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    • Polish
      • Petroleum Eng/Sci
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          • Term
            • porowatość
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            • Stosunek objętości porów, czyli pustek (wolnych przestrzeni) skały do całej objętości skały zbiornikowej, którą mogą zajmować gaz, ropa, woda; podawany najczęściej w postaci procentowej. Own research - by barwin
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            • Do najważniejszych parametrów charakteryzujących strukturę materiałów porowatych należą: - porowatość objętościowa, - przepuszczalność, - powierzchnia właściwa. - INSTRUKCJA DO ĆWICZEŃ by barwin
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    • English
      • Petroleum Eng/Sci
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            • porosity
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            • The volume of spaces within rock that might contain oil and gas (like the amount of water a sponge can hold); the open or void space within rock – usually expressed as a percentage of the total rock volume. Thus porosity measures the capacity of the rock to hold natural gas, crude oil or water. Canadian Association Petroleum Producers
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            • The porosity profile in any individual well depends on the maximum effective stress, which is generally determined by the maximum burial depth. - U.S. Geological Survey
            • Carbonate reservoirs have lower values of median and maximum porosity for a given burial depth, probably because of greater chemical reactivity of carbonate minerals relative to quartz and the resulting lower resistance to chemical compaction and associated cementation. - GeoScienceWorld
            • Porosity and permeability reduction due to burial and compaction acts differently on different sediment types. Sandstone is more resistant to porosity and perm reduction due to compaction, whereas shales and siltstone are generally more prone to perm reduction. - All Experts
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    • Romanian
      • Petroleum Eng/Sci
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            • porozitate
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            • Porozitatea reprezinta raportul dintre volumul total al porilor, fisurilor, golurilor si volumul total al rocii. Dictionar geotehnic. Termeni geotehnici. Dictionar geotehnic - by Cristian Nicolaescu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • porozitate, (engl.= porosity) caracter structural al rocilor prin care se apreciaza volumul golurilor (Vg) in raport cu volumul total al rocii (Vb), dupa relatia: P = Vg/Vb. Golurile pot fi izolate sau pot comunica intre ele. „Coeficientul de p. sau porozitatea" poate fi: p. absoluta (Pa) - raportul dintre volumul tuturor porilor (Vp) si volumul brut al rocii (Vb), conform relatiei: Pa = Vp/Vb si p. efectiva (Pe) - raportul dintre suma volumelor tuturor spatiilor goale care comunica intre ele (Vl) si volumul brut al rocii, conform relatiei: Pe = Vl/Vb. P. dinamica permite aprecierea volumului porilor prin care se realizeaza o deplasare efectiva a fluidelor intr-o roca. P. poate fi primara sau remanenta (exprima - in cazul rocilor sedimentare detritice - spatiile ramase dupa acumularea clastelor) si secundara sau postdepozitionala (aparuta ca efect al dizolvarii selective a cristalelor constituente ale liantului dintre granule). P. unui sediment scade progresiv cu adancimea de ingropare a acestuia; ea variaza in limite largi, in functie de natura mineralogica a sedimentului. Sedimentele si rocile argiloase au p. intre 25-90%, nisipurile intre 30-50%, pietrisurile slab sortate intre 25-35%, loessul intre 40-60% etc. - THE GEO SERVER OF BUCHAREST UNIVERSITY by Cristian Nicolaescu
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