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    • Chinese
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            • 收支平衡;盈亏平衡;收支相抵;扯平
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            • Also break.e.ven Marked by or indicating a balance of investment and return; having or showing neither profit nor loss. 也作 break.e.ven 得失相当的,不盈不亏的:表明或显示投资和盈利持衡的;显示或标明不盈不亏的 n.(名词) The point, especially the level of sales of a good or service, at which the return on investment is exactly equal to the amount invested.Also called break-even point 盈亏平衡点:尤指在出售货物或服务的水平上,投资的收益与投资的数量恰好相等的一点也作 break-even point An Online Dictionary - by Frank Wang
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 收支平衡点(Break-even Point)就是收益与损失相等的那一点, 它能够反映投资何时将产生积极回报。 收支平衡点也是销售收入与成本费用相等的那一点, 或者是总成本与总收入相等的那一点。 在收支平衡点处,既没有盈利,也没有损失。 在制定价格和决定边际利润之后,收支平衡点就成了盈利水平的底线,因此,在经营管理中,把握好收支平衡点非常重要。 - 12MANAGE by Frank Wang
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    • Romanian
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            • prag de rentabilitate
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            • Prag de rentabilitate (Breakeven point) (1) In general: punctul in care veniturile din vanzari egaleaza costurile. Acest punct este determinat de catre analiza pragului de rentabilitate cu care se calculeaza volumul vanzarilor la care totalul costurilor fixe si variabile vor fi acoperite. Toate vanzarile care se fac peste pragul de rentabilitate vor genera profit; scaderea vanzarilor sub acest prag va produce pierderi. (2) In investitii: pret la care o tranzactie nu produce nici profit nici pierdere. In strategiile cu optiuni, pragul de rentabilitate se calculeaza astfel: (a) optiuni call long si optiuni call short neacoperite: pretul de exercitare plus prima; (b) optiuni put long si optiuni put short neacoperite: pretul de exercitare minus prima; (c) optiuni call short acoperite: pretul de cumparare minus prima; (d) optiuni put short acoperite si actiunea de baza short: pretul de vanzare short a actiunii de baza, plus prima. - by Mihai Badea (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La trei ani dupa ce deschis primul hypermarket in Bucuresti, grupul francez Hyparlo, care asigura managementul retelei de magazine Carrefour in Romania incepe sa simta in conturile sale ca nu s-a inselat atunci cand a ignorat statisticile si a decis sa se implice pe piata romaneasca. Pragul de rentabilitate a fost depasit, iar de anul acesta compania ar putea realiza chiar profit. - Ziarul financiar by Mihai Badea (X)
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    • Greek
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            • νεκρό σημείο
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            • 1. Make neither profit nor loss. 2. Attain a level at which there is neither gain nor loss, as in business, gambling, or a competitive sport. webster's dictionary - by Assimina Vavoula
          • Example sentence(s)
            •,el&lng2=da,de,el,en,es,fr,it,nl,pt,&val=301820:cs&page= Although, according to the business plan, the break-even point is to be expected only after [...] years (which means that the cumulative operating result will be positive in [...]), a positive operating result is expected in [...] if the cumulative initial losses are disregarded. Παρά το ότι, σύμφωνα με το επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο, το νεκρό σημείο εκμετάλλευσης αναμένεται να επιτευχθεί μόλις μετά επτά χρόνια (δηλ. τα σωρευτικά αποτελέσματα εκμετάλλευσης θα καταστούν θετικά το [. . .]), αναμένονται θετικά αποτελέσματα εκμετάλλευσης για το [. . .], αν δεν ληφθούν υπόψη οι αρχικές σωρευτικές ζημίες. - by Assimina Vavoula
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    • Vietnamese
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            • hòa vốn
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            • Hòa vốn = break-even Điểm hòa vốn = break-even point definition wiki - by Chien Nguyen
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Điểm hòa vốn là điểm mà tại đó doanh thu bán ra vừa đủ để bù đắp tất cả các chi phí, bao gồm chi phí cố định (định phí) và chi phí khả biến (biến phí). Điều này có nghĩa là tại điểm hòa vốn người sản xuất không thu được lãi, nhưng cũng không bị lỗ - wiki by Chien Nguyen
            • Điểm hòa vốn là một trong những khái niệm quan trọng và cơ bản trong công việc kinh doanh. Tại điểm này doanh thu bán ra vừa đủ để bù đắp tất cả các khoản chi phí (gồm chi phí cố định và chi phí biến đổi). Hay nói cách khác, tại điểm này doanh nghiệp sẽ không thu được lợi nhuận nhưng cũng không bị lỗ. - viet finance by Chien Nguyen
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    • Hebrew
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            • נקודת איזון
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            • נקודה שבה ההוצאות (המשתנות והקבועות) במכירות - או בתהליך ייצור - שוות להכנסות, הווה אומר: נקודת חיתוך בין השניים כשהתוצאה המתקבלת אינה רווח ואינה הפסד. כל עלייה בהכנסות מעל סכום שבו קיים איזון תיצור לפירמה רווח תפעולי, ולעומת זאת, כל ירידה בהכנסות אל מתחת לסכום שבו קיים איזון תיצור לפירמה הפסד תפעולי. בעת תכנון, נקודת האיזון משתנה ככל שמשתנות ההנחות בדבר עלויות והכנסות. מעות - אגרון הכלכלה - by Ron Armon
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Break-even analysis: ניתוח נקודת איזון: כלי טכני פשוט שלעיתים קשה ליישום. בודק באיזו נקודה יש להימצא מבחינת פעילות כדי שהפירמה תהיה רווחית, לפי העלויות הקבועות והמשתנות. השאיפה המינימלית היא כיסוי ההוצאות הקבועות (FC - יסודות הניהול - דר אבי� by Ron Armon
            • מהי נקודת איזון? נקודת איזון הינה מינוח טרמינולוגי חשבונאי - תמחירי המתאר מצב מאוד ייחודי בו, נמצא העסק. מצב המאופיין ע"י שיווי משקל בין תוצאת רווח, לתוצאת הפסד. - The Marker Cafe by Ron Armon
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    • Italian
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            • punto di pareggio, andare in pareggio, chiudere in pareggio, raggiungere il punto di pareggio
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            • Si raggiunge il punto di pareggio (break even) quando i ricavi totali di un'attività relativi a uno o più prodotti o servizi eguagliano i costi totali (dati dalla somma di costi fissi e costi variabili), pertanto dove non si hanno nè profitti nè perdite. Tale punto viene solitamente espresso in termini di unità di prodotto o fatturato. Qualora si sia al di sotto del punto di pareggio si hanno perdite, qualora si sia al di sopra si hanno profitti. Own research - by marcoderrico
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In economia aziendale, il punto di pareggio o break even point (abbreviato in BEP) è un valore che indica la quantità, espressa in volumi di produzione o fatturato, di prodotto venduto necessaria per coprire i costi precedentemente sostenuti, al fine dunque di chiudere il periodo di riferimento senza profitti né perdite. - Wikipedia by marcoderrico
            • La break even analysis è il metodo che permette di conoscere come modificare i livelli di output per raggiungere il punto di pareggio tra costi e ricavi. - Wikipedia by marcoderrico
            • Il break even period (periodo di pareggio) è il periodo di tempo necessario per il recupero dell'esborso iniziale sostenuto nell'esercizio di un'impresa, calcolato col metodo della break even analysis. - Wikipedia by marcoderrico
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