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    • English
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        • Term
          • multi-phasic health screening
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        • Definition(s)
          • The routine use of multiple tests, usually biochemical, for the purpose of detecting disease at a preventable or curable stage. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary
        • Example sentence(s)
          • The term multiphasic screening was first applied to a health survey in San Jose, California in 1949. That survey was designed to detect previously unrecognized chronic diseases for which screening tests were then available and for which therapy would presumably be helpful. - Science Direct by
          • Automated multiphasic screening programs are becoming generally accepted in the United States. They have developed as a result of the availability of automated testing procedures, and the increasing demand by the public for low-cost periodic health examinations. - JAMA Network by
          • A research team comprised of Honduran oncologists and scientists from Dartmouth's and Dartmouth-Hitchcock's Norris Cotton Cancer Center wanted to test a new model of "multiphasic" cancer screening event that offered testing for multiple types of cancer in a single screening experience. - EurekAlert by
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    • Spanish
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          • Cribado poblacional // Cribado múltiple
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          • Batería de varias pruebas para detectar, en una población dada, una o varias enfermedades no evidenciadas clínicamente, pudiendo plantearse a partir de los resultados obtenidos medidas terapéuticas o de prevención. Own research - by Chema Nieto Castañón
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Cribado Poblacional. Los programas de cribado son aquellas actividades orientadas a la detección precoz de la enfermedad, su diagnóstico y tratamiento temprano, que se ofrecen activamente al conjunto de la población susceptible de padecer la enfermedad, aunque no tenga síntomas ni haya demandado ayuda médica. - Ministerio de Sanidad (España) by Chema Nieto Castañón
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