permit communication between two dissimilar networks International Telecommunication Union
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            • Because the IP Internet is a connectionless system, gateways and hosts route datagrams without coordinating with the original sender. This works fine except when a problem delivering a datagram occurs. Problems occur when nodes or whole networks become disconnected, the time-to-live counter expires, or gateways become too congested to process more traffic. - Warthman Associates by
            • These autonomous devices, or nodes, combine with routers and a gateway to create a typical WSN system. The distributed measurement nodes communicate wirelessly to a central gateway, which provides a connection to the wired world where you can collect, process, analyze, and present your measurement data. - National Instruments Corporation by
            • A gateway repackages information to match the requirements of the destination system. Gateways can change the format of a message so that it will conform to the application program at the receiving end of the transfer. A gateway links two systems that might not use the same Communication protocols and Data formatting structures. - HMS Industrial Networks by
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    • Hindi
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            • गेटवे
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            • एक ऐसा स्विचिंग नोड जो दो असमान नेटवर्कों के बीच संचार की अनुमति देने के लिए डेटा फॉर्मेटों, सिग्नलिंग प्रोटोकॉलों और कभी-कभी पते की सूचना को रूपांतरित करता है। Definition from International Telecommunication Union as given above. Own research - by C.M. Rawal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • प्राइवेट इंटरनेट सेवा प्रदाताओं को अपने-अपने गेटवे स्थापित करने की अनुमति है। - DOT, Govt. of India by C.M. Rawal
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