This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Apr 9, 2008 13:27
16 yrs ago
French term

Jacques Herzog y Pierre de Meuron

French to English Art/Literary Names (personal, company) Somebody from Switzerland?
Very famous Swiss architects whose names I have to put in Cyrillic: I don't have any idea how should I pronounce them - French way (with a mute H in Herzog and Z read like in zest / with EU in Meuron read like in millefEUIlle) or mixed French (the names) and German ways (Herzog with H de Home and Z de Zeitnot), etc. If somebody can explain me the pronunciations of these two names, I will be very grateful.
Change log

Apr 9, 2008 16:00: Stéphanie Soudais changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Other" , "Field (specific)" from "Architecture" to "Linguistics"

Apr 10, 2008 20:24: Peter Shortall changed "Field (specific)" from "Linguistics" to "Names (personal, company)"

Apr 27, 2009 03:00: Fabio Descalzi changed "Field" from "Other" to "Art/Literary"

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Non-PRO (1): Jim Tucker (X)

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Charles Hawtrey (X) Apr 10, 2008:
They were both born in Bâle and their business is in Bâle. The town is German-speaking (âle) so... (That's just my logic, so make of it what you will.)
Neva M. (asker) Apr 9, 2008:
Actually the pronunciatiouns of Jacques and Pierre are obvious. Please, answer my question about HERZOG and DE MEURON. Thanks!

Proposed translations

4 mins

with a mute H in Herzog/ Z reads like in zest/ EU in Meuron reads like in "veut"

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1 hr

Herzog (German) and de Meuron (French)

i.e., "hairtzog"; and de (the "e" as the "i" in girl) Meuron (the eu as the "i" in girl)
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382 days

Жак Герцог / Пьер де Мьорон

As you need to put names in Cyrillic, here are some suggestions:
1) the surname "Herzog" has already some Cyrillic version, for instanceРоман_Херцог Герцог
2) an idea with "Meuron" could be this:
- for Meu-, that sounds similar to German Mö-, you could try with the Cyrillic versions of the city name Mönchengladbach:Мьонхенгладбах Мьонхенгладбах in BulgarianМёнхенгладбах Мёнхенгладбах in Russian
So, the name could be written as Мьорон or Мёрон

Note added at 948 days (2010-11-13 22:05:43 GMT)
--------------------------------------------------Херцог_и_де_Мёрон maybe this helps
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