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    • English
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          • PPE (personal protective equipment)
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          • Specialized clothing and equipment used as a safeguard against health hazards including exposure to infectious diseases through physical contact or airborne particles. PPE is designed to protect parts of the body typically exposed in normal attire, including the nose, mouth, eyes, hands and feet. Texas Medical Center
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Oregon has been ripping through PPE supplies as medical personnel try to repel the coronavirus threat. - Portland Business News by
          • Coronavirus: Minister admits PPE 'challenges and problems - BBC News by
          • Some 34 million facemasks, gloves and other protective items have been delivered to hospitals north of the Scottish border, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said today. The national and devolved governments have been scrambling to battle shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) after health workers and care staff became more vocal over safety fears. - METRO by
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    • Romanian
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          • Echipament individual de protectie
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          • Prin echipament individual de protecție se poate înțelege orice echipament destinat a fi purtat sau mânuit de către un lucrător pentru a-l proteja împotriva unuia ori a mai multor riscuri care ar putea să îi pună în pericol securitatea și sănatătea la locul de muncă, precum și orice supliment sau accesoriu proiectat pentru a îndeplini acest obiectiv Wikipedia - by Adriana Dragomir
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Echipamentul individual de protectie reprezinta echipamentul destinat protectiei lucratorilor la locul de munca. - Legislatia muncii by Adriana Dragomir
          • Echipamentul individual de protectie este destinat eliminarii unuia sau mai multor riscuri care ar pune in pericol securitatea si sanatatea lucratorului. - Legislatia muncii by Adriana Dragomir
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    • Italian
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          • Dispositivi di protezione individuale
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          • Con il termine dispositivi di protezione individuale (acronimo DPI) si intendono i prodotti che hanno la funzione di salvaguardare la persona che l'indossi o comunque li porti con sé, da rischi per la salute e la sicurezza. Tali dispositivi sono utilizzati in molteplici ambiti, tra cui in ambito lavorativo, domestico, sportivo e ricreativo. Wikipedia - by Maria Falvo
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Si tratta di attrezzature utilizzate per tutelare la salute e la sicurezza dei lavoratori (guanti, occhiali, visiere, maschere facciali filtranti, scarpe, ecc.). I DPI per le vie respiratorie sono diversi in base allo scopo per cui devono essere impiegati. La protezione è garantita dalla capacità filtrante dei dispositivi in grado di trattenere le particelle aerodisperse, per lo più in funzione delle dimensioni, della forma e della densità, impedendone l'inalazione. - OGOI by Maria Falvo
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    • Serbian
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          • Лична заштитна опрема
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          • Лична заштитна опрема за негу пацијената са Ковид-19 према препорукама Светске здравствене организације обавезна је заштитна мера на раду за све здравствене раднике који раде на збрињавају сумњивих или оболелих пацијената од коронавирусне болести. - by Slobodan Kozarčić
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Лична заштитна опрема за негу пацијената са Ковид-19 према препорукама Светске здравствене организације обавезна је заштитна мера на раду за све здравствене раднике, који раде на збрињавају сумњивих или оболелих пацијената од коронавирусне болести. - by Slobodan Kozarčić
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    • Russian
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          • СИЗ (средства индивидуальной защиты)
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          • средство индивидуальной защиты (СИЗ) - носимое на человеке средство индивидуального пользования для предотвращения или уменьшения воздействия на человека вредных и (или) опасных факторов, а также для защиты от загрязнения ТР ТС 019/2011 - by Maria Deschamps
        • Example sentence(s)
          • К СИЗ, которые следует использовать для защиты от инфекций, передаваемых контактным и аэрогенным путем, относятся одноразовые перчатки, а также чистые нестерильные медицинские халаты с длинным рукавом, закрывающие одежду медработника, медицинские маски, прикрывающие рот и нос, а также защита для глаз (например, очки или экран). - ВОЗ by Maria Deschamps
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Croatian, Croatian, Arabic, Arabic, Bengali, Bengali, Bulgarian, Bulgarian, Czech, Czech, Chinese, Chinese, German, German, Dutch, Dutch, Greek, Greek, Spanish, Estonian, Persian (Farsi), Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, French, Hungarian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Malay, Polish, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovak, Slovenian, Slovenian, Turkish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

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