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    • Finnish
      • Government / Politics
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          • Term
            • Ruohonjuuritason liike
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          • Definition(s)
            • Ruohonjuuritason liike on kansalaisaktivismin puitteissa syntynyt ja kehittynyt, esimerkiksi jonkinlaiseen poliittisen vaikuttamiseen pyrkivä liike tai selvemmin organisoiduttuaan järjestö. Esimerkkinä voidaan mainita Vihreä liike, josta kehittyi Vihreä liitto eli poliittinen puolue. Own research - by HGU
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Empty Bowls on ruohonjuuritason liike taistelussa nälkää vastaan. - Unicef Suomi by HGU
            • Toiminta saa alkunsa ruohonjuuritasolta ja perustuu vapaaehtoisvoimin tehtävään työhön. Liike on toiminut eri lailla eri maissa - Attac by HGU
            • Vastavoimaksi syntyi pian ruohonjuuritason liike. Fiksut suomalaiset alkoivat varoittaa muukalaisvihan noususta. - Aamulehti by HGU
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    • Norwegian
      • Government / Politics
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            • Grasrotbevegelse
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          • Definition(s)
            • Grasrotbevegelse er en politisk eller kulturell aksjonsform som har sitt utspring i folket. Også slike bevegelser kan ha sine ideologer, talskvinner og talsmenn, og grasrotbevegelser kan gjerne gi støtte til ledere eller selv få en samlende person, men selve organisasjonsformen er likevel flat. Wikipedia - by Anita Girard-Skarstein
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Det er en kampanjeform, astroturf (se faktaramme), som vi må være på vakt mot, der store selskaper lager sine egne grasrotbevegelser og bruker masse reklamepenger på å få det til å se ut som det er skapt et engasjement nedenfra. - Kommunikasjonsforeningen by Anita Girard-Skarstein
            • Det er nå igangsatt en landsomfattende grasrotbevegelse som tar sikte på åkreve folkeavstemning mot EØS, og da krever det norske folk at vårepolitikere skal respektere folkets krav om folkestyre og grunnlovenssuverenitet! - Lydmisjon by Anita Girard-Skarstein
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    • English
      • Government / Politics
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          • Term
            • grassroots movement
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          • Definition(s)
            • A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one driven by the constituents of a community. The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it is natural and spontaneous, highlighting the differences between this and a movement that is orchestrated by traditional power structures. Wikipedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • It’s a common misconception that social movements occur spontaneously. Although usually requiring a spark to emerge into the public eye, movements result from decades of conscious and persistent grassroots movement building efforts. - exco
            • Grassroots organizing can be harder than it sounds: a mix of social networking, savvy funding, and judicious decision-making can go a long way. - eHow
            • Grassroots groups have increased their activity, newspapers and magazines have begun writing more about the issue, and a recent Wall Street Journal article showed that some high-end restaurants are rebelling -
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    • Bulgarian
      • Government / Politics
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          • Term
            • движение, инициирано отдолу (grass-root движение)
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          • Definition(s)
            • Движение, инициирано и възникнало от обикновените хора, а не наложено от управляващите. Own research - by Ivanka Dimitrova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Програмата на правителството на Япония за безвъзмездно подпомагане на проекти на местно ниво (съкратено GGP) има за цел отпускането на парични помощи за осъществяването на проекти от сравнително малък мащаб (с термина ‘grassroots’ в английския език се обозначават елементите на общността на местно ниво) в развиващи се страни. - by Ivanka Dimitrova
            • Техники за grass roots лобиране на АРНА. Повечето национални търговски организации и заинтересовани обществени групи започват да развиват grassroots мрежи с цел засилване на преките резултати от лобирането. - by Ivanka Dimitrova
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Croatian, Albanian, Chinese, Danish, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

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