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    • Finnish
      • Government / Politics
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          • Term
            • Ruohonjuuritason liike
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            • Ruohonjuuritason liike on kansalaisaktivismin puitteissa syntynyt ja kehittynyt, esimerkiksi jonkinlaiseen poliittisen vaikuttamiseen pyrkivä liike tai selvemmin organisoiduttuaan järjestö. Esimerkkinä voidaan mainita Vihreä liike, josta kehittyi Vihreä liitto eli poliittinen puolue. Own research - by HGU
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Empty Bowls on ruohonjuuritason liike taistelussa nälkää vastaan. - Unicef Suomi by HGU
            • Toiminta saa alkunsa ruohonjuuritasolta ja perustuu vapaaehtoisvoimin tehtävään työhön. Liike on toiminut eri lailla eri maissa - Attac by HGU
            • Vastavoimaksi syntyi pian ruohonjuuritason liike. Fiksut suomalaiset alkoivat varoittaa muukalaisvihan noususta. - Aamulehti by HGU
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    • Albanian
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            • lëvizje popullore, e masave, e bazës
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            • Lëvizja popullore/e masave/e bazës është një lëvizje politike e cila zë fill në mënyrë spontane, e paorganizuar nga ndonjë forcë politike e njohur por, me shtysë problemet e acaruara, jetike të një mase njerëzish të cilët vetorganizohen dhe veprojnë si një forcë për ta bërë zërin e tyre të dëgjueshëm nga qendrat e pushtetit. Own research - by Albana Dhimitri
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Atdhetarët në krye të *lëvizjes popullore*, bashkërenduan mbarë forcat kombëtare - Studime Historike by Albana Dhimitri
            • Bazë - Organet më të ulëta, zakonisht ato të rretheve, kundrejt aparatit qendror të administratës shtetërore e të organizatave politike-shoqërore; ndërmarrjet e prodhimit, institucionet lokale ose vartëse dhe rrethet kundrejt institucioneve qendrore drejtuese e qendrës. Qendra dhe baza. Organet (punonjësit) e bazës. Mendimi (zëri) i bazës. Punoj (shkoj, zbres) në bazë. Vjen nga baza. Lidhem me bazën. Ndihmon (forcon) bazën. - Wikitionary by Albana Dhimitri
            • ....ishte një *Lëvizje e masave të gjëra popullore*, sepse mbronte interesat ... - radiokosovaelire by Albana Dhimitri
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    • English
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            • grassroots movement
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            • A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement) is one driven by the constituents of a community. The term implies that the creation of the movement and the group supporting it is natural and spontaneous, highlighting the differences between this and a movement that is orchestrated by traditional power structures. Wikipedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • It’s a common misconception that social movements occur spontaneously. Although usually requiring a spark to emerge into the public eye, movements result from decades of conscious and persistent grassroots movement building efforts. - exco
            • Grassroots organizing can be harder than it sounds: a mix of social networking, savvy funding, and judicious decision-making can go a long way. - eHow
            • Grassroots groups have increased their activity, newspapers and magazines have begun writing more about the issue, and a recent Wall Street Journal article showed that some high-end restaurants are rebelling -
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    • Japanese
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            • 草の根運動
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            • EX. 草の根運動(よく政治活動に混在)してはいるが。。。(ウイキぺディア殻の抜粋) A grassroots movement (often referenced in the context of a political movement)。。 from Wikipedia 英語で言い表すGrassroot Activities と同じ[ 草の根活動]、Grassroot movement草の根運動と表現されています。 Wikipedia - by ykamada
          • Example sentence(s)
            • アフリカン・アメリカン(ニュー・アフリカン)組織がマルコムXの草の根運動を行った The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is an organization of Afrikans in America (new Afrikans) - MXGM by ykamada
            • 草の根運動(くさのねうんどう)は、支配階級ではなく被支配階級(一般市民層・大衆)による連帯・連携運動 - ウイキぺディア (検索:草� by ykamada
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    • Bulgarian
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            • движение, инициирано отдолу (grass-root движение)
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            • Движение, инициирано и възникнало от обикновените хора, а не наложено от управляващите. Own research - by Ivanka Dimitrova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Програмата на правителството на Япония за безвъзмездно подпомагане на проекти на местно ниво (съкратено GGP) има за цел отпускането на парични помощи за осъществяването на проекти от сравнително малък мащаб (с термина ‘grassroots’ в английския език се обозначават елементите на общността на местно ниво) в развиващи се страни. - by Ivanka Dimitrova
            • Техники за grass roots лобиране на АРНА. Повечето национални търговски организации и заинтересовани обществени групи започват да развиват grassroots мрежи с цел засилване на преките резултати от лобирането. - by Ivanka Dimitrova
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    • Spanish
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            • movimiento de base
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            • Los movimientos de base, según la teoría sociológica son grupos de personas que surgen debido a que tienen preocupaciones o ideales comunes, estos grupos están formados por personas comunes y quienes, en general, no son consideradas como líderes políticos ApiaVirtual » Taller del CEDES y el Movimiento de Base MagisteralTaller del CEDES y el Movimiento de Base Magisteral. El Movimiento de Bases Magisteriales en coordinación con el Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo Educativo ... - 46k - En caché - Páginas similares IFEX :: Movimiento de base indio combate por derecho a la informaciónLa organización, un movimiento de base formado por agricultores y trabajadores, ha obtenido notables victorias en el combate por defender el derecho a ... - 26k - En caché - Páginas similares Paradojas de los trastornos del movimiento Own research - by Rocio Barrientos
          • Example sentence(s)
            • el movimiento de base se ha desarrollado hacia posturas más combativas, Otra propia Los movimientos de base, ahora ya organizados, se convierten en fuerzas activas en el ámbito nacional - by Rocio Barrientos
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    • Portuguese
      • Government / Politics
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          • Term
            • movimento de base
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          • Definition(s)
            • Movimento de base é o movimento social constituído para a defesa de interesses e direitos de pessoas ou grupos desfavorecidos social, política ou economicamente, criado e mantido pelos próprios interessados ou titulares desses direitos. Own research - by Ana Botelho
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Michael Guerrero é coordenador da rede norte-americana Grassroots Global Justice (Justiça Global das Bases), uma aliança de 42 organizações que atuam diretamente com movimentos de base nos Estados Unidos. A rede reúne camponeses(as), trabalhadores(as), afrodescendentes e indígenas que lutam contra o imperialismo norte-americano e contra políticas domésticas em vigor nos Estados Unidos. - Portal IBASE by Ana Botelho
            • Todos esses movimentos de base tiveram um grande impulso de importantes setores das Igrejas que estiveram comprometidos com a construção da cidadania e a transformação da sociedade a partir dos empobrecidos. - Site de Leonardo Boff by Ana Botelho
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