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    • English
      • Finance (general)
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            • deleverage
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            • A company's attempt to decrease its financial leverage. The best way for a company to delever is to immediately pay off any existing debt on its balance sheet. If it is unable to do this, the company will be in significant risk of defaulting. Investopedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The Federal Reserve Chairman told an audience at the Chicago Federal Reserve Thursday that financial outfits need to deleverage and improve their ability to manage risk. -
            • As leveraged investors begin to feel pain in their portfolios, not only do they begin to question broader risk exposure in a much more meaningful manner, but many are both forced to and many choose to deleverage, at least for a period, to stop the short term hemorrhaging. - Gold Digest
            • American Restaurant Group, Inc. Reaches Agreement With Noteholders To Deleverage Its Balance Sheet. - Goliath
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    • Romanian
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            • reducerea gradului de îndatorare
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            • Gradul de indatorare (Debt-to-equity ratio) Raportul intre imprumuturile pe termen lung si fondurile furnizate de catre actionari. Acesta este o masura a *levierului financiar* - utilizarea banilor imprumutati pentru a mari rentabilitatea generata de catre capitalul actionarilor. O valoare mare a acestui raport indica o politica de finantare foarte agresiva, ceea ce inseamna castiguri foarte volatile. O valoare mica a acestui raport indica o politica de finantare conservatoare si un risc scazut, existand posibilitati reduse de a se obtine pierderi mari sau castiguri mari. eafacere - by Lucica Abil (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • GRAD DE INDATORARE raportul intre datoriile totale si activul total al societatii; cu cat raportul este mai mic, cu atat mai conservator se dovedeste a fi managementul societatii, care se bazeaza pe sursele proprii de finantare ale companiei; pe de alta parte, o gestiune eficienta a fondurilor imprumutate se poate concretiza intr-un randament al activelor mai ridicat, adica profitabilitate mai ridicata; marimea gradului de indatorare difera in functie de politica firmei, dar si de sectorul de activitate careia ii apartine societatea. - standard by Lucica Abil (X)
            • FINANCE [Council] Full entry EN deleveraging deleverage FR désendettement IT deleveraging Process of reducing a company's leverage by repaying debt - iate.europa by Lucica Abil (X)
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    • Portuguese
      • Finance (general)
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            • desalavancagem
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            • A desalavancagem é o processo de redução da alavancagem. A alavancagem expressa a relação entre o capital de uma empresa e a quantidade total de recursos que capta no mercado sob a forma de empréstimo, sendo a desalavancagem, portanto, a tentativa de minorar esta relação, diminuindo os riscos para a empresa. Own research - by Richard Lee
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Nada mais natural, portanto, que tomar os exóticos mercados emergentes como objeto preferencial de "desalavancagem", quando algo de podre emergiu no reino asiático, a partir das dificuldades de Tailândia, Malásia, Indonésia e - quem diria - os tigres Hong Kong e Coréia - Unicamp by Richard Lee
            • Esses riscos advém de um processo que chamamos "cascata de desalavancagem". Ou seja, uma liquidação de ativos ao redor do mundo para fazer frente às "chamadas de margem" que advém das perdas que atingem todos os mercados concomitantemente. - EconoBrasil by Richard Lee
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    • Croatian
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            • smanjenje financijske poluge
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            • "Financijska poluga ukazuje na stupanj zaduženosti društva i korištenje tuđih izvora sredstava", a smanjenje financijske poluge to jest smanjenje stupnja, razine ili koeficijenta financijske poluge, znači smanjenje odnosa vlastitog i tuđeg kapitala, dakle smanjenje zaduženosti. Erste Factoring - by Kristina Kolic
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Niske kamatne stope i produbljenje recesije trebale bi smanjiti vrijednost američkog dolara u 2009, nakon što je zbog izbjegavanja rizika i smanjivanja financijskih poluga dolar postigao višegodišnju najvišu razinu." - by Kristina Kolic
            • "Kroz dulje razdoblje bit ćemo svjedoci smanjenja financijske poluge. Dakle, odnos vlastitog i tuđeg kapitala u financijskim institucijama će se smanjivati što će imati kao izravnu posljedicu nužnost povećanja vlastitog kapitala (dakle, proces dokapitalizacije financijskih institucija), ali i smanjenje aktive (odnosno njihov sporiji rast nego što je to bio slučaj do sada). Jednostavnije rečeno, bit će manje plasmana." - Jutarnji list by Kristina Kolic
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    • Hindi
      • Finance (general)
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            • लीवरेज घटाना
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            • किसी कंपनी का अपने वित्तीय लीवरेज को कम करने का प्रयास। इसके लिए कंपनी के पास सबसे अच्छा तरीका यह रहता है कि यदि उसके तुलन-पत्र में कोई मौजूदा ऋण है तो वह उसे चुकता कर दे। Own research - by Lalit Sati
          • Example sentence(s)
            • यह इस बात पर आधारित है कि अधिक लीवरेज वाली कंपनी की परिसंपत्तियों की कीमतों में थोड़ी सी कमी होती है तो फर्म की इक्विटी पूंजी को नुकसान पहुंचता है। - by Lalit Sati
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