Jul 9, 2010 19:08
14 yrs ago
4 viewers *
French term

vert d'eau

French to English Other Textiles / Clothing / Fashion Catalogue for a shop
comment rendre ce terme en anglais, je ne trouve rien si ce n'est 'light green' mais voudrais trouver mieux - thanks !!
Proposed translations (English)
3 +5 aqua
4 +5 sea green
4 -1 Nile green
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Non-PRO (1): writeaway

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writeaway Jul 10, 2010:
also in ordinary dictionaries in all of mine anyway. sea green in all.
Claire Nolan Jul 9, 2010:
Many translation on the internet for vert d'eau SEAFOAM GREEN:
I’ve been noticing a lot of sea foam green around lately,
Le vert d’eau est une couleur que je remarque beaucoup en ce moment en

SEA GREEN: 07 Balenciaga Vert D'eau (Sea Green) First
WATER GREEN: Balenciaga 2007 Spring/Summer Vert D'eau (Water Green) Twiggy
AQUA: Dans une salle de bains, un vert éclatant comme un vert anis vous donnera la pêche, alors qu’un vert d’eau, aqua, sera plus apaisant.

The only one in dictionaries (on the web) is sea green.

Proposed translations

54 mins


or aqua green

Vert D'eau is a light, aqua green color that's just like the pottery glaze color Water Green and is the perfect pastel shade for the warm weather ahead! ...
shop.realdealcollection.com/product.sc?productId=825...50 -
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aqua_(color)
2 hrs
agree Claire Nolan
2 hrs
agree Evans (X)
14 hrs
agree Sandra Mouton : Spot on!
1 day 23 hrs
agree ACOZ (X)
2 days 2 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
4 mins

sea green

vert d'eau
adj inv sea-green
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
16 mins
Thank you, Philgoddard!
agree Claire Nolan
3 hrs
Thank you, Clanola!
agree writeaway : backed by most dictionaries (all mine anyway. can't vouch for dictionaries I haven't seen.......)
11 hrs
Thank you, Writeaway!
agree Evans (X)
15 hrs
Thank you, Gilla!
agree Chris Hall
2 days 2 hrs
Thank you, Chris:)
Something went wrong...
18 mins

Nile green

It all depends on which eau it is.
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : is what Larousse calls vert Nil............
11 hrs
disagree Sandra Mouton : It isn't the same colour, there is a lot more blue in "vert d'eau" than in "vert Nil".
1 day 23 hrs
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