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    • Slovenian
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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          • Term
            • kontrolni paket
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          • Definition(s)
            • Kontrolni paket je paket informacij, ki se uporablja v komunikacijskem omrežju in določa parametre za prenos podatkov. Od identifikacije pošiljatelja in prejemnika, velikosti itd. Own research - by Milan Bedrač
          • Example sentence(s)
            • KONTROLA PRETOKA * uporablja se na drugi plasti * eksplicitna: xon(nadaljuj)/xoff(nehaj) * implicitna: drseče okno uporablja tudi TCP * - širina okna = n - največ n nepotrjenih PPE Če je n=2 potem po drugem oddanem paketu čakamo na potrditev. Prej potrditev ni. Kontrolni paket pove da gre za potrditev, tip pa pove za kako potrditev gre. - FRI e-učilnica by Milan Bedrač
            • Primera kontroliranega dostopa sta protokola lokalnih omrežij s prenosom žetona po vodilu (token-passing bus) in s prenosom žetona po obrocu (token-passing ring). V obeh primerih ''žeton'' (majhen kontrolni paket) kroži med komunikacijskimi postajami. - Mariborska univerza by Milan Bedrač
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    • Croatian
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • Kontrolni paket
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            • Kontrolni paket je paket instrukcija koje se salju periodicki u određenoj mreži kako bi se osigurala točnost prijenosa informacija. Ima više vrsta kontrolnih paketa, ovisno o glavnoj namjeni. Own research - by mlautar
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Protokol koristi kontrolni paket koji za vrijeme nezauzetosti stanica kruži duž prstena. On odobrava pristup mediju. Stanica koja želi slati paket mora čekati sve dok ne detektira prolaz kontrolnog paketa te onda prilijepi svoje podatke na njega (pretvara ga u novi kontrolni paket promjenom jednog bita, što znači da ona kopira svoj paket bit po bit te tako šalje cijeli paket). - FER by mlautar
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    • Hindi
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • नियंत्रण पैकेट
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            • एन्कैप्स्यूलेशन स्वरूपण विकल्पो, पैकेटों के आकार की सीमाओं, लिंक सेटअप, सहभागी प्रमाणीकरण स्थापित करने या नेटवर्क परत प्रोटोकॉल प्रबंधन के लिए प्रयुक्त लिंक-नियंत्रण या नेटवर्क-नियंत्रण पैकेट. A link-control or network-control packet used for establishing encapsulation format options, size limits of packets, link setup, peer authentication, or network layer protocol management. Own research - by C.M. Rawal
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    • Korean
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • 제어 패킷
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            • 프로토콜, 패킷 사이즈, 연결 승인 등과 같이 연결 제어 또는 네트워크 제어에 관련된 패킷 Own research - by English2Korean
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 광역망,프레임릴레이 1. 프레임 릴레이 개요 지금까지 DTE와 공중 패킷 교환 데이터 망 (packet switched public data network) 간의 데이터 전송 표준 프로토콜로써 가장 많이 사용되었던 것은 X.25이다. X.25는 가상 회선의 연결과 해제에 사용되는 제어 패킷들과 사용자의 데이터 전송에 사용되는 데이터 패킷들이 같은 채널을 통하여 전송 (in-band signaling)되기 때문에 그것들이 각기 다른 채널로 전송 (out-of-band signaling)되는 방식에 비해 더 많은 오버 헤드를 갖게 된다. 또한, X.25는 가상 회선의 다중화가 계층 3 (패킷 계층)에서 수행되므로 이를 위해 데이터는 반드시 계층 3까지 도달하여야 하고, 흐름 제어와 에러 제어가 계층 2 (링크 계층)와 계층 3에 중복되어 있는 탓에 패킷들의 전달 과정에서 많은 오버 헤드를 발생시킨다. ..... - 엔 시스의 정보보호(보안) 따� by English2Korean
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    • English
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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          • Term
            • control packet
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            • A link-control or network-control packet used for establishing encapsulation format options, size limits of packets, link setup, peer authentication, or network layer protocol management. Novell Glossary of terms
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Egress firewall filters affect the flow of data packets that are transmitted from the switch's interfaces but do not affect the flow of locally generated control packets from the Routing Engine. - Juniper Network
            • This one-period delay is further guaranteed by well designed compensation for control packet dropout. - Queensland University of Technology
            • The performance of MDSR has been compared with that of the basic DSR for different network densities and for different mobility of nodes. Simulation results show that MDSR gives fewer control packets, less latency and a higher packet delivery ratio than DSR. - Wiley InterScience
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    • Chinese
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • 控制分组
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            • 控制分组在WDM传输链路中的某一特定信道中传送,每一个突发的数据分组对应于一个控制分组,并且控制无组先于数据分组传送,通过“数据报”或“虚电路”路由模式指定路由器分配空闲信道,实现数据信道的带宽资源动态分配。 天极网 - by Han Li
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            • 到达的网络业务根据其目的地址和服务质量QoS 到达不同的组装器组装成突发,然后突发数据和控制分组分离分别转交到全光数据信道和光电转换的控制信道。 - CNKI by Han Li
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    • German
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • Steuerpaket
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            • Steuerpaket: Auch als Signalisierungspaket, engl. Control Packet oder Signalling Packet, bezeichnet. Pakettyp zur Übertragung protokollgebundener Nachrichten (Steuernachrichten) zur schichtbezogenen Kommunikationssteuerung, beispielsweise zur Übertragung von Steuernachrichten im Rahmen des ISDN-Protokolls DSS1 oder zur Verbindungssteuerung (Verbindungsaufbau, Verbindungskontrolle, Verbindungsabbau) in der Schicht 3 von X.25-Netzen. Datenschutz-Praxis - by Jenandra
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Spezielle Steuerpakete dienen dem Aufbau der Verbindung. - at-mix by Jenandra
            • Format für Daten- und Steuerpakete - Google Books by Jenandra
            • Um Kollisionen zu vermeiden, stellen 11g-Stationen ihrem 11g-Paket bei Anwesenheit von 11b-Hardware ein 11b-kompatibles Steuerpaket voran - Heise by Jenandra
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