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    • English
      • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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          • Term
            • gaffer
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          • Definition(s)
            • The gaffer is an electrician who manages the lighting in a film production. This position is both technical and creative — responsibilities can include everything from setting up portable generators to creating certain mood effects with lights. In television this position is often referred to as the chief lighting technician.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Also, there may be a research aspect involved in each project, depending on the subject matter and historical significance, etc. Gaffers need to understand lighting in relation to the historical context and desired ambience of each production. When working on smaller productions gaffers may have a bigger say in the artistic qualities of the lighting and attend production meetings to discuss lighting needs and special effects with directors. - The EI Group by
            • Ideally, the gaffer is able to execute his lighting plan while standing with the director of photography and looking at the shot from the camera, while the best boy and electricians adjust the lights. - by
            • Though the Director of Photography very much has a picture in his mind of the way he would like the scene to look, he draws upon the Gaffers in-depth knowledge of lighting stock to produce the required effect. The gaffer will also understand the logistical implications of how best to do this. - Hubpages Inc. by
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    • Japanese
      • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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            • (映画・テレビ製作の)照明主任
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          • Definition(s)
            • 映画や舞台(コンサートも含む)で照明全般を統括する電気技師のこと。 Own research - by Yasutomo Kanazawa
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 1987年に著名な撮影監督のサッシャ・ヴィエルニの照明主任として『数に溺れて』の撮影からキャリアをスタートさせる。グリーナウェイ監督のすべての作品に参加しているだけでなく、照明デザインや舞台デザインで、グリーナウェイのローマ、ヴェニス、ロンドン、ウィーン、パリの展覧会に参加。94年のグリーナウェイ監督のオペラ“Rosa”で照明デザインを担当した。他にもベン・ソムボハールト(『アンナとロッテ』)監督の作品に撮影監督として参加。 - レンブラントの夜警 by Yasutomo Kanazawa
            • クルー プログラムに参加する各生徒が自分の映画の台本を書き、ディレクトしますが、映画製作は合作芸術であることを理解することも重要です。生徒は、4人から成るクルーを作り、次の主要職務を交替で果たし、貴重な体験を得ることになります。  ●ライター/ディレクター/編集者/プロデューサー  ●撮影ディレクター  ●アシスタントカメラ  ●照明主任/裏方   クルー全員に照明パッケージおよびカメラパッケージ(Arriflex 16-Sカメラ)が与えられます。 - フィルムメイキング・イング� by Yasutomo Kanazawa
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    • Macedonian
      • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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            • Мајстор на светло
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          • Definition(s)
            • Мајсторот на светло е одговорен за осветлувањето во филмска, телевизиска или театарска продукција. Own research - by Daniel Todorovski
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Школување за тие кадри нема, за мајстор на светло, за мајстор на сцена - фариста, за реквизитер, па тие тоа мора да го научат во пракса. - Утрински весник by Daniel Todorovski
            • Од Хрватска во "техниката" се ангажирани Марјан Кљаиќ, мајстор на светло, Самир Кадриќ и Зденко Биланџија, осветлители Ивица Катона, камера лоадер и Томислав Фогец, микроман, а од Македонија: Владимир Анастасов, директор на филм, Роберт Јазаџиски, менаџер на локации, Бранд Ферро, снимател, Кирил Спасески, арт-директор, Маја Милановиќ и Биљана Драгичевиќ, асистенти на режија. - Дневник by Daniel Todorovski
            • Снимателот и камерманот се дел од продукцијска, филмска или ТВ екипа, во која се наоѓаат и режисер, сценарист, продуцент, мајстор на светло, тон-снимател, асистенти и останати технички професии кои работат во снимања на терен или во ТВ-студио. - КОДЕКС на снимателите by Daniel Todorovski
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