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    • English
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          • (IMS) incident management system
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          • The standardized structure and approach that WHO has adopted to manage its response to public health events and emergencies, and to ensure that the Organization follows best practice in emergency management. WHO has adapted the Incident Management System to consist of six critical functions: Leadership, Partner Coordination, Information and Planning, Health Operations and Technical Expertise, Operations Support and Logistics, and Finance and Administration. World Health Organization
        • Example sentence(s)
          • The Incident Management System is used to facilitate the management of public health services to respond to incidents or emergencies with public health impact. This tool can be used to effectively manage any size incidents including multi-jurisdictional incidents or emergencies. IMS improves communication, coordinates resources, and facilitates cooperation and coordination between agencies. - Simcoe Muskoka Distrinct Health by
          • The IMS is now in operation to manage all graded events that have occurred since the WHE was established, including the response to the outbreaks of Zika virus disease, yellow fever and Rift Valley fever, and the response to the humanitarian crisis in north-eastern Nigeria and Haiti in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. - World Health Organization by
          • Applying the concepts of emergency management, including the use of Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) and Incident Management Systems (IMS) can help national and subnational public health systems protect populations impacted by a public health threat. - Centers for Disease Control by
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    • Portuguese
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          • (SGI) Sistema de Gestão de Incidentes
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          • A OMS criou um Sistema de Gestão de Incidentes (SGI) que foi activado para todos os eventos classificados de saúde pública (surtos, catástrofes naturais e crises humanitárias persistentes). O SGI ajudou as equipas a assegurarem um apoio coordenado às operações ao nível dos países. OMS - by Felipe Tomasi
        • Example sentence(s)
          • No contexto da resposta da OPAS ao zika e febre amarela, foi estabelecido um Sistema de Gestão de Incidentes para coordenar a resposta da organização. - OMS by Felipe Tomasi
          • As atividades oferecem aprendizagem individualizada, cobrindo elementos técnicos, operacionais e sociais que são a chave da resposta epidêmica e pandêmica. Participantes podem acompanhar as aulas e materiais no seu próprio ritmo. Entre as 34 formações disponíveis, as mais populares até o momento são Sistema de Gestão de Incidentes, Doenças com propensão a pandemias e epidemias e Comunicação. - Nações Unidas by Felipe Tomasi
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    • Arabic
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          • نظام إدارة الحوادث
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          • إدارة الحوادث الصحية قائم على مفهوم موحد لإدارة حالات الطوارئ في موقع الحدث وهو مصمم خصيصا ليتيح للمستخدمين أن يعتمدوا هيكلاً تنظيمياً متكاملاً مماثلاً للحادث أو الحوادث التي قد تطرأ من حيث التعقيد والمتطلبات ، دون أن يعوق ذلك حدود الولاية القضائية.م. fao - by mona elshazly
        • Example sentence(s)
          • وتضـع اللجنـة األسـترالية للسـامة والجـودة فـي الرعايـة الصحيـة معاييـر وطنيـة للجـودة والسـامة فــي الرعايــة المحليــة، وذلــك عبــر عشــرة مبــادئ توجيهيــة تتــراوح مــن الســيطرة علــى العــدوى إلــى الشــراكة مــع المســتهلكين.34وتتولى الــوزارة تقييــم ســامة المرضــى عبــر المصــادر اإلداريــة للبيانــات - ومنهـا مؤشـرات الممارسـة الصحيـة المحليـة فـي واليـة فيكتوريـا - والبيانـات التـي يقـوم الموظفـون باإلبالغ عنها عبر نظام إدارة الحوادث الصحية في والية فيكتوريا. - wish by mona elshazly
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