Mar 22, 2020 20:58
4 yrs ago
49 viewers *
English term


GBK English to French Social Sciences Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Definition from Merriam-Webster:
Discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities.
Example sentences:
Last week a more graphic form of racism, and ableism, took place at the debating society. As has emerged from eyewitness reports and shaky camera footage, postgraduate student Ebenezer Azamati, a visually impaired black student, was dragged out of the chamber by his ankles. (HuffingtonPost)
I’m using the language of ‘disabled people’ here in line with a social model of disability which recognises that people with impairments are disabled by society through the effects of ableist attitudes and systems rather than the functioning of people’s minds, bodies and senses. (Open Democracy)
Ableist social habits can be as profound a barrier in the workplace as stairs and narrow doorways. Paying attention to these habits can be the difference between mere nondiscrimination and actually giving disabled people both the physical and emotional space to excel and bring maximum value to the organizations they work for. (Forbes)
Proposed translations (French)
5 +4 Capacitisme
4 +2 validisme
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B D Finch Mar 23, 2020:
Are they equally good? I wonder whether Glossary-building KudoZ might be engaging in pointless ranking of translations here. Isn't it possible that the proposed answers are equally good?

Proposed translations



Definition from Wikipedia:
《Le capacitisme ou validisme est une forme de discrimination, de préjugé ou de traitement défavorable contre les personnes vivant un handicap (paraplégie, tétraplégie, amputation, malformation mais aussi dyspraxie, schizophrénie, autisme, etc). Le système de valeurs capacitiste, fortement influencé par le domaine de la médecine, place la personne capable, sans handicap, comme la norme sociale. Les personnes non conformes à cette norme doivent, ou tenter de s'y conformer, ou se trouver en une situation inférieure, moralement et matériellement, aux personnes valides.》
Example sentences:
《On reconnaît généralement le capacitisme par cette attitude discriminatoire trop répandue qui consiste à placer la personne « capable », sans handicap, comme la norme sociale. Dans ce système, le handicap est perçu comme une erreur, un manque, voire un échec personnel.》 (À Babord)
《Qu’est-ce que le capacitisme1 ? C’est une forme de discrimination, de préjugé ou de traitement défavorable envers les personnes vivant un handicap, que celui-ci soit physique, mental ou psychique. Parce qu’une personne ne dispose pas, ou moins, de telle ou telle capacité, on donnera moins d’importance à ses droits ou à ses intérêts.》 (L'Amorce)
Peer comment(s):

agree Thierry Bourguet
5 hrs
Merci M. Bourguet
agree Bruno Moynié
2 days 22 hrs
Thank you, M. Moynié
agree Christine HOUDY :
3 days 4 hrs
Merci Mme. Houdy
agree Isabelle Vulliard
3 days 5 hrs
Merci Mme Vulliard
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.


The concepts, “ableism” and “disablism” are well known within the field of disability studies, and are being used more often by both activists and artists. However, they are only just starting to emerge in Francophone academic literature with terms such as capactitisme, handicapisme, incapacitisme and valisme
Example sentences:
L'article de Laurence Parent Doctorante, Université Concordia explique en détail l'utilisation des différents concepts (capacitisme, validisme, handicapisme). (Canadian Journal of Development Studies )
Peer comment(s):

agree Liensun
9 mins
agree Anaïs G.
48 days
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