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    • English
      • Investment / Securities
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          • Term
            • redemption fee
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          • Definition(s)
            • A sales charge or commission paid when an individual sells an investment, such as a mutual fund or an annuity. Intended to discourage withdrawals. Rafferty Capital Markets, LLC
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Unlike a back-end load, which profits the fund company, redemption fees go back into the fund itself and thus do not represent a net cost to shareholders. - by
            • In order to process a short-term redemption fee, shares of mutual funds that carry such a fee must be tracked, or aged, beginning at the time of purchase. Then, at the time of sale, shares must be examined to determine if they are subject to a redemption fee. - Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company by
            • A redemption fee is another type of fee that some funds charge their shareholders when the shareholders redeem their shares. Although a redemption fee is deducted from redemption proceeds just like a deferred sales load, it is not considered to be a sales load. - US Securities and Exchange Commission by
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    • Portuguese
      • Investment / Securities
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            • Taxa de resgate
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          • Definition(s)
            • No caso dos cotistas solicitarem resgate após o Prazo de Carência e entre o período compreendido entre 6 (seis) meses e 1 (um) dia após a data de aquisição das AÇÕES DA PETROBRAS e 12 (doze) meses desta data, será devida ao FUNDO uma taxa de resgate definida nos termos do item 8.5.1 abaixo (a "Taxa de Resgate"). Comissão de Valores Mobiliários - by Eric Yamagute
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 8.5.1 - A Taxa de Resgate será descontada do valor a ser pago ao cotista pelo FUNDO quando da realização do pagamento do resgate de suas quotas no prazo estabelecido no item 8.5. acima, a qual será calculada da seguinte forma: TR = N x D/2, onde TR = Taxa de Resgate N = número de cotas resgatadas D/2 = valor, em reais, resultante da divisão do desconto total obtido pelo FUNDO quando da aquisição das AÇÕES DA PETROBRAS, pelo número de cotas emitidas pelo FUNDO no momento da aquisição das AÇÕES DA PETROBRAS, dividido por dois. - CVM by Eric Yamagute
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    • Hindi
      • Investment / Securities
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            • मोचन शुल्क
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            • यह एक प्रकार का विक्रय शुल्क है, जो किसी निवेश जैसे म्युचुअल फंड आदि को बेचते समय दिया जाता है। Own research - by Amar Nath
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 5. मोचन शुल्क: एक पुराने ऋण के लिए, आप इसे पूर्व भुगतान दंड के प्रश्न में एजेंसी को देने हैं. वे आम तौर पर 6 महीने के ब्याज, से अधिक बकाया पूंजी की 3% नहीं हैं. आप इन दंड देना अनिवार्य, भले ही वे हामीदारी क्रेडिट बातचीत के जरिए किया गया है. वास्तव में, अनुबंध अब भी ऋण की मुक्ति के मामले बाहर. - Abomag by Amar Nath
            • म्युचुअल फंड के साथ संबद्ध लागत पर नहीं संचालन व्यय में शामिल लोड और मोचन शुल्क, जो कि, यदि वे लागू होते हैं, सीधे कोष निवेशक द्वारा भुगतान किया जाता है. - student of markets by Amar Nath
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    • Croatian
      • Investment / Securities
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            • izlazna naknada
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            • Trošak koji se ulagatelju naplaćuje pri izlazu iz fonda. Izražen je u postocima tj. pri prodaji udjela investicijskih fondova plaća se izlazna naknada. Iznos izlazne naknade određuje se za svaki fond pojedinačno. Own research - by Marina Pjevalica
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Izlazna naknada u PBZ Global fondu naplaćuje se za ulaganja kraća od jedne godine. U slučaju postojanja više uplata nastalih u različito vrijeme, u obračun izlazne naknade promatra se broj dana ulaganja svakog pojedinog udjela. Primjerice ako ste uplatiti 2. siječnja 1.000 kn, a 2. srpnja još 500 kn, a zahtjev za prodaju svih udjela podnijeli ste 5. siječnja sljedeće godine, izlazna naknada će se naplatiti samo na vrijednost udjela kupljenih u srpnju. Jednaka logika vrijedi i za PBZ Equity fond te PBZ I-Stock fond. - by Marina Pjevalica
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