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    • English
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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          • Term
            • bridge
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          • Definition(s)
            • A piece of hardware used to connect two local area networks, or segments of a LAN, so that devices on the network can communicate without requiring a router. Bridges can only connect networks running the same protocol. Watch Guard
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Create a single network segment using a bridge. In this solution, the separate LAN segments are bridged together to create a single network segment. With a single network segment, neighboring nodes on separate LAN segments send packets directly to each other and bridges forward the packets to the destination node on the appropriate LAN segment. - Microsoft Tech Net
            • A network bridge connects multiple network segments at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model, and the term layer 2 switch is often used interchangeably with bridge. - Wikipedia
            • Extend the functionality of your network with this universal Wi-Fi bridge. The bridge enables a laptop or PC user without built-in wireless capability to connect to a wireless LAN . - MacWarehaouse
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    • Turkish
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • köprü
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            • KÖPRÜ (BRIDGE) Köprü türü cihazlar, genel olarak, benzer teknolojiye sahip LAN’ları birbirine bağlamak için kullanılır; bu bağlantı sonucu LAN’lar mantıksal açıdan yine tek bir LAN olur. Bilgisite - by K.K.Unal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In computer networking, a bridge divides a LAN into two segments, selectively forwarding traffic across the network boundary it defines. A bridge is not quite the same as a switch. - by K.K.Unal
            • To bridge LAN segments of the connections together, hold down the Ctrl key and click all the connections that correspond to all the LAN segments you want to bridge together. - Microsoft by K.K.Unal
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    • Bulgarian
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • мост
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            • Мостовете представляват устройства за съединяване на сегментите на мрежата. Own research - by Elena Marinova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Мостовете представляват устройства за съединяване на сегментите на мрежата. Мостовете осъществяват предаването на пакетите от един сегмент в друг по физическия адрес на станцията-получател, който се определя от каналното ниво, анализира целостността на пакетите и филтрира загубените. Сегментите на мрежата, които се съединяват с моста, могат да използват както еднакви, така и различни канални протоколи. - by Elena Marinova
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    • Hindi
      • Computers: Systems, Networks
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            • सेतु, ब्रिज
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            • 28 जून 2009 ... Jul 01, 2009 सिटी खबरें Mumbai,Bridge | टैग: 0 कमेंट्स पवार ने सी-लिंक का नामकरण राजीव गांधी सेतु करने... नई पहचान बांद्रा-वर्ली सी-लिंक खुल गया है। - by Subhash Tripathi
          • Example sentence(s)
            • किन्तु अब भी यह "हावड़ा ब्रिज" के नाम से अधिक लोकप्रिय है। ... Current status, In use. Crosses, Hooghly river ... Official Website of Howrah Bridge, maintained by Calcutta Port Trust ... and रवीन्द्र सेतु (बांग्ला में रबीन्द्र सेतु) भारत के पश्चिम बंगाल में हुगली नदी के उपर बना एक "कैन्टीलीवर सेतु" है। यह हावड़ा को कोलकाता से जोड़ता है। इसका मूल नाम "नया हाव।दा पुल" था जिसे बदलकर १४ जून सन् १९६५ को रवीन्द्र सेतु कर दिया गया। किन्तु अब भी यह "हावड़ा ब्रिज" के नाम से अधिक लोकप्रिय है। यह अपने तरह का छठवाँ सबसे बड़ा पुल है। - by Subhash Tripathi
            • - by Subhash Tripathi
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