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    • English
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • business incubator
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          • Definition(s)
            • A facility that supports the development and operation of a number of small start-up businesses. Tenants of the facility share a number of support services including computers, support staff, telecommunications equipment, and janitorial services. Occupants also may receive technical assistance, business planning, legal, financial, and marketing advice. U.S. House of Representatives
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Business incubation is a dynamic process of business enterprise development. Incubators nurture young firms, helping them to survive and grow during the startup period when they are most vulnerable. The goal of business incubators is to produce healthy firms that create jobs and wealth, strengthen the economy, commercialize new technologies and revitalize communities. - by
            • At the business incubator, we have been serving the needs of business owners for almost 20 years. We offer coaching, training, seminar and administrative support services to help grow existing businesses and kick start new business ideas. - Northern Alberta Business Incubator by
            • Your contribution supports the small business incubator itself, which cannot be maintained and improved solely with rents charged to its emerging business owners. - Cincinnati Business Incubator by
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    • Portuguese
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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          • Term
            • incubadora de empresas
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          • Definition(s)
            • Iniciativa que apoia a constituição de novas empresas, premiando e apoiando o empreendedorismo que está na sua base. wikipédia - by Alexandra Reimao
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Criada em 1996 e gerida, desde 1999, pela grupUNAVE, a Incubadora de Empresas da Universidade de Aveiro (IEUA) é uma Unidade Funcional que dá apoio a novas empresas de base tecnológica, de forma a fomentar o empreendedorismo na Universidade de Aveiro. A IEUA abre as portas aos alunos, docentes e investigadores desta academia, oferecendo um conjunto de meios facilitadores de um primeiro contacto com o mercado de trabalho. - Universidade de Aveiro by Alexandra Reimao
            • Incubação de Empresas O principal objectivo da Incubadora de Empresas da AIRV consiste na promoção e acompanhamento de empresas inovadoras na sua fase embrionária e de arranque, colocando-as num mesmo espaço físico e pondo ao seu dispor um conjunto de serviços e gabinetes com áreas individualizadas, proporcionando-lhe, desta forma, a inserção num ambiente empresarial, bem como as condições necessárias ao seu sucesso na fase inicial. - AIRV by Alexandra Reimao
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    • Bulgarian
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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            • бизнес инкубатор
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          • Definition(s)
            • Бизнес инкубаторът е комплексна програма, подпомагаща развитието и пазарната интеграция на стартиращи и разрастващи се фирми чрез предоставяне на общо ползвани услуги, помещения за техния бизнес и обучения. Бизнес инкубаторът създава подходяща атмосфера , стимулираща връзката между обществените средства и частния капитал, за да реагира на нуждите на микро и малките фирми в критични моменти от развитието им. Бизнес инкубатор - Мон - by Atanas Dakov
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Какво представлява Бизнес инкубаторът? Целта на бизнес инкубатора е да създаде благоприятни условия за стартиращи и съществуващи предприятия, които се нуждаят от производствена площ. БИ дава помещения под наем на фирми на цени под пазарните, като същевременно им предоставя възможност да се възползват от всички предлагани от БЦ услуги – технически, консултации, информация и обучения. Бизнес инкубаторът ще се утвърди като средище, където фирмите могат да се развиват и да получават подкрепа, докато не станат достатъчно конкурентоспособни, за да могат да се справят сами на пазара без външна помощ. Това ще укрепи частния сектор и ще подобри бизнес климата в региона. - Бизнес инкубатор - Мал by Atanas Dakov
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    • Finnish
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            • yrityshautomo
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            • Länsi-Uudenmaan Yrityshautomo Oy auttaa alkavia tai uudessa toimintavaiheessa olevia yrittäjiä ja yrityksiä menestykselliseen yritystoimintaan Länsi-Uudenmaan alueella. Länsi-Uudenmaan yrityshautomo - by PeeGee (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Laurean yrityshautomo - Hyvinvointiala on voimakkaassa murros- ja kasvuvaiheessa. Keskittyminen, kaupallistuminen ja kansainvälistyminen ovat alkaneet, ja ala tarjoaakin erinomaisia kehitysmahdollisuuksia. Yrityshautomo on mukana koko hyvinvointialan yrittäjyyden kehittämisessä ja edistämistoiminnassa Yrityshautomo tarjoaa tukipalveluita hyvinvointialan, yrityksille. Palvelut kattavat rahoitukseen, myyntiin, taloushallintoon, asiakassuhteiden hallinnointiin, henkilöstöpolitiikkaan, johtamiseen ja yrityksen kasvuun tähtääviä konsultointipalveluja sekä lainopillisen neuvonannon ja sopimusjuridiikan asiantuntijalausuntoja. - Laurea Ammattikorkeakoulu by PeeGee (X)
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    • Slovak
      • Business/Commerce (general)
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            • Podnikateľský inkubátor
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          • Definition(s)
            • Podnikateľský inkubátor slúži na podporu z rozvoj malých začínajúcich podnikov. Own research - by Michal Zugec
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Pri dosiahnutí stanoveného cieľa sme využili dotazník, ktorý sme predložili firmám sídliacim v Inkubátore Malacky.Diplomová práca pozostáva z troch kapitol. Prvá kapitola je zameraná na problematiku regionálnej politiky. Vysvetľujeme v nej pojem regionálneho rozvoja a regionálnej politiky. Zaoberáme sa dôvodmi existencie regionálnej politiky a opisujeme jej nástroje, ktoré slúžia na rozvoj regiónov. Druhá kapitola je zameraná na vysvetlenie fungovania podnikateľských inkubátorov. - Diplomová prááca by Michal Zugec
            • Technické vybavenie podnikateľského inkubátora v Kráľovskom Chlmci pre poskytnutie služieb MSP Technical appointment of the business Incubator in Kráľovský Chlmec for the SME`s support services - Phare by Michal Zugec
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