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    • Bulgarian
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            • да хванеш падащ нож
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            • Да инвестираш в дългови инструменти сега все едно, както казват в професията, да се опитваш да хванеш падащ нож - by Andrei Vrabtchev
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Колега ти се опитваш да хванеш падащ нож и ще се порежеш.Перспективата ти е дългосрочен инвеститор тук.Не е препоръка. Напълно прав излезе колега !!! Вече се порязвам. Добре, че купих малко, ей така за спорта. Вчера мислех, че 14 е дъното, но май не е ?!? Отивам да пия една студена вода. - by Andrei Vrabtchev
            • Форекс Форексов написа: Storm, има една прастара трейдърска мъдрост "Не се опитвай да хванеш падащ нож". - by Andrei Vrabtchev
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    • Hebrew
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            • לתפוס סכין נופלת
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            • סכין נופלת היא מניה או מדד שנופלים בצורה חדה בזמן קצר מאוד (כמו מדד הנדל"ן למשל‭.(‬ ההמלצה הגורפת היא לא להתקרב למניות כאלה, כי הסיכון לפציעה חמורה הוא גדול. (ומכאן המשל הפיגורטיבי) NRG portal - המילון השלם למ� - by Ron Armon
          • Example sentence(s)
            • איזו השקעה שקולה לניסיון לתפוס סכין נופלת ואיזו היא הזדמנות חייכם. - MoneyTime - מגזין ההשקעות ה by Ron Armon
            • פרופ' דיוויד גלטנר, ראש החוג לנדל"ן במכון הטכנולוגי של מסצ'וסטס - אם.איי.טי. - מאמין שזה רק עניין של זמן עד שהמשבר יגיע גם לשם. "להשקיע עכשיו ישירות בנדל"ן זה כמו לנסות לתפוס סכין נופלת", הוא אומר, "אתה אף פעם לא יודע אם היא נמוכה מספיק. אם מסתכלים על הנעשה בשוק אפשר להסיק כי יש לנו לפחות עוד 8־10 חודשים של ירידת מחירים בשוק הנדל"ן האמריקני". - Ynet - Economy by Ron Armon
            • נראה שיועציו הכלכליים של אובמה לא סיפרו לו שתחתית נקבעת רק בדיעבד וש"אסור לנסות לתפוס סכין נופלת" (Never Try to Catch a Falling Knife). - כסף | ניירות ערך | השקע� by Ron Armon
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    • Korean
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            • 떨어지는 칼날 잡기
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            • 떨어지는 칼: 현 가치 또는 가격이 짧은 기간 내에 급격히 떨어진 증권 또는 산업을 일컫는 속어. 떨어지는 칼 증권은 다시 오를 수도 있지만 회사가 파산해서 주식 지분이 가치가 없게 될 경우엔 모든 가치를 손실할 수도 있다. 매일경제 - by Yeonsoon
          • Example sentence(s)
            • “Never try to catch a falling knife” ->“떨어지는 칼날을 잡으려 하지 마라” (갑자기 폭락하는 주식은 사지 말라는 의미로 쓰이는 속담) - 매일경제 by Yeonsoon
            • 크레디리요네 증권(CL)은 아시아시장이 98년 위기 이후 최고의 투자기회를 제공하고 있다고 밝혔다. . . . (생략) . . . 시장의 투자심리는 매우 위축돼 있고 주식은 과매도된 상태이지만 바닥이 조만간 다가올 것이며 몇몇 종목에 대해서는 1차 매수(First Buy)에 들어가기를 원한다. 홍콩의 차이나모바일 청콩 HSBC, 싱가포르의 DBS그룹 DBS랜드 싱가포르텔레콤, 대만의 TSMC UMC가 이같은 종목이다. 여기에 인도의 힌두스탄레버 인포시스 릴라이언스, 한국의 한국전력(2만6,000원 이하 매수), 주택은행(2만6,000원), 국민은행(1만3,000원)에 대해서도 비중확대를 권한다. "떨어지는 칼날을 잡는 전략(the catch a falling knife strategy)이 될 이같은 첫번째 매수(First Buy)이후에는 보다 많은 종목을 추천할 수 있는 신호에 대해 논의할 것이다. . . . - 머니투데이 by Yeonsoon
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    • English
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            • to catch a falling knife
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            • To catch a falling knife is a phrase used in investing terminology to describe a risky investment strategy. If you buy a stock that is dramatically lowering in value, you do so in the hopes that it will rebound shortly after you purchase it. The danger in trying to catch a falling knife is that the stock will continue to drop, causing you to lose money on an increasingly worthless investment. The phrase is a metaphor based on the idea that if you literally try to catch a falling knife, you may cut your hand. wiseGEEK - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Buy, sell or hold? I think it is too late to sell. The question in my mind is whether to “catch a falling knife” or wait until there is some confirmation of a bottom in technical or fundamental terms. - by Enrique Cavalitto
            • The phrase perfectly captures the dangers of buying into a declining market. To do so is like trying to catch a falling knife: the momentum is all down, and we all know what happens to those who grasp a razor-sharp blade in mid-air. - Charles Hugh Smith by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Bargain-hunters tempted by the banks' falling share prices should beware the Square Mile adage; it's dangerous to catch a falling knife. - by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • French
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            • jouer contre le marché
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            • stratégie qui consiste à acheter les titres qui perdent de leur valeur et à vendre ceux qui gagnent de la valeur. Own research - by Béatrice Huret-Morton
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Pour être totalement gagnant il faudrait jouer presque tout le temps en phase avec le marché, *mais* en prédisant ses retournements quelques instants avant qu'ils arrivent. Bien sûr, à ce niveau, c'est impossible. Cependant vouloir jouer contre le marché sur la base d'une analyse plus poussée que celle de la majorité des intervenants, c'est comme vouloir arréter une vague avec ses mains tendues. - Nouvelle république by Béatrice Huret-Morton
            • Mais Nick avait fait quelques erreurs, et s'il avait su rattraper les premières d'entre elles, il accumulait depuis les pertes sur un compte fictif. Les volumes croissants qu'il traitait servaient désormais à camoufler ses pertes. Il persistait à jouer contre le marché, espérant qu'un retournement du Yen lui permettrait de se rattraper. Il avait engagé les fonds de la banque et les pertes se chiffraient maintenant en milliards de dollars. - Encyclopédie du cinéma by Béatrice Huret-Morton
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  • Compare this term in: Arabic, Chinese, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish

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