This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Feb 19, 2022 08:24
2 yrs ago
31 viewers *
English term


English to French Tech/Engineering Surveying
Je me demande ce que veut dire "checks" ici. C'est dans le cadre d'un questionnaire.

An error has occurred on this page.
Please fix this error and try again.
A response is required.
The minimum number of checks is [%ErrMin()%].
Proposed translations (French)
4 -1 tests
4 -2 vérifications


Hugues Roumier (asker) Feb 21, 2022:
c'est un questionnaire, et le contenu est destiné aux participants. Donc c'est bien sûr "case à cocher".
Désolé pour ma réaction tardive
Daryo Feb 20, 2022:
@Hugues Roumier you need to give far more context, as there is in fact more than one possible interpretation.

The one given by Tony and Samuël Buysschaert makes perfect sense (99% probability of being the right one), but is not the only one.

What exactly are you translating?

Text strings that will be displayed on the screen when someone is filling own answers on a computer screen? In that case it is about the "minimum number of boxes to check / select as answer".

Most likely as [%ErrText()%] would then be a text string variable containing the error message to be displayed on the screen, and [%ErrMin()%] would the minimum number of "boxes to check" (Cases à cocher).

But there is a small possibility that these are "comments" meant for the software developer (NOT for the final user answering the questionnaire), and then it would a different story.
Anastasia Kalantzi Feb 19, 2022:
quality check This check means a quality check and error-control technique for data transferred over a computer network or other communications link, in which the data received is stored and also transmitted back to its point of origin, where it is compared with the original data. Also Data checking is an activity through which the correctness conditions of the data are verified.à_cocher
Bon weekend à tous!
Samuël Buysschaert Feb 19, 2022:
Je suis aussi d'accord,
ce type d'erreur peut survenir lorsque dans une question de type cases à cocher où l'on attend plusieurs réponses valeur donnée par (ErrMin()) , l'utilisateur n'a pas coché suffisamment de cases. Dans ce cas, l'erreur indique que les conditions ne sont pas remplies et que la réponse à cette question est requise.

Bon weekend à tous !

// Un exemple à titre indicatif
Entreprise qui propose des outils logiciels d'enquête.

david henrion Feb 19, 2022:
Totally agree with the way it's becoming a habit. Enjoy your weekend all
Nathalie Beaudelot Feb 19, 2022:
Pourrait-il s'agir de "vérifications effectuées"... ou "bonnes réponses"?
Tony M Feb 19, 2022:
@ Asker If this questionnaire involves ticking boxes, then this means that you have not ticked enough boxes.
Although in GB we tend to say 'tick', the term used in the US is 'check' ('check box', etc.) — this does rather better cover any other mark one might make, like, for example, an X. In FR, we say 'cocher la case', so I guess this would be something like 'pas assez de cases cochées'?

Proposed translations

5 hrs


Je trouve plus pertinent, une alternative: vérifications.
À mon avis, on parle du nombre minimum de vérifications avant d'avoir la réponse si l'erreur a été résolue ou non.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : Seems highly unlikely, both from the actual way it is expressed, and also, the context given.
24 mins
disagree Daryo : extremely unlikely, to the point that even with the limited context available it's less likely than winning the jackpot.
1 day 10 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 day 14 hrs


Tout simplement... dans un contexte informatique. (des vérifications sont envoyées et renvoient une erreur, ce qui donne une boucle)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : doesn't fit with the rest of the given context information.
59 mins
L'auteur s'est "trompé" en parlant de questionnaire... C'est du langage informatique (dev) comme j'en vois à longueur de journée...
disagree david henrion : L'auteur ne s'est pas trompé !
9 hrs
Something went wrong...
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