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Jun 2, 2006 13:01
18 yrs ago
English term

Adj for cons... yyyye

English Bus/Financial Finance (general) Equity Research
I have to deal with the following table:

XXX EPS (adj for cons) 2005e from €2.52 to €2.57
2006e from €2.77 to €2.6€44
XXX Price Target From €45 to €44

YYY EPS (adj for cons) 2005e from €4.64 to €4.83
2006e from €4.19 to €4.69
YYY Price Target - From €57 to €53

XXX and YYY are the two shares to be compared.

I am assuming that adj for cons means "adjusted for consolidation" - Am I right? Any reference would be greatly appreciated.

What does the "e" at the end of 2005 or 2006 stand for?

Ooops, I realize I asked two Questions!

Thanks in advance for your help
Change log

Jun 2, 2006 13:51: Michel A. changed "Language pair" from "English to French" to "English"


Michel A. (asker) Jun 2, 2006:
Bonjour Adrien, fausse manip de clavier, je pensais avoir posté sur En->En (ce que je v essayer de faire illico)
Platary (X) Jun 2, 2006:
Operating expenses totalled 17.9 billion euro, which was 2.1 per cent
higher than in 2002. Adjusted for consolidation changes, they would have
gone up by only 0.7 per cent. e = estimate ou evaluation ... Bonjour !
Vincent SOUBRIE Jun 2, 2006:
pardon, pour estimate, donc à traduire par estimation
Vincent SOUBRIE Jun 2, 2006:
e vaut pour estimation : estimation 2006 etc


31 mins

consistency/consensus forecasts/consolidation

quelques idées, bcp de hits google pour adjusted for consistency
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

rajusté pour refonte

Tiré d'un prospectus dont la traduction a été approuvée par les avocats québécois:

...the common shares of the Company will be consolidated (the “Consolidation”) on the basis of one Common Share for every 3.847 common shares of the Company existing and outstanding immediately prior to the Consolidation

...les actions ordinaires de la Société seront refondues (la
« refonte ») à raison de une action ordinaire pour chaque 3,847 actions ordinaires de la Société existantes et en circulation immédiatement avant la refonte (chacune, une « Action prérefonte »).
Something went wrong...
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