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    • Romanian
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            • închiriere forţă de muncă
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          • Definition(s)
            • Intermedierea forţei de muncă (temporară, continuă, ocazională), adică „închirierea” angajaţilor în baza unei comenzi al unui partener, începând cu perioade de 1 lună şi până la perioade continue, chiar şi de mai mulţi ani. Candidatul este angajat la firma care închiriază, societate care se ocupă atât de sarcinile HR cât şi de cele legate de legislaţia muncii. Dreptul de a da dispoziţii şi celelalte drepturi sunt exercitate de beneficiar. De ex.: stabilirea programului de lucru, acordarea concediilor, ucenicie. Închirierea forţei de muncă se foloseşte pentru situaţiile în care recrutarea şi selectarea personalului este dificilă sau dacă necesarul de angajaţi este fluctuant. Own research - by Klára Kalamár
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Inchirierea fortei de munca asigura urmatoarele avantaje partenerilor: Din cauza particularitatii acestui raport special de munca, exercitarea drepturilor de angajator este impartita intre parti. Se rezolva problemele ce se ivesc in legatura cu asigurarea fortei de munca pentru activitati de sezon sau cu caracter temporar. - Human Rent Romania by Klára Kalamár
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    • Hungarian
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            • munkaerő-kölcsönzés
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            • A munkaerő-kölcsönzés a munkaerő bevonásának az a fajtája, amikor az emberi erőforrásokat csak egy adott időre veszik igénybe, rendszerint egy alvállalkozótól vagy más üzleti partnertől. Ilyenkor nem a teljes feladatot adják át a partnernek, és a projektvezetés sem kerül az ő kezükbe, a partner csupán "élőhúst" bocsát rendelkezésre. Own research - by Gusztáv Jánvári
          • Example sentence(s)
            • A munkaerő kölcsönzés olyan tevékenység, amely során a Kölcsönbeadó (jelen esetben cégünk) vele kölcsönzés céljából munkaviszonyban álló Munkavállalót ellenérték fejében munkavégzésre Kölcsönvevő részére átengedi. - Grafton by Gusztáv Jánvári
            • A munkaerő-kölcsönzés dinamikus fejlődésének hátterében a globális gazdaság radikális változása áll. - TrenkWalder by Gusztáv Jánvári
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    • Bulgarian
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            • пазаруване на (компютърни) кадри
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            • Пазаравунето на (компютърни) кадри е налагаща се практика, при която чрез консултантски фирми се наемат чуждестранни специалисти и/или персонал (предимно в областта на информационните технологии) за изпълнението на отделни (краткотрайни) проекти, без това да води до наемането на същите кадри на постоянен договор. Wikipedia - by Yavor Dimitrov
          • Example sentence(s)
            • “В момента има невероятно пазаруване на кадри, защото всички областни болници и стабилни общински си наемат специалисти.” - в-к "Труд" by Yavor Dimitrov
            • Британските вузове са най-доброто място за пазаруване на кадри, в Европа и Азия са най-шарените висши училища, показва класацията на "Таймс" за световния университетски елит. - в-к "Сега" by Yavor Dimitrov
            • За квалифицираните кадри "тайното пазаруване" може да бъде удоволствие, за което им се плаща. С купувачите се подписват граждански договори за извършване на определено проучване. - Marketing & Development by Yavor Dimitrov
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    • Portuguese
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            • Terceirização parcial
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            • Body shopping is the practice of consultancy firms recruiting information technology workers in order to contract their services out on short-term bases. Regarded as legitimate consultancy by both the companies that practice it and by the people employed, body shopping is disparaged by those IT services companies in India that assert that they provide real services (such as software development) rather than the "sham" of merely farming out professionals to overseas companies. Wikipedia - by Marlene Curtis
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Já a divisão de Body Shop da Eccox surgiu como solução efetiva e competitiva para projetos pontuais e para a terceirização parcial ou total de TI. - by Marlene Curtis
            • Ideal para todos os tipos de empresas, podendo optar por uma terceirização full, parcial ou unitária, na área de Tecnologia da Informação. Assim, suprindo qualquer necessidade de profissionais, sempre alinhando o perfil de cada profissional com o perfil da necessidade do cliente. Não realizando uma simples alocação de profissionais, mas garantindo alto nível de capacitação e profissionalismo dos profissionais que trabalham junto ao cliente. - Google by Marlene Curtis
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    • Chinese
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            • 专业代工(專業代工)
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            • 2. 近岸外包. 外包业务按地域概念分为在岸外包(Onshore),近岸外包(nearshore)和离岸外包(Offshore)。离岸外包经历了专业代工(body shopping)、. ... Google - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 2011年3月23日 ... 离岸外包经历了专业代工(body shopping)、专业知识(domain knowledge)、IT开发外包(ITO)和业务流程 外包(business process outsourcing,BPO) ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 2010年7月21日 ... 软件外包是发展中的过渡性措施硬件代工的经验软件代工的经验代工之外IT ..... 客户手中收取一定的服务费,起着类似于中介的作用专业代工body shopping ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 2005年5月10日 ... H1-B是一種專業職業(Specialty-Occupation)簽證地位,許多印度資訊 ... 它把僱員派到美國進行現場開發工作,俗稱「專業代工」(body shopping)。 ... - by Adsion Liu
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    • Dutch
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            • bodyshopping
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            • tijdelijk inhuren van automatiseringspersoneel door bedrijven Van Amerongen - by Els Hoefman
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Consultants die uitblinken in geraffineerde vormen van 'bodyshopping' [bodyshopping houdt in dat consultants tijdelijk een tekort aan vaardigheden opvullen, dit in tegenstelling tot het structureel werken aan verbetering van de prestaties van een organisatie], zullen net zo hard getroffen worden als uitzend- en detacheringsbureau’s - Krauthammer by Els Hoefman
            • 'Ons vak heeft veel te maken met bodyshopping', zegt hij in het februarinummer van Management Scope. 'In de tijd dat er een zeer explosieve vraag is naar IT-ers, wordt iedereen die wat zit te tokkelen op een terminal interessant. Mensen worden elders weggekocht en zijn dan de volgende dag direct inzetbaar. - Volkskrant by Els Hoefman
            • Denk nu niet dat An DE JONGHE en Ian MORSOMME, de oprichters van het bedrijf, zich op de markt van de 'bodyshopping' hebben gestort in een periode dat deze niche bergen geld opbracht. - Ulysses Consulting by Els Hoefman
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