Apr 29, 2017 02:34
7 yrs ago
16 viewers *
Spanish term

cuando se actualice el supuesto

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Fishing policies - Mexican Spanish
El decomiso de artes de pesca y productos obtenidos de la pesca, se realizará cuando se actualice el supuesto de las fracciones I, V, VII, X, XIII, XVII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXIII, XXVII y XXX del artículo 132, independientemente de la multa correspondiente.

The preceding text doesn't help a lot with the context, but in any case I'm adding it below. This is a paragraph/point from a legislation for Mexican fisheries, there are a few other paragraphs that contain the same wording. Any thoughts???

Text before:
La clausura que imponga la Secretaría será definitiva y total, en caso de que los riesgos o afectaciones a que se refiere la fracción III del presente artículo se causen por o se generen en establecimientos TIF regulados por esta Ley.


Text after:
ARTÍCULO 143.- A los productos o bienes decomisados, se les dará el destino que disponga la Secretaría, conforme a las siguientes alternativas:


Charles Davis Apr 30, 2017:
actualizar The meaning of "actualizar" involved here (make actual, in the sense of real) is not new; in fact it is the original meaning of "actualizar" in Spanish. The word first appeared in the Royal Academy Dictionary in 1770 and was defined as "Reducir á acto alguna cosa". And "actual" meant the same as "actual" in English: "Lo mismo que existente o presente". The usage example is: "La segunda cosa que se requiere, es actual devoción" (from Fray Luis de Granada). Obviously this doesn't mean up-to-date devotion; it means devotion that really exists: actual devotion.

Proposed translations

11 mins
Spanish term (edited): cuando se actualice el supuesto de los

in the cases/scenarios mentioned in

"Actualizar" here literally means "to materialize", but we wouldn't really use that in this context.

Note added at 20 mins (2017-04-29 02:54:56 GMT)

An even clearer wording would be "Fishing devices and products obtained from fishing shall be confiscated as a result of the violations/infractions listed in Sections I, V..."

Here's the relevant text of the law, I believe:

ARTÍCULO 132.- Son infracciones a lo establecido en la presente Ley, el Reglamento y las normas oficiales que de ella deriven:
I. Realizar la pesca sin contar para ello con la concesión o permiso correspondiente; 51 de 67
V. Facturar o amparar productos pesqueros, que no hubieran sido obtenidos en los términos de su concesión o permiso por sus titulares;...
Peer comment(s):

agree neilmac : Seems logical, but in Spain I've never heard "actualizar" to mean anything other than update, but I bow to your expertise. "Mexico is different"… :-)
6 hrs
Thanks, Neil, I suppose the Latin root has something to do with it, pertaining to "act" or "action". I should have said "actualizarse", not "actualizar".
agree Álvaro Espantaleón Moreno : RAE: 3. tr. Poner en acto, realizar. I would have used "verifique" here though.
9 hrs
Thanks, Álvaro. Yes, "verificarse" would be more universally understood.
agree Charles Davis : Very typical of Mexican judicial language.
9 hrs
Thanks, Charles. Yes, I've seen this usage dozens of times here.
neutral Michael Powers (PhD) : I do not understand how you came up with the translation "mentioned in" from the Spanish original. Maybe it is something I just have not learned yet. Could you cite a reference for me? Thanks, Robert.
13 hrs
Sure, Michael. I'm just paraphrasing because the Spanish uses a different construction to the one we'd normally see in English. It literally means "if [or whenever] any scenarios [mentioned in Sections I, V, etc.,] happen".
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
36 mins

(will be done) whenever the case is updated

in sections I, IV, VII ...

Note added at 54 mins (2017-04-29 03:29:40 GMT)

"actualizar" means to update

when the present subjective is used after a temporal adverb, such as "actualice" after the adverb "cuando", that is because the time is not known. In this case, it is appropriate to translate "cuando" as "whenever."

Note added at 13 hrs (2017-04-29 15:46:29 GMT)

Spanish-English Oxford Dictionary.
(salarios/pensiones/legislaciíon/datos) to bring ... up to date ... up to date, to update; (inf) (software) upgrade
(fil, lin) to realize

Since the above is dealing with fishing regulations and is obviously is unrelated to philosophy or linguistics, I went with "update."

Peer comment(s):

neutral Robert Carter : Sorry Michael, but "update" is not the only meaning of "actualizar". More to the point, what would that wording even mean? Saludos!
12 hrs
No need to be sorry. I am aware that most words are polysemantic. As to what it would mean, my interpretation is the confiscation of .... will not be done until the mentioned sections are updated. I have no idea what those updates are.
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