Sep 1, 2021 04:00
3 yrs ago
78 viewers *
Spanish term

Sistema Penal Acusatorio (en México)

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Legal
Is it "Adversarial Criminal System" or "Accusatory Penal System".. ??

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Adversarial/Adversary System

"The adversarial system or adversary system is a legal system used in the common law countries where two advocates represent their parties' case or position before an impartial person or group of people, usually a judge or jury, who attempt to determine the truth and pass judgment accordingly.[1][2][3] It is in contrast to the inquisitorial system used in some civil law systems (i.e. those deriving from Roman law or the Napoleonic code) where a judge investigates the case.

The adversarial system is the two-sided structure under which criminal trial courts operate, putting the prosecution against the defense."
Peer comment(s):

agree Adrian MM. : vs. inquisitivo - inquisitorial, West.
3 hrs
Thanks, Adrian.
agree AllegroTrans
4 hrs
Thanks, Chris.
agree David Hollywood : nice explanation
20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
15 mins

Accusatorial System

The term implies “criminal” cases.

Note added at 8 hrs (2021-09-01 12:29:42 GMT)

Black’s Law Dictionary
adversary system.
A procedural system, such as the Anglo-American legal system, involving active and unhindered parties contesting with each other to put forth a case before an independent decision-maker. Also termed adversary procedure; (in criminal cases) accusatorial system; accusatory procedure. Cf. INQUISITORIAL SYSTEM.

“The term adversary system sometimes characterizes an entire legal process, and sometimes it refers only to criminal procedure. In the latter instance, it is often used interchangeably with an old expression of continental European origin, ‘accusatorial procedure,’ and is juxtaposed to the ‘inquisitorial,’ or ‘nonadversary,’ process. There is no precise understanding, however, of the institutions and arrangements denoted by these expressions.” Mirjan Damaska, “Adversary Procedure,” in 1 Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice 24, 24-25 (Sanford H. Kadish ed., 1983).
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Adversarial is fine too, but you were first.
8 hrs
Well, thank you, Phil, for noticing the synonymous usage and the first to post.
agree Robert Carter : Hi Sandro, I was unaware that "accusatorial" is synonym with "adversarial" in English, but if Black's say so... I did check your own Diccionario Jurídico before I posted :-)
13 hrs
I was unaware, too, but I checked Black’s b4 posting and saw the nuances. Guess which entry I´ll be updating in my dictionary?. // Reading more, Garner prefers adversary to adversarial cause latter connotes animosity & former is a neutral, clinical word.
agree Angelo Berbotto
21 hrs
Thank you, Angelo.
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6 hrs

accusatory or inquisitorial system

Two references explain the difference between an accusatory or inquisitorial system, and an adversarial system of judgement.:
".. Common law countries use procedures inspired by the accusatory system tradition, and civil law countries tend towards the inquisitorial system tradition. In general, the accusatory system seems to be more sensitive to the liberty of citizens. While the inquisitorial system places more emphasis on ensuring the punishment of a guilty party."
"The adversarial system is a legal system used in common law countries where advocates represent their party's case or position before an impartial group of people, usually a judge or a jury who attempt to determine the truth, and pass judgement accordingly. It's in contrast to the inquisitorial systems (deriving from Roman law or the Napoleonic code) where the judge investigates the case. The adversarial system is the two-sided structure under which criminal trial courts operate, with the prosecution against the defense."

Note added at 5 days (2021-09-06 19:14:46 GMT)

"The Inquisitorial system is a method of legal practice in which the judge endeavors to discover facts while simultaneously representing the interests of a state in a trial. ... The judge is responsible for supervising the gathering of evidence needed to resolve the case."
It seems to be based on investigations.

Note added at 5 days (2021-09-06 19:25:16 GMT)

En los término del artículo de la ley pertinente, una petición de amparo ha sido recibido, en contra una decisión tomada por la Corte de la vecinidad, especialista en el sistema penal y acusatorio, adscrito del Sistema Federal de Justicia.
'El Sistema Penal y Acusatorio es un sistema procesal penal que busca resolver hechos delictivos en menos tiempo, en el cual existe igualidad de las partes. En este sistema, el fiscal, la defensa y la víctima tienen igualidad de oportunidades de ser oídas, y las decisiones están a cargo de un juez independiente e imparcial.
Los países de la ley comunitaria utilizan procedimientos inspirados de la tradición del sistema acusatorio, mientras que los países de la ley civil son propensos a la tradición de inquisiciones o investigaciones. En general, el sistema acusatorio parece ser más sensible ante la libertad de los ciudadanos, mientras el sistema de investigaciones hace más hincapié en asegurar los castigos del partido culpable.
El sistema adversarial es un sistema jurídico utilizado en los países de la ley comunitaria, donde los dos abogados representan los casos o las posturas de sus partidos ante un grupo de personas imparciales, de sólito un juez y un jurado, que se esfuerzan por establecer la verdad y pasar al juicio con concordancia. Está en contraste el sistema de inquisiciones o investigaciones (derivado de la ley romana y el código napoleónico) donde un juez o un magistrado investiga el caso. El sistema adversarial tiene una estructura de dos lados, bajo el cual las cortes de ensayos delictivos funcionan con procesos de juicios, sentencias y acusos en contra el defendante.'
"El sistema inquisidor, sea de investigaciones, es un método de la práctica jurídica en que el magistrado busca descubrir los hechos, mientras, a la vez, representa los intereses de los ciudadanos del estado durante el ensayo... El magistrado es responsable de la recaudación de evidencias que se requieren para resolver el caso."
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