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    • English
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • joint venture
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          • Definition(s)
            • A cooperative partnership between two individuals or businesses in which profits and risks are shared. Wiktionary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • As there are good business and accounting reasons to create a joint venture (JV) with a company that has complementary capabilities and resources, such as distribution channels, technology, or finance, joint ventures are becoming an increasingly common way for companies to form strategic alliances. - e-COACH by
            • IAS 31 requires that the venturer should recognise in its financial statements the assets that it controls, the liabilities that it incurs, the expenses that it incurs, and its share of the income from the sale of goods or services by the joint venture. - IAS PLUS by
            • After year three, Morgan Stanley and Citi will have various purchase and sale rights for the joint venture, but Citi will continue to own a significant stake in the joint venture at least through year five. - Morgan Stanley by
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    • Romanian
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            • asociere în participaţiune
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            • Asocierea in participatiune este un tip special de contract prin care doua sau mai multe persoane fizice si/sau juridice convin sa creeze o asociere in care sa contribuie anumite bunuri in vederea exercitarii in comun a unor activitati comerciale, cu scopul de a imparti profitul obtinut. Avocatnet - by Veronica Lupascu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In privinta asocierii in participatiune ,care se concretizeaza in contractul de asociere in participatiune,nici o dispozitie legala nu impune impartirea beneficiilor in mod egal sau participarea la pierderi in mod egal,intrucat s-ar incalca libertatea de vointa a partilor si s-ar nesocoti caracterul dispozitiv al normelor care reglementeaza aceasta forma contractuala. - EuroAvocatura by Veronica Lupascu
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    • Turkish
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            • ortak girişim (müşterek teşebbüs)
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            • Ortak girişim: İhaleye katılmak üzere birden fazla gerçek veya tüzel kişinin aralarında yaptıkları anlaşma ile oluşturulan iş ortaklığı veya konsorsiyumları ifade eder. * İş ortaklığı üyeleri, hak ve sorumluluklarıyla işin tümünü birlikte yapmak üzere, konsorsiyum üyeleri ise, hak ve sorumluluklarını ayırarak işin kendi uzmanlık alanlarıyla ilgili kısımlarını yapmak üzere ortaklık yaparlar. * İş ortaklığı her türlü ihaleye teklif verebilir. Konsorsiyumlar ise idarelerin, işin farklı uzmanlıklar gerektirmesi durumunda, ihaleye konsorsiyumların teklif verebileceğini belirttikleri ihalelere katılabilirler. - by Murat Uzum
          • Example sentence(s)
            • TMK’nın SMS Demag’dan ortak girişim şirketinin hisselerini devralması onaylandı. - SteelOrbis by Murat Uzum
            • Aselsan'ın Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformu'nda (KAP) yayımlanan özel durum açıklamasında, ortak girişim şirketi kurulmasına ilişkin ön mutabakat hakkında bilgi verildi. - Zaman Online by Murat Uzum
            • Özelleştirilme kapsamındaki Samsun Limanı'na talip olan işadamları ve esnaf kuruluşları tarafından ”Samsun Ortak Girişim Grubu” adıyla bir oluşum için çalışma başlatıldı. - Referans Gazetesi by Murat Uzum
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    • Greek
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            • κοινοπραξία
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            • κοινοπραξία, συνεκμετάλλευση: Ειδική μορφή εταιρείας που ιδρύεται για ειδικό σκοπό, όπως πχ. για την ανάληψη ενός έργου από κοινού, την από κοινού ίδρυση και λειτουργία επιχειρήσεως, ναύλωση σκάφους κλπ.; κοινή, μικτή επιχείρηση: ιδρύεται από δύο ή περισσότερες αλλοεθνείς εταιρείες, πχ. ανατολικών και δυτικών χωρών κλπ. iate - by Kyriacos Georghiou
          • Example sentence(s)
            • κοινοπραξία, συνεκμετάλλευση: Ειδική μορφή εταιρείας που ιδρύεται για ειδικό σκοπό, όπως πχ. για την ανάληψη ενός έργου από κοινού, την από κοινού ίδρυση και λειτουργία επιχειρήσεως, ναύλωση σκάφους κλπ.; κοινή, μικτή επιχείρηση: ιδρύεται από δύο ή περισσότερες αλλοεθνείς εταιρείες, πχ. ανατολικών και δυτικών χωρών κλπ. - iate by Kyriacos Georghiou
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    • Hindi
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            • संयुक्त उद्यम
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            • दो या अधिक पक्षकारों के बीच संयुक्त आधार पर निष्पादित करने का या संयुक्त आधार पर किसी उत्पादक उद्यम में सम्मिलित होने का करार जिसमें लाभ और जोखिम परस्पर बाँटे जाते हैं Own research - by C.M. Rawal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • संयुक्त उद्यम एक नया उद्यम है जिसका स्वामी दो या अधिक प्रतिभागी होते हैं। - भारत का व्यापा� by C.M. Rawal
            • रूस और भारत यूरेनियम का अन्वेषण व खनन का संयुक्त उद्यम स्थापित करेंगे। - CRI ऑनलाइन by C.M. Rawal
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    • Indonesian
      • Finance (general)
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            • usaha patungan
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          • Definition(s)
            • Usaha patungan (joint venture) adalah usaha yg didirikan dengan modal bersama dan dikerjakan secara bersama-sama oleh masing-masing pemilik modal. akiragats - by Ahnan Alex
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Bahkan boleh dibilang,usaha patungan tidak memiliki demerit apapun apabila dilaksanakan layaknya usaha patungan yang sebenarnya. - akiragats by Ahnan Alex
            • Al Rayan Investment LLC, cabang yang seluruhnya dimiliki oleh Masraf Al Rayan, hari ini mengumumkan usaha patungan dengan perusahaan layanan gas dan minyak yang berpusat di Malaysia, SapuraCrest Ventures Sdn Bhd (yang dulu dikenal dengan nama Petro-Plus Sdn Bhd) - kantor cabang yang sepenuhnya dimiliki oleh SapuraCrest Petroleum Berhad. - antaranews by Ahnan Alex
            • VIVAnews - PT Dayaindo Resources International Tbk (KARK) dikabarkan berencana membentuk anak usaha atau usaha pantungan (joint venture) dalam waktu dekat ini. - by Ahnan Alex
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