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    • English
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • backwardation
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          • Definition(s)
            • A market condition in which futures prices are lower in the distant delivery months than in the nearest delivery month. This may occur when the costs of storing the product until eventual delivery are effectively subtracted from the price today.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Backwardation is not an uncommon thing, I mean, it happens every once it a while in the futures markets, HOWEVER, backwardation in monetary metals is a very rare occurrence. - Gold Speculator by
            • Investors much prefer backwardation markets. That way, they pocket money as the index funds rollover, since further-out futures are cheaper than the futures they original sold. - Investment U by
            • Holders of gold would keep selling cash gold and buying the futures until the backwardation disappeared. - GoldSeek by
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    • French
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          • Term
            • Déport
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          • Definition(s)
            • Le déport désigne une situation dans laquelle le prix ou le cours à terme d'un instrument financier est inférieur au prix ou au cours au comptant. Dictionnaire de la comptabilité Ménard - by Germaine
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Taux de déport: différence de taux entre le change au comptant et le change à terme sur le marché des changes. Si le taux de change au comptant est supérieur au taux de change à terme, on parle de déport. Sinon de report. - by Germaine
            • Vous avez la liberté d’effectuer des achats ou cessions de devises à n’importe quelle date avant l’échéance, sur la base du cours convenu (...) majoré d’un report ou minoré d’un déport calculé le jour des utilisations. - Société Générale by Germaine
            • Dans le cadre d’un appel d’offres à taux variable portant sur des swaps de change, les taux de report/déport doivent être indiqués conformément aux conventions de place et les offres être exprimées en multiples de 0,01 point de report/déport. - Banque de France by Germaine
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    • Hindi
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            • मंदी बदला, बदला खर्च, बैकवर्डेशन
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          • Definition(s)
            • निकटस्थ सुपुर्दगी माह की तुलना में दूरवर्ती सुपुर्दगी माहों में वायदा कीमतों में कमी की स्थिति Own research - by Lalit Sati
          • Example sentence(s)
            • आम तौर पर फ्यूचर मूल्य, स्पाट मूल्य से अधिक होता है । अपवाद रूप से जब कभी फ्यूचर मूल्य, स्पाट मूल्य से कम होता है तो इसको बैकवर्डेशन कहते हैं । ऐसा कृषि उत्पादों के मामले में अक्सर होता है जब भावी तारीखों में फसल की आमद के कारण भावी मूल्य चालू स्पाट मूल्य से कम होता है । - by Lalit Sati
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    • Russian
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            • Бэквордация
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          • Definition(s)
            • Бэквордация (от англ. Backwardation — «запаздывание»), также называется депорт — ситуация на рынке фьючерсов, при которой цены на товар с немедленной поставкой (например, акции) оказываются выше котировок по фьючерсным контрактам, а цены на фьючерсы с ближними сроками выше котировок дальних позиций.[1] Википедия - by erika rubinstein
          • Example sentence(s)
            • В Великобритании термином «бэквардейшн» также называют возможность и стоимость (комиссия плюс проценты) отсрочки платежа (поставки) по «короткой» продаже на Лондонской фондовой бирже.[ - Википедия by erika rubinstein
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    • Portuguese
      • Finance (general)
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            • mercado invertido
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          • Definition(s)
            • "é a situação em que o preço de um ativo á vista é superior ao seu preço futuro devido à escassez em situação de forte demanda" "Reflexo das pressões de demanda sobre as operações de meses mais curtos no mercado futuro. Devido a essas pressões os preços em meses mais curtos podem ser maiores do que os preços em prazos mais longos. No gráfico abaixo, o eixo das abscissas representa os meses de vencimento dos contratos futuros e o eixo das ordenadas representa os preços correntes dos contratos futuros. A curva de backwardation é representativa apenas na segunda metade." BM&FBOVESPA - by not availabe
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Mas existem momentos em que os preços à vista ou spot excedem os preços futuros, normalmente quando a escassez de oferta a curto prazo afeta a expectativa do mercado. Quando isso acontece, o mercado está em backwardation (mercado invertido)" - SBB Steel by not availabe
            • "Por exemplo, numa situação de mercado invertido, em que há escassez no curto prazo do ativo subjacent..." - PUC Rio by not availabe
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  • Compare this term in: Bulgarian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Vietnamese

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