Mar 3, 2015 19:45
9 yrs ago
24 viewers *
French term

En vertu

French to English Law/Patents Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Marriage certificate from Rwanda

Marriage certificate (Rwanda).

Preceding sentence:
"Ils Nous ont déclaré contracter mariage sous le régime de la communauté universelle"
(Currently translated as: "They declared to Us that they would agree to marriage under the system of …..…...Universal Community".

Just underneath this sentence, on the right of the page, appear the words "En vertu". There is no "de" afterwards, so it looks quite out on a limb. I am puzzled. Could the "de" be missing? Or is it something to do with "property" or "power" as in "power of attorney"? The file is saved as "Procuration".

I will be grateful for any help and ideas.



Germaine Mar 5, 2015:
BD Finch, L'exemple que vous avez trouvé de "en vertu que" sort d'un site qui s'appelle "les Chroniques des Jours Anciens". La phrase complète se lit:
En vertu que c’est compliqué de trouver comment faire, chacun dès qu'il sera connecté ira voir dans la barre de menu son profil et cliquera sur l’option « publier un article ». C'est ce qu'on appelle "un tour plaisant", mais ça ne crée pas une règle (pas plus, d'ailleurs, que l'absence de ponctuation dans cette phrase). Et c'est la même chose pour l'extrait d'une page Facebook de Lil wayne quand qu’il etaiis Jeune" - en français correct, on écrit "quand il était". La mention "attesté" veut seulement dire qu'on a trouvé une occurrence. Point.
Anne Bitton (asker) Mar 5, 2015:
Thanks for all help and suggestions. The client has not actually given the formal go-ahead with this one yet after all that, but never mind! I will consider which answer fits best, but it is tricky to be sure, as there may be an omission.
AllegroTrans Mar 5, 2015:
Maybe of little use but there are some examples of Rwandan marriage certificates at Google image: marriage certifica...
AllegroTrans Mar 4, 2015:
communauté universelle = joint and several ownership of matrimonial goods and assets
Dr. Mara Huber Mar 4, 2015:
More context for "en vertu" "Ils Nous ont déclaré contracter mariage sous le régime de la communauté universelle" means:
"They have declared to Us to contract marriage with community of goods."

As for "en vertu", we´d have to see more context.
Anne Bitton (asker) Mar 4, 2015:
"In witness whereof" would certainly do the trick and fill a gap, but I can't find any evidence of "en vertu" being used in isolation and with this meaning. It is confused further by the fact that every other line is in the local language. The next French line down (after the random "En vertu" says: Que l'Inkwano consiste en...
Apparently "Inkwano" means "dowry". I don't think this helps much, as it doesn't appear to be linked obviously to the "En vertu", but just in case it elucidates things for someone. I might plump for considering it as "En vertu de..." soon, as it is hard to draw a definite conclusion.
Jean-Claude Gouin Mar 4, 2015:
MISSING WORD(S) ... En vertu DE ... En vertu DU ... En vertu DES pouvoirs qui nous sont conférés ...
Germaine Mar 3, 2015:
Anne, La communauté universelle est un contrat de mariage selon lequel tous les biens actuels et à venir des époux leur appartiennent en commun (communauté de biens), sauf les biens personnels. Cf.:

In France, the term is “universal community” :
Code civil, article 1526 - Les époux peuvent établir par leur contrat de mariage une communauté universelle de leurs biens tant meubles qu'immeubles, présents et à venir…
Civil Code, Article 1526 - Spouses may by their marriage contract establish a universal community of their assets, movables and immovables, present and future…

About "en vertu": I would think that something is missing, most likely "En vertu des pouvoirs qui nous sont conférés" or something like that.

About the preceding sentence: I read "They declared before us that they are contracting marriage..." they marry... - there is no "would".
Simon Charass Mar 3, 2015:
I thing Phil is right, "in witness whereof", as for “Universal Community” in Canada the term used in similar marriages is “Common Law Spouses”.
philgoddard Mar 3, 2015:
I wonder if "en vertu" means "in witness whereof".
philgoddard Mar 3, 2015:
It means they have agreed to share all their existing and future assets.
Anne Bitton (asker) Mar 3, 2015:
Well apparently "communauté universelle" is a form of "regime matrimonial". I agree that it doesn't sound good when translated, but don't know how else to render it, other than to leave it as it is and put a footnote. Any suggestions welcome.
AllegroTrans Mar 3, 2015:
Universal Community??? World government?

Proposed translations

1 day 4 hrs
French term (edited): En vertu...**(des pouvoirs qui nous sont conférés )...

by virtue... **of the powers vested in us

En vertu...**(des pouvoirs qui nous sont conférés )...
by virtue... **of the powers vested in us

I believe Germaine and 1045 are right and that these are the missing words and am putting answer since they didn't with medium confidence just in case something else shows up...might be one to double check with client if it's a scanned document as there does seem to be something missing. perhaps in Rwanda this is a recognised short form for the full sentence? But this is a common enough line at the end of wedding certs.

The other possibility is

en virtu de la présente loi or something similar...

...en vertu des pouvoirs qui me sont conférés par la loi vous déclare unis par le mariage.

Allegro (in Disc.)has given you a translation for "mariage sous le régime de la communauté universelle" as = joint and several ownership of matrimonial goods and assets.
This is about joint (communal) ownership of property rather than anything to do with "universal community" and Phil has put it quite simply "they have agreed to share all their existing and future assets". In other words they are not holding assets they each had before the marriages as individual or personal but are pooling them.
It is translated here in a Rwanda document (Article 5) as

"Community property regime"
and this looks like the official version they use...

Note added at 1 day13 hrs (2015-03-05 08:45:48 GMT)

I meant to say "us"could also be singular
by virtue... **of the powers vested in me

Note added at 4 days (2015-03-08 16:47:06 GMT) Post-grading

Yes, hard to be certain but glad to have helped
Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans : Well yes, that's what it means but it seems probable someting is missing
21 mins
Thanks :-)Yes, something missing for sure. en virtu de la présente loi organique...being another possibility
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Gallegy. It is hard to be totally sure, but the most likely explanation is that "de" is missing."
47 mins


Peer comment(s):

agree EirTranslations
8 mins
neutral philgoddard : Under what?
47 mins
neutral AllegroTrans : under what? Would this appear as an isolated word at the foot of a document?
50 mins
disagree mchd : aucun lien avec le contexte !
1 hr
Something went wrong...
16 hrs


Not "en vertu de", but "en vertu que" and the "que" is at the beginning of the following line.
Translate this page
Que pensez-vous de l'interprétation que fait Leonidas de l'image du paquet. « Daddy » ? ➢ Comparez son ..... David: Et en vertu de quoi, on peut savoir ? Béatrice: En vertu que c'est à moi que tu fais du mal.

Note added at 16 hrs (2015-03-04 12:16:01 GMT)
Translate this page
V. Le présent Traité sera approuvé, et ratifié par Sa Majesté Très-Chrétienne, et par ... avons signé ce-jourd'hui en vertu de nos pleins pouvoirs respectifs, il a été ... le présent article aura la même force en vertu que s'il étoit inséré dans le dit ...

Note added at 1 day14 hrs (2015-03-05 09:46:47 GMT)
" ... en raison de son rôle de transitiveur par défaut, peut apparaître dans des constructions non figées et leur conférer un rôle de subordonnant (par exemple en vertu que qui, bien que très nettement non standard, est attesté), et même par extension de cet emploi après un autre subordonnant (par exemple quand que, qui n’est pas plus standard que en vertu que mais également attesté)"

Note added at 1 day14 hrs (2015-03-05 09:54:08 GMT)
La double ... en bien et en vertu que ilz passent oultre et sus les communs vertueus. Et telz sont comme .... L 'esprit de l'orthographe universelle ... Publication ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Germaine : "en vertu que" is incorrect in French (the example is "pleasant"). Whereas ("attendu que") would works if the following sentence is "Que l'Inkwano..." but it needs a conclusion (ex.: Whereas the dowry...; and whereas...; we deliver this certificate...
2 hrs
See note above.
neutral AllegroTrans : Whereas what?
11 hrs
"Whereas" whatever the subsequent paragraphs say.
Something went wrong...
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