Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:


English translation:

professional development

Added to glossary by eleonora_r
Apr 10, 2008 22:35
16 yrs ago
28 viewers *
Croatian term


Croatian to English Other Government / Politics
Računamo na apsolvente ili tek diplomirane novinare sa Sveučilišta u Zagrebi u Sarajevu te mlade novinarke i novinare u redakcijama lokalnih medija koji rijetko imaju priliku za takvu vrstu usavršavanja.
Proposed translations (English)
5 +9 professional development
5 +2 specialization
5 mastery

Proposed translations

1 hr

professional development

In a broad sense professional development may include formal types of vocational education, typically post-secondary or polytechnical training leading to qualification or a credential required to get or retain employment. Informal or individualized programs of professional development may also include the concept of personal coaching.
Peer comment(s):

agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X) : yes, also professional enrichment/enhancement
12 mins
agree Irena Vareskic : I agree. That is a perfect phrase in the context of this piece.
23 mins
agree Romana (X)
1 hr
agree Hamid Džafo
6 hrs
agree Mihailolja
6 hrs
agree Nedim Sahovic
7 hrs
agree renata-m-s (X)
7 hrs
agree Dinap
9 hrs
agree Natasa Djurovic
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala!"
23 mins


usavršavanje = specijalizacija = stjecanje osobitih znanja u nekom području (Kljajić,...)
Peer comment(s):

agree ivanamdb : tocno
14 mins
agree Natasa Djurovic
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
30 mins


Mastery – expert knowledge or outstanding ability
n., pl. -ies.
Possession of consummate skill.
The status of master or ruler; control: mastery of the seas.
Full command of a subject of study: Her mastery of economic theory impressed the professors.
Example sentence:

Her mastery of economic theory impressed the professors.

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