Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Dutch term or phrase:
English translation:
quality indicator survey
Dutch term
What would be the clearest way of describing this?
3 +1 | quality indicator survey | Barend van Zadelhoff |
May 8, 2017 21:02: Barend van Zadelhoff Created KOG entry
May 8, 2017 21:03: Barend van Zadelhoff changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/133080">Barend van Zadelhoff's</a> old entry - "kwaliteitsvraag"" to ""quality indicator survey""
Proposed translations
quality indicator survey
I think this is a key ref: :
Indicatorenrapportages geven zorginstellingen inzicht in scores op kwaliteitsindicatoren, inclusief landelijke benchmark en inzicht in de data waarmee de berekeningen tot stand zijn gekomen. Bekijk hier de indicatorenrapportages
Just the general idea, different context:
The first quality-indicator survey occurred, on an average, 10 months after the COHSASA baseline survey in the intervention hospitals. It is possible that these hospitals had already made considerable progress that was not captured because the first round of the survey was too late to be a true baseline, which may explain the lack of effect of accreditation on the selected quality indicators.
Another example, somewhat different context as well:
Quality Indicator Survey: The Quality Indicator Survey (QIS) is a computer-assisted long-term care survey process that was developed under Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The primary goal is to improve consistency and accuracy of quality of care and quality of life problem identification by using structured investigation.
Also see reference comments
agree |
Kitty Brussaard
: FWIW, referred to as 'indicator requests' in assig... but I like your version better.
1 day 19 hrs
Thanks, Kitty. Ik vind het Engels wat houterig in dat document (letterlijke vertaling?). In principe zijn het vragenlijsten (surveys) die worden ingevuld:
Reference comments
'quality surveys'
De vragen van verzekeraars naar de mate waarin de instelling voldoet aan kwaliteitscriteria vormen geen integraal onderdeel van de kwaliteitsuitvragen in het kader van Zichtbare Zorg en de IGZ.
De kwaliteitsuitvragen van verzekeraars komen adhoc binnen en kennen een korte reactietermijn, waardoor het erg lastig is om de procedure voor de behandeling van dergelijke vragen (die veelal decentraal moeten plaatsvinden) goed te regelen. Desondanks is het streven er tot nu toe op gericht om deze vragen van verzekeraars zoveel mogelijk te beantwoorden.
Voorzover het geregistreerde gegevens betreft lukt dit .
Slim portaal versnelt kwaliteitsuitvraag ziekenhuizen
De ziekenhuizen hebben dit jaar meer dan 100.000 kwaliteitsindicatoren aangeleverd via één nieuw portaal, dat in opdracht van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen (NVZ) en de Nederlandse Federatie van Universitaire Medische Centra (NFU) is ontwikkeld.
Hiermee is volgens NVZ een eerste stap gezet in het stroomlijnen van het jaarlijkse aanleverproces voor wettelijk verplichte kwaliteitsuitvragen voor ziekenhuizen. Jaarlijks registreren ziekenhuizen veel gegevens om de kwaliteit van zorg te verbeteren. Ziekenhuizen hebben de afgelopen jaren veel problemen ondervonden bij het aanleveren van kwaliteitsgegevens aan de Transparantiekalender van het Zorginstituut. Een evaluatie van VWS bevestigt volgens NVZ dat er nog veel verbeterd kan worden in het aanleverproces.
Voorbeeld kwaliteitsuitvraag : uitvraag_2016 werkdo...
Note added at 1 hr (2017-04-27 20:04:12 GMT)
The process seems to be called:
clinical auditing
agree |
Michael Beijer
: very convincing
18 mins
The Devil is in the Details. :-)
Parallel requests for information about the quality of healthcare
Every year, healthcare institutions provide data with which insight can be gained into the quality of healthcare;
- healthcare institutions provide the Kwaliteitsinstituut [Quality Institute] with indicators from the Transparency Calendar on an annual basis. (...)
- Every year, healthcare facilities provide the IGZ (Dutch Healthcare Inspectorate) with the indicators for the IGZ basic set of performance indicators. The set contains a maximum of 307 variables. (...)
Hospitals provide data in particular about the two quality aspects of ‘structure’ and ‘process’; in 2012, these together comprised 96% of the obligatory indicators.
Parallel requests
In addition to the legally required indicator sets, other parties such as health insurers, patient organisations and healthcare institutions regularly ask for supplementary information about the quality of healthcare. These so-called parallel requests increase the registration workload for healthcare institutions. Moreover, different parties sometimes ask the same question in a slightly different way.
Although healthcare institutions are not legally obliged to respond to requests from parties such as health insurers, in practice, healthcare institutions have little option but to respond. If the requested data is not provided, it is possible that health insurers will no longer purchase the healthcare, or use of this lack of data as an argument in favour of putting prices down.
Failing to provide data about the quality of healthcare can also have a negative effect on the institution’s image if the public interpret this as a way of covering up suboptimal performance.
Parallel requests account for the highest registration workload, and therefore demand for this data must be limited wherever possible. The Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Edith Schippers, recently drew up an agreement with health insurers that for 30 particular medical conditions, they would only purchase healthcare based on quality indicators developed in collaboration with healthcare providers and patients. They will not be sending out any further requests for information relating to these health conditions.
agree |
Barend van Zadelhoff
: In that case it should be 'parallel quality indicator requests' Also see your own ref. - 'survey' or 'request' ? / Or perhaps: Health insurers carried out less parallel quality indicator surveys in 2018.
3 days 1 hr
In this specific context (kwaliteitsuitvragen door zorgverzekeraars) that would indeed be an option although I think your answer is also absolutely fine in combination with requested by health insurers (door zorgverzekeraars). / Sounds good!
Als je onder het deel algemene deel voor oncologie kijkt, zie je dat ze het niveau van kwaliteit proberen te meten dat de instelling kan leveren. uitvraag_2016 werkdo...
if the term is indeed "kwaliteitsuitvraag"
JurLex: uitvraag (aanbest.) = invitation