Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Slovak translation:
English term
Behaviorism, along with applied linguistics, which developed detailed descriptions of the differences between languages, had a great influence on language teaching. (TESL HISTORY)
In behaviorism the teacher is the main focus of the class and all the students must often follow the directions exactly as they are given. (Articlebase)
In education, advocates of behaviorism have effectively adopted this system of rewards and punishments in their classrooms by rewarding desired behaviors and punishing inappropriate ones. (Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology, University of Georgia )
5 +3 | behaviorizmus | Maria Chmelarova |
Nov 19, 2009 13:52: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
Nov 19, 2009 14:02: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
Nov 22, 2009 14:58: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
Nov 23, 2009 08:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
Behaviorizmus je smer americkej psychológie 20. storočia, ktorý neuznáva vedomie ako predmet vedeckého výskumu a redukuje psychiku na rozličné formy správania, chápaného ako súhrn reakcií organizmu na stimuly vonkajšieho prostredia. (
Behaviorizmus skúma pozorovateľné reakcie vyvolané vonkajším podnetom, pričom chýba akékoľvek preukázanie k javom vedomia. (
Zakladateľom behaviorizmu bol John Broadus Watson, profesor Hopkinsovej univerzity v USA. Behaviorizmus dominoval v 30. - 50. rokoch najmä v USA, kde ovplyvnil sociológiu, pedagogiku, a do istej miery aj lingvistiku. (
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