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Apr 14, 2009 13:15
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


GBK English to Indonesian Bus/Financial Economics
Definition from
The term stagflation is sometimes used to describe a situation in which there is slow to zero growth in real output, high inflation exists, and unemployment is higher than normal. This situation usually begins with rising prices at times when production is declining. Because of declining production, unemployment also increases. All three of these factors combined cause stagflation—stagnation in production and employment together with increasing inflation.
Example sentences:
If monetary authorities respond appropriately to growing inflationary pressure - recognising that much of it is imported, and not a result of excess domestic demand - we may be able to manage our way through it. But if they raise interest rates relentlessly to meet inflation targets, we should prepare for the worst: another episode of stagflation. (
Once stagflation occurs it is difficult to deal with. The measures a government would usually take to revive an economy in recession (cutting interest rates or increasing government spending) will also increase inflation. (
Folks of a certain age might remember the stagflation which dominated the US economy in the 1970s. It was a gloomy time when energy prices (and gasoline lines) dominated the news; when whole industries slumped at the same time, and when job losses and price hikes seemed to travel in tandem. (
Proposed translations (Indonesian)
5 +3 stagflasi
5 stagflasi
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Apr 14, 2009 13:14: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Apr 14, 2009 13:15: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Apr 17, 2009 13:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

8 mins


Definition from Wikipedia:
alam makroekonomi, adalah periode ketika inflasi dan stagnasi (yaitu, menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan meningkatnya pengangguran, yang sering terjadi di masa resesi) terjadi secara bersamaan. Istilah stagflasi pertama kali disebutkan oleh United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer Iain MacLeod dalam pidatonya di hadapan parlemen pada tahun 1965. "Stag" berasal dari suku kata pertama "Stagnasi", yang merujuk pada menurunnya kondisi ekonomi, sementara "flasi" berasal dari suku kata kedua dan ketiga "inflasi", yang merujuk pada naiknya harga barang-barang secara umum dan terjadi secara terus menerus.
Example sentences:
Stagflasi Ancam Bursa Saham (Sinar Harapan)
Stagflasi Belum Bersama Kita (Kompas)
Peer comment(s):

agree Wiwit Tabah Santoso : I also this term "stagflasi" when I translate a report for BNI
6 mins
agree Hikmat Gumilar
1 hr
agree Wiyanto Suroso : Sepakat. Jawaban saya kalah cepat masuknya.
4 hrs
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21 mins


Definition from Sinar Harapan Newspaper:
Stagflasi ialah periode ketika inflasi dan stagnasi terjadi secara bersamaan.
Example sentences:
Melambungnya harga minyak menimbulkan ancaman stagflasi di seluruh dunia. Mengutip Wikipedia, Stagflasi ialah periode ketika inflasi dan stagnasi terjadi secara bersamaan. Stagnasi sendiri diartikan menurunnya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan meningkatnya pengangguran yang sering terjadi di masa resesi. (Sinar Harapan Newspaper)
Namun, tahun 1973 ketika harga minyak dunia naik, timbul persoalan ekonomi di Barat yang tidak dapat diatasi oleh Kapitalisme Keynesian, yaitu stagflasi. Ini kombinasi antara pengangguran (stagnasi) dengan kenaikan harga (inflasi). Menurut doktrin Keynesian, kedua problem ini tidak mungkin terjadi bersamaan. Masyarakat dapat mengalami salah satunya, tetapi tidak kedua-duanya. Kekecewaan terhadap Keynesian inilah yang mendorong upaya pencarian solusi baru. (Harmoni Awal Titian Ilmu)
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