Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

My screen is fading

French translation:

mon écran devient noir/perd sa luminosité

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2012-08-07 10:54:07 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Aug 4, 2012 07:11
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

My screen is fading

English to French Tech/Engineering Media / Multimedia
My screen is fading or difficult to read

Mon écran s'estompe ?


Isabelle F. BRUCHER (X) Aug 6, 2012:
I think you confuse with "fondu enchaîné", which is indeed a voluntary visual effect. I have been using computers for 27 years now. And my brand new laptop fades undesirably from time to time. I was just hoping it would do it again, so as to be able to describe it better. There like transparent milk over the screen content, I think you'd say a milky or pearly effect. And it does not get dark after that. It's not because a computer is not about to crash that it is not technology that dates back to 5 years ago. Things are evolving quickly.Gilles's sentence does not say the screen gets black, just "difficult to read": what can we do with so little context?... But I guess Kévin's useful piece of advice to keep a PC longer will encourage me to do the dusting more often (I hate it !). OK, next Kudoz... :)
Kévin Bernier Aug 5, 2012:
@Isabelle ....My computer is old by today's standards, however my screen is not. I just said it was four months old. I should specify that I own a desktop, not a laptop. My screen and my computer are two distinct parts.

And you are still missing the point Tony and I are trying to make. The answer you are suggesting, and the concept you keep arguing is about a voluntary fading of the screen, i.e a technology or a mechanic meant to fade the screen for visual effect. Your Microsoft reference precisely describes that.

However, due to the phrasing in Gilles' question, it is very highly unlikely this is what it is all about here : we are obviously talking about a defect in one's screen which would cause it to fade, and hence turn black... If the question was referring to the voluntary act of screen fading, there would be no point to add "difficult to read". This has to be a defect.
Tony M Aug 5, 2012:
@ Isabelle Yes, but it's vital to distinguish between a deliberate visual effect, which is what a 'fondu' is, and something accidental and undesidrable, which is what 'fading' appears to be in the present case.

Perhaps the difference is subtle to the layperson, but technically, it is vital.
Isabelle F. BRUCHER (X) Aug 5, 2012:
@All What about this: d'écra... : fondu à l'écran : screen fade !
Isabelle F. BRUCHER (X) Aug 5, 2012:
Cher Kévin, So you have a very old PC by today's standards, which is exactly what I suspected. And so my remark was not off-topic at all, it was exactly where the problem lies. Every computer works "perfectly" until the second before it crashes...
Kévin Bernier Aug 5, 2012:
@Isabelle My screen is four months old. Screen fading means tuning down the lights on your screen (or more precisely having an automated function do so) in order for it to be less bright and less harmful to your eyes (if you know about the software F.lux, you know what I'm talking about). If your screen looks less bright, if logic serves it looks darker. In this context, if the question was referring to an automated and expected fading of the screen through a given technology, I do not think it would be phrased quite like this.

Now when a screen is losing its brightness or its image, it becomes harder to tell the difference between the image on the screen and the screen itself. The color of any screen, ANY screen at all is black, and when you lose the image completely that is what you see. It is what typically happens when the image on your screen fades, everything becomes harder to distinguish because it is turning black.

To respond to your off-topic comment, I have had my computer for 5 years, chose all the pieces myself and had them put together by the website I bought it on, and aside from a ventilator and my screen I've had nothing to change, and my computer is in terrific shape
Isabelle F. BRUCHER (X) Aug 5, 2012:
How old are your computers? "Screen fading" might be a new technology that "old" computers don't have. By the way, if your computer is more than 3 years old, it might be time to replace it. Indeed, a computer technician warned me, after my computer crash last fall, that any part of your hard disk is liable, if not likely, to crash after 3 years. If you save 14 EUR per month, you can renew your 500 EUR laptop every 3 years (and keep the "old" one for CD-Rom dictionaries that work with the "old" technology, for example).
Tony M Aug 5, 2012:
However... It can also be a transitive verb, with various translations.

In some uses, it is a phrasal verb, as in to fade away / in / out and the related term 'to crossfade'

In technical senses, these have various translations, depending on the technical domain and the emphasis of what is being said. At least in the world of the cinema, these terms retain the 'archaic' terminology of 'fondu', which relates technically to the origins of the effect. However, this can only really be applied when it is indeed some deliberate effect, rather than (as appears to be the case here) something undesirable.
Tony M Aug 5, 2012:
Intransitive vs transitive There is a world of difference between the verb 'to fade' when it is used transitively and intransitively.

When intransitive, it can have a variety of translations, according to context, here are just a few gleaned from R+C:

a colour passer , perdre son éclat
material passer , se décolorer
light baisser , diminuer
flower se faner , se flétrir
guaranteed not to fade ( Textiles )  : garanti bon teint
the daylight was fast fading  : le jour baissait rapidement
b thing remembered, vision s'effacer
interest, enthusiasm diminuer , décliner
sound s'affaiblir
smile s'évanouir
one's sight, memory, hearing etc baisser
the castle faded from sight  : le château disparut aux regards
her voice faded into silence  : sa voix s'est éteinte
the sound is fading ( Radio )  : il y a du fading
our hopes had faded  : nos espoirs s'étaient évanouis
hopes are fading of finding any more survivors  : l'espoir de découvrir d'autres survivants s'amenuise

Proposed translations

22 mins

mon écran devient noir/perd sa luminosité

I think "devient noir" is better, althought the other one should work aswell.

Images are Google searchs in each language for "my screen is fading" and "mon écran devient noir".
Note from asker:
Merci et bon week-end
Peer comment(s):

agree Odile Raymond
34 mins
Thank you.
agree Tony M : Though it probably depends on the exact circumstances: is this loss of video image, or ageing of the screen itself, or something else again...? / The present continuous in EN is indeed very often translated by the simple present in FR.
39 mins
Thank you. Although basically, what happens when something fades is it turns black. I don't think I've seen many computer screens turn grey. The use of the verb "devenir" is also important here, since it translates the impression of gradual fading.
agree Virginie Ebongué
1 hr
Thank you.
disagree Isabelle F. BRUCHER (X) : "devient noir" is the (supposed!) final stage, "is fading" is an in-between stage. // You are ASSUMING it will become black. That is INTERPRETATION, not translation, sorry. Nothing proves it will become black afterwards... + 1 answer per box please, thks!
8 hrs // I'm sorry, but in my book when something loses its brightness or disappears, it means by default it is slowly turning black. The default color of any screen without image is black, so if the image is gone...
agree Anne R : perd de sa luminosité, oui
23 hrs
Thank you.
agree enrico paoletti
1 day 10 hrs
Thank you.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci"
2 hrs

mon écran s'assombrit progressivement

Il n'est pas indiqué que l'écran devient entièrement noir.. Juste "fading" qui est le processus d'assombrissement/obscurcissement progressif. Il est même rajouté "difficult to read", donc encore un léger éclat de lumière.
Note from asker:
Thank you
Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M : Depends on context: is the image fading out to leave a black screen, or the contrast of the image diminsihing towards a plain grey, ... ?
4 mins
That could be another problem indeed, but how to know if the screen is "fading black" or "fading grey"..? Maybe Gilles has a picture of it, which would help.. \\ forgot to say thanks... Thank you Tony! :)
agree Cathy Przybylski : tout à fait d'accord, car ça représente bien le "fading" en musique qui inclut une notion de progressif également
3 hrs
merci Cathy !
neutral Isabelle F. BRUCHER (X) : To me, "to fade (away)" means: it is losing its contrast, you cannot make out the text, the icons, etc./ But it does not automatically get darker (or the text would say so), it's just losing its contrast - very different!
6 hrs
Merci de votre commentaire. Je comprends "fading" de la même manière que Kévin. J'ai uniquement rajouté le terme 'progressif' qui, à mon avis, est essentiel dans la traduction. "Fondu" en garde le sens, mais c'est plutôt une technique qu'un problème.
Something went wrong...
8 hrs

mon écran disparaît en fondu


▶ fade out

1 intransitive verb

[sound] ▶ faiblir

/Cinema/, /Television/; [picture] ▶ ***disparaître en fondu***

/Radio/; [music, dialogue] ▶ être coupé par un fondu sonore

2 separable transitive verb
/Cinema/, /Television/ ▶ faire disparaître en fondu
/Radio/ ▶ couper par un fondu sonore

--- :

"Image flottante qui apparait et disparait en fondu, aléatoirement" :

"Sous une application crée en VB5 , j'ai un écran d'accueil (splash
screen) qui disparait en fondu. La procédure gérant ceci n'est pas de
moi et fait appel à l'API SetLayeredWindowAttributes de user32." :

"La classe SplashScreen affiche l'écran de démarrage dès que possible après le démarrage de l'application.L'écran de démarrage est affiché à l'aide du code natif, avant la création de l'instance d'application WPF.L'écran de démarrage est affiché au centre de l'écran.Lorsque l'application est chargée, l'écran de démarrage **disparaît en fondu**."

"Cet article a fait l'objet d'une traduction manuelle. Déplacez votre pointeur sur les phrases de l'article pour voir la version originale de ce texte."

=> You see the original sentence: "When the application is loaded, the splash screen ***fades***."

Gd Robert:

fondu, ue [fɔ̃dy] adj. et n. m.
ÉTYM. 1170, « détruit, effondré »; p. p. de fondre.
I Adj.
1 Amené à l'état liquide. Du plomb fondu. Statue de bronze fondu. ➙ Coulé, moulé. Neige fondue. Sucre fondu dans de l'eau. ➙ Dissous. Du sucre fondu, caramélisé. Beurre fondu (fig. et fam. ➙ Beurre). Fromage fondu, fait de divers fromages coulés ensemble.
2 Par ext. Flou, vaporeux. Contours fondus. — Qui passe par des tons gradués. Des tons fondus. ➙ Dégradé (→ Coloris, cit. 2). — N. m. Le fondu d'un tableau : la dégradation progressive des teintes.
1 2
3 Fam. (Personnes). Détraqué, fou. Il est un peu fondu.
II N. m.
1 Apparition ou disparition graduelle de l'image. Ouverture, fermeture en fondu.
REM. Il s'agit d'un exemple ironique du langage des snobs.

◆ Radio. Disparition progressive du son (recomm. off. pour fading).
2 Cin. Fondu(-)enchaîné : effet où une image se substitue progressivement à une autre (qui s'efface). Des fondus enchaînés.
◆ Photogr. Effet de transition obtenu en projection par l'emploi de deux appareils conjugués.

HOM. Fondue.


Note added at 1 day18 mins (2012-08-05 07:29:25 GMT)

My Microsoft (!) reference proves sufficiently that "to fade" has to be translated by "disparaître en fondu". If even a Microsoft website does not convince you, I don't know what to do!...
Example sentence:

L'écran de démarrage est affiché au centre de l'écran.Lorsque l'application est chargée, l'écran de démarrage disparaît en fondu.

Note from asker:
Merci. Je ne pense pas que ce soit ça....
Peer comment(s):

disagree Tony M : "even a Microsoft website" — LOL, that's a real joke; everyone knows that the Microsoft translations are full of absolute howlers! In any case, the usage is quite different; with Splash, it is a deliberate effect; here, it's a fault.
10 mins
What about this: d'écra... : fondu à l'écran : screen fade !
neutral Kévin Bernier : The tense of the verb "devenir" in my suggestion makes all the difference. Read my answer to your post.
20 mins
Please read my answer to your answer. You are interpreting, not translating. Sorry I had to put a "disagree" but the Asker has left it to the computer to "select" the "best" answer (I don't approve of that system, but people are allowed to use it, so...).
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