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    • English
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            • break-even
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          • Definition(s)
            • The point of business activity when total revenue equals total expenses. Above the break-even point, the business is making a profit. Below the break-even point, the business is incurring a loss.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • On the surface, break-even analysis is a tool to calculate at which sales volume the variable and fixed costs of producing your product will be recovered. Another way to look at it is that the break-even point is the point at which your product stops costing you money to produce and sell, and starts to generate a profit for your company. - Weatherhead School of Management
            • Generally, an initial break-even analysis focuses on a relatively narrow range of sales volume in which variable costs are simple to calculate. - JBV's Competitive Edge
            • A senior executive at Associated Newspapers has predicted that the London freesheet it is launching today will break even within four years, sooner than expected in its original business plan. -
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    • Chinese
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            • 收支平衡;盈亏平衡;收支相抵;扯平
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            • Also break.e.ven Marked by or indicating a balance of investment and return; having or showing neither profit nor loss. 也作 break.e.ven 得失相当的,不盈不亏的:表明或显示投资和盈利持衡的;显示或标明不盈不亏的 n.(名词) The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.Also called break-even point 盈亏平衡点:尤指在出售货物或服务的水平上,投资的收益与投资的数量恰好相等的一点也作 break-even point An Online Dictionary - by Frank Wang
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 收支平衡点(Break-even Point)就是收益与损失相等的那一点, 它能够反映投资何时将产生积极回报。 收支平衡点也是销售收入与成本费用相等的那一点, 或者是总成本与总收入相等的那一点。 在收支平衡点处,既没有盈利,也没有损失。 在制定价格和决定边际利润之后,收支平衡点就成了盈利水平的底线,因此,在经营管理中,把握好收支平衡点非常重要。 - 12MANAGE by Frank Wang
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    • Vietnamese
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            • hòa vốn
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            • Hòa vốn = break-even Điểm hòa vốn = break-even point definition wiki - by Chien Nguyen
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Điểm hòa vốn là điểm mà tại đó doanh thu bán ra vừa đủ để bù đắp tất cả các chi phí, bao gồm chi phí cố định (định phí) và chi phí khả biến (biến phí). Điều này có nghĩa là tại điểm hòa vốn người sản xuất không thu được lãi, nhưng cũng không bị lỗ - wiki by Chien Nguyen
            • Điểm hòa vốn là một trong những khái niệm quan trọng và cơ bản trong công việc kinh doanh. Tại điểm này doanh thu bán ra vừa đủ để bù đắp tất cả các khoản chi phí (gồm chi phí cố định và chi phí biến đổi). Hay nói cách khác, tại điểm này doanh nghiệp sẽ không thu được lợi nhuận nhưng cũng không bị lỗ. - viet finance by Chien Nguyen
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    • Portuguese
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            • ponto de equilíbrio (financeiro)
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            • O ponto de equilíbrio financeiro corresponde ao valor do activo subjacente, em que o investidor não perde nem ganha. Para os call warrants, tal ponto de equilíbrio é igual ao preço de exercício acrescido do preço pago pelo warrant. IAPMEI - by Carla Lopes
          • Example sentence(s)
            • O que é ponto de equilíbrio? Ponto de equilíbrio é o valor ou a quantidade que a empresa precisa vender para cobrir o custo das mercadorias vendidas, as despesas variáveis e as despesas fixas. No ponto de equilíbrio, a empresa não terá lucro nem prejuízo. - SEBRAE SP by Carla Lopes
            • Mas como calcular? Em primeiro lugar é preciso relacionar todos os custos que a empresa possui e depois classificá-los em fixos e variáveis. O grande cuidado nesse momento é não errar na classificação. Fixos são aqueles que independem das vendas, não estando relacionados ao faturamento da empresa, já o variáveis são aqueles que só existem quando ocorrem as vendas. Após classificar, devemos encontrar o total do custo fixo e do variável e, para esse último, devemos verificar a proporção, ou seja, o percentual que ele representa das vendas. Para isso para basta dividir do total do Custo Variável pelo total das Vendas em determinado período. Do resultado dessa conta, encontraremos um índice. - PEGN by Carla Lopes
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    • Latvian
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            • peļņas slieksnis
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            • Definition: 1. Peļņas slieksnis ir kopējo izdevumu līknes zemākais punkts. Ja cena atrodas šajā līmenī, peļņa ir vienāda ar nulli. Definition: 2. Peļņas slieksnis ir ražošanas un pārdošanas apjoms, kas, pastāvot noteiktam cenas līmenim, nodrošina ražošanas izmaksu segšanu. Palielinot ražošanas apjomu aiz Δ, sāk rasties peļņa. Eurotermbank - by Ieva Kupruka
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Iespējams, stāvokli mainīs izmaksu pieaugums saistībā ar Atkritumu poligonu direktīvas prasībām un augošā informētība par atkritumu poligonu „reālajām” ilgtermiņa izmaksām. Tāpat citu apsaimniekošanas paņēmienu izmaksas vismaz daļēji var kompensēt ieņēmumi no enerģijas reģenerācijas un produktiem. Šīs izmaksas var pat pietuvināties peļņas slieksnim, kas tās padara ekonomiski pievilcīgākas par apglabāšanu poligonos. - by Ieva Kupruka
            • Gluži tāpat kā iepriekš minētajā gadījumā arī šajā ir minimālās peļņas slieksnis, kuru pārsniedzot rodas iespēja iegūt nopelnīto naudiņu, taču kompānija līgumā rezervējusi sev tiesības samaksu aizkavēt pat līdz 4 mēnešiem. - Apollo by Ieva Kupruka
            • Laiks līdz ienākšanai tirgū ir 2–5 gadus īsāks. Būt pirmajam jaunā tirgū — tā ir priekšrocība, ko nevar novērtēt pārāk augstu, un tā atmaksājas, jo kopējās investīcijas ir mazākas, tiek ātrāk sasniegts peļņas slieksnis, un tiek nostiprināta agrīno tirgus jaunpienācēju konkurētspēja, no kuriem daudzi varētu būt MVU. - by Ieva Kupruka
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