Jul 29, 2013 10:39
11 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Polish term
z miłości do słodkości
Polish to English
Food & Drink
miejsce to (Manufaktura cukierków i lizaków) powstało 'z miłości do słodkości'
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
1 hr
affection for confection
ew. confection affection
ew. confection affection
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz
: ! Dobre. Brawo.
3 hrs
agree |
Karolina Cichocka
3 hrs
agree |
lafresita (X)
: Brawo!
21 hrs
agree |
2 days 19 hrs
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Dziękuję i pozdrawiam"
10 mins
a labour of love for sweets / founded on love for sweets
This place is a labour of (our) love for sweets.
*Based on a popular expression "a labour of love" meaning - Work undertaken for the pleasure of it or for the benefit of a loved one.
This place was founded entirely on (our) love for sweets.
This place is a labour of (our) love for sweets.
*Based on a popular expression "a labour of love" meaning - Work undertaken for the pleasure of it or for the benefit of a loved one.
This place was founded entirely on (our) love for sweets.
43 mins
X was founded/established out of (our) love for sweetness
A common, no-frills option
https://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&q="founded out of lov...
Note added at 7 hrs (2013-07-29 17:59:59 GMT)
lub: out of our WEAKNESS for sweetness
https://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&q="founded out of lov...
Note added at 7 hrs (2013-07-29 17:59:59 GMT)
lub: out of our WEAKNESS for sweetness
22 hrs
X was founded on our love for sweets, or sweetness
Another option.
moim zdaniem w takiej sytuacji, aby uniknąć jakichkolwiek nieporozumień i niesnasków, lepiej jest podać drugą odpowiedź.
nie jest to przecież zabronione ....