Jun 20, 2023 22:31
1 yr ago
13 viewers *
Swedish term


Swedish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
In a contract, one party is entitle to unilaterally make changes in reference to bla, bla, bla, and "uppenbara skrivfel och andra förklaringsmisstag." I get a few hits for "mistakes of explanation" - surely it should be "errors of explanation"? - but is that a thing in English contract law? Legal eagles, your thoughts, please.


Christopher Schröder Jun 27, 2023:
It does seem to be a thing based on Google, Paul
Paul Lambert Jun 22, 2023:
Legal eagle? Did a legal eagle actually tell you that "mistake in expression" was correct? Not jealous, just wondering for my own sake.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

mistake in expression

It usually refers to situations in which there is a flaw or mistake in the way something is described or articulated in a legal agreement. This can include situations in which a contract provision contains incorrect or ambiguous wording or phrasing, resulting in a misunderstanding or incorrect interpretation of the intended meaning.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everyone for your answers!"
2 hrs

mistake in declaration of intent

Mistake made by the offeror in a contract, such as saying or writing "three" and meaning "thirty". He will usually be bound by this mistake if the offeree relies on it in good faith and does not suspect it is wrong; however, he will not be bound by it if the offeree knows or should have known that it was indeed a mistake.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Adrian MM. : a high confidence level, neither with any refs., nor any tie-up with any specialist contract or tortious term of art in Anglo-Can. law, such as a 'nevertheless binding / irrevocable' *fraudulent (mis-) representation*.
2 days 11 hrs
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14 hrs

UK: (contractual or crim.) misrepresentation: (negligent) mis-statement (in the law of tort)

I'm unsure if Canadian law has the same catrgories. - hence or ergo, middle-level confidence.

Dolusregeln och förklaringsmisstag


Felskrivning, felräkning Rekvisit:
Misstaget ska föreligga på den rättshandlandes sida
Följden av misstaget ska vara att rättshandlingen fått ett annat innehåll än åsyftat
Motparten ska ha varit i ond tro
Example sentence:

Regeln om förklaringsmisstag ger uttryck för en princip som kallas för tillitsprincipen. Tillitsprincipen går ut på att en avtalspart som är i god tro skall skyddas.

Din motpart åberopar vad som inom avtalsrätten brukar kallas för förklaringsmisstag, vilket är en ogiltighetsgrund som regleras i 32 § 1 st. AvtL.

Peer comment(s):

disagree Paul Lambert : From what I gather, this is not that harsh nor lays blame or liability. It simply means that an offerer is bound to the mistaken terms if the offeree accepted them in good faith, and is not if the offeree realises that this is a mistake.
4 hrs
a high confidence level, neither with any refs., nor any tie-up with any specialist contract or tortious term of art in Anglo-Can. law, such as a 'nevertheless binding / irrevocable' *fraudulent (mis-) representation*.
disagree Christopher Schröder : What Paul said. It’s E&O. /// No routine opposition. You just give wrong answers sometimes.
19 hrs
You, who ostensibly have never studied the law of contract or tort of any legal system, have also - with a mind of your own - still learned something in your routine opposition.
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