Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Spanish translation:
English term
Many efforts are underway to develop chronic disease management programs, but the majority of them focus on single chronic diseases and do not recognize the presence of co-morbidity (suffering from more than one condition) for many individuals with chronic disease. (University of British Columbia)
Identifying preventable risk factors may allow clinicians to decrease these unfortunate events. In order to perform appropriate statistical analyses, measures of important environmental exposures are needed because these are known to substantially increase exacerbation risk, including co-morbidity, medication use, tobacco smoking history and smoking status. (BioMed Central Ltd)
While the data in some areas of co-morbidity are stronger than in others, relatively little is known about the risk factors that increase the probability of co-morbidity or the protective factors that decrease its probability. (National Institute of Mental Health )
4 +6 | comorbilidad | Marisa Pavan |
5 +2 | Morbilidad asociada | Gemma Sanza Porcar |
5 +1 | comorbilidad | Sergio Cortés |
4 | patologias asociadas | geormade |
Dec 19, 2008 12:49: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Dec 19, 2008 12:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Dec 22, 2008 12:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
En este trabajo se revisa la comorbilidad de los trastornos afectivos con otros trastornos mentales y se centra en los trastornos de ansiedad, esquizofrenia, dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas, trastornos de alimentación, trastornos de personalidad y trastornos obsesivo-compulsivos (Anales)
Morbilidad asociada
Reducir la morbilidad asociada al uso de medicamentos (Universia)
Morbilidad asociada a la cinta vaginal libre de tensión, tratamiento quirúrgico para la corrección de la incontinencia urinaria femenina causada por estrés. Datos a corto plazo, Bogotá (Dialnet)
Morbilidad asociada a la diálisis (Nefrología)
I'm afraid you will have to give us some context if you want any sensible answers. And when I say context I mean, of course, <i>not</i> the words before and after your strange text fragment but I mean an explanation of what this is about, what it means, how it is going to be used etc. |
I think the meaning, in minimum, can be 'rostrum influences the picking up of goods' |
Thanks for clearing that up, José. |
So much is clear, but is this a teaser? Header? Product heros take center/centre stage |
You need to provide much more information to enable us to help. Is this about an event/trade fair etc. ("Bühne" might be an indicator here)? |
OK |
Context - this line is a one-off. And it is an image. As stated (see title) this is advertising, a brochure that is sent out to clients (or something which it might use for advertising on its website), it is nothing to do with a presentation, a trade fair or exhibition or the like). So Bühne is no clue whatsoever. It is simply an image. What follows this is this: "Aufmerksamkeit garantiert. Dabei tut sich oft auch viel Spannendes im „Backstage-Bereich“ einer Marke. Namentlich bei uns. Im Windschatten des regulären Portfolios hat das ODM- und OEM-Geschäft hier in den vergangenen Jahren kräftig an Fahrt aufgenommen". Sentence before it (modified (xxxx) to omit the client name): "Weshalb sich mittlerweile modifizierte xxxx Produkte und Sonderentwicklungen in zahlreichen Sicherheitsanwendungen für verschiedenste Branchen bewähren". Frankly, I am not sure that helps. The two sentences on either side of the query I have already translated to my satisfaction. |
"The major brands take centre stage", or "The stage belongs to the major brands", or something along those lines. Looks as if it's a heading of some sort, so the English shouldn't be too long! |
David, thanks, that is something along the right lines. The question remains whether they might want something to do with "heroism", but as images do not translate easily very often, that is probably not so important. |
But, what are product heroes? At the first sight it seems the meaning is that the best products must be shown on the rostrum, heroes being hear synonymous of ‘the best’. |
The guys on top/with the best product/the ones who save the day... In marketing, the transfer occurs in the customer's mind. @astonysh I quote, "Frankly, I am not sure that helps. The two sentences on either side of the query I have already translated to my satisfaction." That's the point of context, you have the text in front you and active in your mind. We, on the other hand, we have only a few words to go on without having worked into the text. Thanks for the context. |
In marketing, 'hero products' are a commonly recognised idea. Every successful brand has its hero products, as anyone knows who has ever studied even basic marketing. |
Yes, but it is still an IDEA, which takes form in the customer's mind. The consumer isn't concerned with marketing terms, they respond to images. |
Thanks for all the all the answers and the time that everyone has spent considering this small problem. I have completed the translation and sent it back to the agency this morning, so no further answers are needed. I will select a best answer later this week when I have more time available. There are a lot of good quality choices, so a lot of consideration will have to go into the selection process. Thanks again to all who offered their assistance. |
agree |
: Según el Dicc. Navarro, también podría ser enfermedad concomitante o enfermedad concurrente
7 hrs
Muchas gracias, olv10siq. Pero fíjate que F. Navarro dice que estas acepciones se refieren a "comorbidities" y nos pone un ejemplo: "overweight and osteoarthritis are frecuent comobidities" - "La hipert(...) son con frecuencia enfermedades concomitantes"
agree |
Eneida Gonzalez
9 hrs
Muchas gracias, Eneida
Para darle un significado útil al término comorbilidad se requieren dos condiciones: (1) que la presencia de la comorbilidad condicione una forma de presentación, pronóstico y abordaje terapéutico distinto para cada proceso comórbido; (2) la frecuencia con la que uno aparece cuando el otro está presente, debe ser más alta que la prevalencia aislada en la población general.
Imaginemos un paciente con TDAH y síndrome de Tourette (ST); posiblemente se necesiten tener en cuenta ambos procesos al proponer un tratamiento farmacológico; y también es posible que, para comprender al paciente en su globalidad, se necesite integrar los conocimientos sobre uno y otro trastorno. De acuerdo con el mismo ejemplo, consideramos que el ST y el TDAH son comórbidos, porque la probabilidad de que un niño con ST padezca TDAH es mucho mayor que para el resto de la población.
El tratamiento del paciente cardiológico varía según su comorbilidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la influencia de la comorbilidad, cuantificada mediante el índice de Charlson, en el tratamiento intrahospitalario y farmacológico prescrito al alta hospitalaria en el infarto de miocardio con o sin elevación del segmento ST. (Medicina clínica, ISSN 0025-7753, Vol. )
Lo primero que tiene que reconocerse en el escenario de las drogas es que la comorbilidad más frecuente lo constituye la adictiva; es decir, la asociación de otra adicción en la dependencia actual del paciente. (
agree |
Leticia Colombia Truque Vélez
18 hrs
Gracias Leticia. Saludos y felíz navidad.
patologias asociadas
Esta situacion patologica ocasionara con su perpetuacion cambios en la fisiologia renal y como respuesta final el desarrollo de las condiciones idoneas para el establecimiento de una serie de patologias asociadas.... (Hidronefrosis y patologias asociadas)
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