Glossary entry

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Jul 20, 2009 13:44
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


GBK English to Romanian Social Sciences Environment & Ecology
Definition from Wikipedia:
A locavore is someone who eats food grown or produced locally or within a certain radius such as 50, 100, or 150 miles (240 km). The locavore movement encourages consumers to buy from farmers’ markets or even to produce their own food, with the argument that fresh, local products are more nutritious and taste better. Locally grown food is an environmentally friendly means of obtaining food, since supermarkets that import their food use more fossil fuels and non-renewable resources.
Example sentences:
The first step to being a locavore is to determine what local means for you. This is an individual decision that should feel comfortable for you and your family. Many locavores start by trying to eat within a 100-mile radius from their homes and then adjust where necessary, sometimes encompassing an area as large as an entire state or region. (JumpStart Productions)
More and more people are declaring themselves locavores—meaning they’ll only eat and cook with ingredients grown locally (typically within a hundred-mile radius). The movement was born of a desire to support local producers and to reject foods shipped in from thousands of miles away on trucks and planes that deplete fossil fuels. (American Express Publishing Corporation)
One of my hopes in becoming a locavore was that it would help me lose weight. After all, nutrition experts say that, instead of eating french fries, hamburgers, shakes, cookies, candy, chips, etc, we should be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. That's pretty much exactly what happens when you become a locavore. (Springfield Locavore)
Proposed translations (Romanian)
5 +2 locavor
5 locavor
Change log

Jul 20, 2009 13:36: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Jul 20, 2009 13:44: Enrique Cavalitto changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jul 23, 2009 13:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"


alex traducarescu Jul 20, 2009:
Locovor O parere...pornind de la "loco", nu de la "loca" :)
Testeronline Jul 20, 2009:
:) Pe care sa agreez ca mi s-a intamplat si mie pana sa dau submit sa mai apara un raspuns, sunt cam scrupulos :(

Proposed translations

8 mins


Definition from Ziarul Financiar:
Un locavor este [...] un om care se hraneste cu... hrana de origine locala, produsa in zona in care locuieste.
Example sentences:
Teoria acestor locavori, pentru ca acum putem vorbi despre o adevarata Miscare Locavora, este simpla: ei isi propun sa nu mai cumpere hrana care a strabatut mii de kilometri in avioane, vapoare, camioane sau trenuri pentru a ajunge la destinatie... (Ziarul Financiar)
Peer comment(s):

agree Stefangelo DPSI
6 hrs
agree Florina-Livia Angheluta (X)
16 hrs
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10 mins


Definition from ziarulfinaciar:
Un locavor este insa un om care se hraneste cu... hrana de origine locala, produsa in zona in care locuieste.
Example sentences:
***Locavorii*** refuză alimentele aduse de la mii de kilometri în avioane, vapoare, trenuri, mijloace de transport care contribuie în acest fel la poluarea mediului înconjurător. Ei îşi propun să mănânce doar fructe, legume, carne, brânzeturi de provenienţă autohtonă, să reducă poluarea şi consumul de energie. Pe scurt, locavorii promovează produsele ecologice autohtone. (jurnalul)
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