Aug 20, 2020 22:03
4 yrs ago
34 viewers *
German term


German to English Medical Medical (general) Summary of patient's functional impairments
Dear All,

The German doctor has written of the patient suffering damaged lumbar discs due to "Üblastungen", a phrase I've never heard before. I can't find it in any of my sources, is it an abbreviated form?

It implies to me that the patient has damaged his lower back due to "practice" or exercises. (He formerly served in the army.) Is this an accurate assumption?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes,


Johannes Gleim Aug 23, 2020:
Üblastungen is no abbreviation, but a typing error.
Alison Waddington (asker) Aug 21, 2020:
Sentence containing the term Hi Everyone, thanks for your responses. The original text is handwritten (the doctor was completing a form), I agree it does appear to be a misspelling as the doctor makes other errors. The sentence in the original German reads: "Lumbale Bandscheibenschäden [sic] durch Üblastungen".
Johannes Gleim Aug 21, 2020:
With Steffen ...
Steffen Walter Aug 21, 2020:
With Renee At first glance, this seems to be a typo for "Überlastungen" ("Üblastungen" as such is a non-existent word). Please do provide the German sentence, though, for us to be sure and to be able to help you.
Renee Kulkarni MD Aug 21, 2020:
Given the fact that the patient some form of injury to his spine, I think this term may be an abbreviation for Überbelastung, or physical overload as David mentioned
David Hollywood Aug 21, 2020:
could be "excess strain" or something to do with the adverse effects of military exercises....
David Hollywood Aug 21, 2020:
agree with Cilian (it might be a typo or a typical medical abbreviation...but if not some more ST would be helpful)
Cilian O'Tuama Aug 20, 2020:
Sentence What's the German sentence? Is there only one mention? Any other words containing 'lastung' in the text that might provide a clue? Help us help you.

Proposed translations

10 hrs

overexertion // too much strain // excessive strain

Überlastung would me my idea.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This is the answer I went with. Yes, I believe the doctor abbreviated the term, whether by accident or design. Thanks!"
1 hr

exercise loads or training loads

Effects of exercise load and blood-flow restriction on skeletal ... › ...
Effects of exercise load and blood-flow restriction on skeletal muscle function. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Oct;39(10):1708-13. doi: 10.1249 ...
SB Cook - ‎2007 - ‎

Indicators of exercise load - nataswim › blog › item › 9-indicators-of-exe...
With increased load, increase heart rate of elite athletes is much slower than with athletes at a lower performance level due to better level of training . Based on ...

Training load: The professional approach to peak ... - Les Mills › fit-planet › fitness › training-load
Apr 16, 2018 - NIC GILL: Training load is one of those things where it's more of an art than a science. It's the cumulative amount of exercise you're doing, ...

Training Load - Firstbeat Analytics › features › training-load
Advanced performance analytics for stress, recovery and exercise. ... That is the promise of Training Load, which reports how hard you have been working over ...
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10 hrs


Gemeint ist hier sicherlich die Überlastujg der Lendenbandscheiben, wobei der Begriff 'Überlastung' im Deutschen durchaus üblich ist.

Zum Beispiel:
Die Gelenke der Wirbelsäule, die auch als Facettengelenke bezeichnet werden und bei Überlastung durch Bandscheibenschäden oder Abnutzung eher lokale Rückenschmerzen ggf. mit Ausstrahlung in die Hüfte oder Leiste oder auch Blockierungen („Hexenschuss“) auslösen.

Im Englischen:
overloading or overload (as already pointed out by Renee - pl. see discussion)

One or more causes generally play a part in herniated discs, including age-related degeneration, overweight/obesity, trauma, a lack of conditioning (sedentary lifestyle), and overloading of the spine.

Quantification of overload injuries to thoracolumbar vertebrae and discs in persons exposed to heavy physical exertions or vibration at the workplace Part II Occurrence and magnitude of overload injury in exposed cohorts

Peer comment(s):

agree Kim Metzger :
1 day 3 hrs
Many thanks Kim
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13 hrs
German term (edited): Überlastungen (Überlastungsschaden)

overuse (injury)

Überlastungsschaden: overuse injury
overuse: Überbelastung
(Hexal Wörterbuch Medizin)

Moderne Sicherungstechniken und witterungsunabhängige Trainingsmöglichkeiten haben im Klettersport zu einer Reduktion traumatischer Schulterverletzungen geführt. Chronische Überlastungserscheinungen nehmen dagegen zu.
Due to better techniques in sport climbing and better opportunities for training, we can see a marked reduction in shoulder injuries. But there is an increase in overuse injuries, especially in the overhead position of the shoulder. Another reason for overuse injuries is climbing in more and more difficult angulations and the lack of recreation of sports men.

Overuse injuries are the most common climbing related injuries.
Bei dieser Sportart stehen Überlastungen („overuse“) hauptsächlich im Bereich
der oberen Extremität an erster Stelle der Beschwerden

This study`s objective was to collect items from experienced sports physicians, relating to the presence and severity of overuse wrist injuries in young athletes, for developing a measurement instrument for signals of overuse wrist injury.

Seit den 1980er Jahren steigt die Anzahl von Läufern und auch die Prävalenz von laufbedingten Überlastungsbeschwerden (LÜB) deutlich an.
Since an increase of recreational and competitive running around the 1980s, running related overuse injuries (RROI) have become a major interest in sport scientific and biomechanical research.

Overuse injury: How to prevent training injuries
Common causes of overuse injury
An overuse injury is any type of muscle or joint injury, such as tendinitis or a stress fracture, that's caused by repetitive trauma. An overuse injury typically stems from:
• Training errors. Training errors can occur when you take on too much physical activity too quickly. Going too fast, exercising for too long or simply doing too much of one type of activity can strain your muscles and lead to an overuse injury.
• Technique errors. Improper technique also can take its toll on your body. If you use poor form as you do a set of strength training exercises, swing a golf club or throw a baseball, for example, you may overload certain muscles and cause an overuse injury.
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Reference comments

55 mins


Praxis für Physiotherapie - Hannover Physio › ...
In der praktischen Anwendung fordert er die maximale Übungsbelastung, erkennt aber sehr schnell wann die Bleastungsgrenze erreicht ist. Wer aktiv bei der ...

Patienten - Endocoach - PhysioNetzwerk › tepfit › patie...
Neuartig ist die Strukturierung und individuelle Bestimmung der Alltags und Übungsbelastung. Die Philosophie dahinter: eine systematische Steigerung der ...

Rückentraining - Seite 242 - › books-
... Abb. 21.8). Ein Satz wird rechts, ein Satz links ausgeführt. . Die Übungsbelastung entspricht dabei der Hälfte des Übungsgewichts der normalen Ausführung.
Frederik Deemter - 2012 - ‎Medical

Die Bedeutung intrakompartimenteller Druckwerte für die ... › paper-
... Diagnose des funktionellen Kompartmentsyndroms: Eine Metaanalyse von Studien des Druckverlaufs im M. tibialis anterior während einer Übungsbelastung" ...

The significance of intracompartmental pressures in ... › article
Eine Metaanalyse von Studien des Druckverlaufs im M. tibialis anterior während einer Übungsbelastung. Authors; Authors and affiliations. C. Willy; J. Sterk ...
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1 day 14 hrs

Sometimes, back pain results from specific activities or actions, such as improper lifting, overexertion, poor posture, injury or trauma.

Lower back pain caused by overexertion and traumatic injuries.

The causes of chronic low back pain are varied. Back pain usually begins with an acute event such as overexertion,
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