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    • English
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            • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
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            • The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) describes the relationship between systematic risk and expected return for assets, particularly stocks. CAPM is widely used throughout finance for pricing risky securities and generating expected returns for assets given the risk of those assets and cost of capital. Investopedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The capital asset pricing model helps you to understand the importance of diversification. Investors who follow the CAPM model choose assets that fall on the capital market line by lending or borrowing at the risk-free rate. - M1 Finance by
            • The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is based on assumptions. First, the model assumes that a riskier asset will yield a higher return. But this is not necessarily true - The strategic CFO by
            • The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) builds on the Markowitz mean–variance-efficiency model in which risk-averse investors with a one-period horizon care only about expected returns and the variance of returns (risk). - CFA Institute by
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    • Italian
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            • Capital Asset Pricing Model (modello CAPM)
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            • Il CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) è un modello matematico della teoria di portafoglio (H. Markowitz) pubblicato da William Sharpe nel 1964, che determina una relazione tra il rendimento di un titolo e la sua rischiosità, misurata tramite un unico fattore di rischio, detto beta. - by Nicoletta Aresca
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Fino agli anni '50 l'aspetto del rischio di un investimento finanziario non veniva esplicitamente considerato, e se questo veniva fatto, lo si affrontava dal solo punto di vista qualitativo. Con la nascita della Moderna Teoria di Portafoglio, che fa riferimento essenzialmente al contributo di H. M. Markowitz, sono stati sviluppati diversi modelli per misurare e dare un prezzo al rischio; il modello più conosciuto è il Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) di Sharpe e Linter. - by Nicoletta Aresca
            • CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) Modello che spiega il meccanismo di determinazione del prezzo sul mercato dei capitali, in particolare sui mercati azionari. Fu proposto indipendentemente e quasi contemporaneamente dagli studiosi W.F. Sharpe (1964), J. Lintner (1965) e J. Mossin (1966), pur se al solo Sharpe venne per questo conferito il Nobel per l’Economia nel 1990. - by Nicoletta Aresca
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    • German
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            • Kapitalgutpreismodell oder Preismodell für Kapitalgüter oder Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
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            • Das Kapitalgutpreismodell oder Preismodell für Kapitalgüter (Abkürzung CAPM von englisch capital asset pricing model) ist ein Gleichgewichtsmodell, das unter (sehr restriktiven) Annahmen die Preisbildung risikobehafteter Finanzanlagen erklärt und wichtige Erkenntnisse über die Beziehung von erwarteter Rendite und Risiko von Wertpapieren ermöglicht. Das Capital Asset Pricing Modell (CAPM) wurde von William F. Sharpe[1], John Lintner[2] und Jan Mossin[3] in den 1960er Jahren unabhängig voneinander entwickelt und baut auf der Portfoliotheorie von Harry M. Markowitz[4] auf. Wikipedia - by Edith Kelly
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Definition: Was ist "Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)"? Theoretisch fundiertes Kapitalmarktmodell, nach dem die erwartete Rendite eines Wert­papiers eine lineare Funktion der Risikoprämie des Marktporte­feuilles ist. - Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon by Edith Kelly
            • Capital Asset Pricing Model Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen Definition: Gleichgewichtsmodell, welches einen linearen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Risiko und der geforderten Rendite einer Anlage beschreibt. Das Risiko wird in diesem Modell über den Parameter Beta quantifiziert. Das diversifizierbare Risiko ist gänzlich irrelevant und es wird nur das systematische Risiko betrachtet. Die von einer Investition geforderte Rendite ist in diesem Modell nur vom risikolosen Zinssatz, von der Höhe des anlagespezifischen Beta-Faktors und der Marktrisikoprämie abhängig - uzh by Edith Kelly
            • Capital Asset Pricing Model: Modell zur Bewertung von Wertpapieren (Management und Marketing) (German Edition) - Amazon by Edith Kelly
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    • Bulgarian
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            • Модел за оценка на капиталовите активи
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            • Специален модел за оценка на капиталовите активи (Capital Asset Pricing Model), който дава възможност да се даде количествен израз на инвестиционния риск и да се прецени очакваната възвръщаемост от инвестициите. Моделът по същество е сърцевина на съвременната портфейлна теория.Той дава точно предвиждане за зависимостта, която трябва да се наблюдава между риска на даден актив и неговата очаквана възвръщаемост. Academy of Economics - Svishtov - by tzvetina borisova
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            • Изследването прави преглед в приложението на Модела за оценка на капиталовите активи (Capital Asset Pricing Model) при определянето на цената на собствения капитал за целите на оценяването на активи. - New Bulgarian University by tzvetina borisova
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