Glossary entry (derived from question below)
German term or phrase:
English translation:
fishing expedition
German term
May 13, 2014 09:07: Steffen Walter changed "Field (specific)" from "(none)" to "Law (general)"
Proposed translations
wide-ranging discovery/fishing expedition
Dem nach deutschem Recht unzulässigen Ausforschungsbeweis sind damit "Tür und Tor geöffnet“. Folglich startet ein amerikanischer Kläger jeden Prozeß erst einmal mit sogenannten "fishing expeditions“, in dem die beklagte Partei mit Unmengen von Ausforschungsverlangen überzogen wird.
Die Schose laesst sich ueberhaupt nur vor dem Hintergrund des U.S.-
amerikanischen "Discovery"-Verfahrens verstehen: In der Anfangsphase
einer Zivilklage duerfen sich die Parteien in weiten Grenzen
gegenseitig in die Akten sehen - ein sog. "Ausforschungsbeweis", den
es nach DE-Recht *nicht* gibt.
Allgemein gehaltene Ersuchen, die von der
Gegenpartei fordern, anzugeben, welche Unterlagen sie im Besitz hat, um Tatsachen –und Beweismaterial in die Hände zu bekommen, um überhaupt das Klagefundament substanzieren und beweisen zu können (sog. Ausforschungsbeweis fishing expedition) wurden zurückgewiesen. Ausländische Rechtshilfebegehren betreffend Discovery" wurden m.a.W. wie schweizerische Akteneditionsbegehren behandelt.
"Pre-Trial-Discovery: Während in Deutschland der Ausforschungsbeweis verboten ist, geht das US-amerikanische Recht davon aus, daß beide Parteien im Hinblick auf die Kenntnis prozeßrelevanter Tatsachen gleichgestellt sein sollen. Über das Pre-Trial-Discovery kann etwa die Vorlage sämtlicher Dokumente verlangt werden, die im weitesten Sinne mit dem Rechtsstreit zusammenhängen könnten (neben Verträgen und rechtsgeschäftlichen Erklärungen auch Kalender, Telefonnotizen, Vorstandsprotokolle, technische Unterlagen usw.) Das Pre-Trial-Discovery ist langwierig und kostspielig und wird nicht selten auch eingesetzt, um Geschäftsgeheimnisse des Prozeßgegners in Erfahrung zu bringen.
neutral |
Maureen Holm, J.D., LL.M.
: Hyperbole. See below.
1 hr
Hyperbole is singularly unhelpful as linguistic criticism.
agree |
Сергей Лузан
: with "Pre-Trial-Discovery..." Deutsch-Russisches Juristisches Wörterbuch (mit etwa 45.000 Fachbegriffen), ISBN 5-200-00240-0
1 hr
I don't think I've got it right.
exploratory offer of (unspecified) facts
just another suggestion
evidence gathered [or adduced] through document production
The term, "fishing expedition," is used only as a cautionary or a plaint. It is precisely that the document exchange NOT become an overly intrusive process that the term is evoked. Thus, it may *not* serve as a euphemistic translation of "Ausforschungsbeweis."
Document production demands must be limited to evidence which is *material and relevant* to the issues in controversy.
No lawyer worth his salt sets out to abuse the process by harassing the other side or to find out whether he's got a case through a fishing expedition.
Counsel has ample opportunity to complain of document requests which are too broad, and in an appropriate case, sanctions are awarded against the overzealous lawyer.
A great deal of preparation goes into the pre-trial phase of U.S. litigation in order to: 1) promote settlement and thus *avoid* trial and the waste of judicial resources; 2) narrow the issues for trial (again, judicial resource preservation); 3) avoid surprise at trial (TV court room dramas notwithstanding); 4) arrive at the truth in the matter at hand. The desired result is an orderly and thorough process of truth-finding on what's called "law day."
Most American lawyers will joke about the arduousness of the discovery (or disclosure) process (which includes extrajudicial pre-trial examinations of witnesses under oath), but most are firmly convinced of its ultimate efficiency at achieving its stated goals.
Note added at 2003-04-13 05:29:42 (GMT)
Here is the apparent German ZPO counterpart to voluntary party discovery and motions for court-ordered discovery (Beweisanträge). Thus, the courts delegate to lawyers, as officers of the court, authority to assemble *investigative evidence\"--which authority they themselves possess--albeit under their continued supervision, and to do so through discovery devices such as EBT\'s, interrogatories (yes, also, but sparingly used), document production requests, even notices to admit (facts), all with a view to promoting settlement, conserving judicial resources, and narrowing the issues for trial.
Section 494a ZPO contains a wrinkle which, if I may say, harbors far greater potential for harassment and abuse than discovery practice under the U.S. system, inasmuch as discovery can be had *before the action is filed(!)* and issue is joined. The court then gives the original applicant a deadline to bring his action, failing which sanctions can be ordered.
Titel 12 - Selbständiges Beweisverfahren (§§ 485 - 494a) [[Party Discovery]]
Section 487 is significant as the counterpart to the requirement mentioned above that the *SCOPE* of the inquiry (whether relative to document production or pre-trial examination of witnesses) not be overbroad and that the application for a discovery order be narrowed by considerations of *materiality* and *relevance*. Thus:
§ 487
Inhalt des Antrages
Der Antrag muß enthalten:
1.die Bezeichnung des Gegners;
**2.die Bezeichnung der Tatsachen, über die Beweis erhoben werden soll;
3.die Benennung der Zeugen oder die Bezeichnung der übrigen nach § 485 zulässigen Beweismittel;
**4.die Glaubhaftmachung der Tatsachen, die die Zulässigkeit des selbständigen Beweisverfahrens und die Zuständigkeit des Gerichts begründen sollen.
Quote from case authority:
Die Beschwerde rügt zu Recht, dass das Berufungsgericht verfahrensfehlerhaft die Erhebung von Sachverständigenbeweis [zur Frage dessen Gesundheit] abgelehnt hat...Der Senat versteht die Ausführungen des Verwaltungsgerichtshofs so, dass dieser in dem Beweisbegehren des Klägers zwar einen an sich erheblichen, aber deshalb *unzulässigen Beweisermittlungs- oder Ausforschungsbeweis* sieht, weil keine hinreichenden tatsächlichen Anhaltspunkte dafür bestehen, dass dem Kläger bei einer Rückkehr in sein Heimatland mit beachtlicher Wahrscheinlichkeit Gesundheitsgefahren im Sinne des § 53 Abs. 5 Satz 1 AuslG drohen. Die Ablehnung des Beweisbegehrens und das Unterlassen weiterer eigener Sachverhaltsaufklärung mit dieser Begründung wäre indessen nur gerechtfertigt in Bezug auf Tatsachenbehauptungen, für deren Wahrheitsgehalt nicht wenigstens eine gewisse Wahrscheinlichkeit spricht.
Note added at 2003-04-14 06:47:48 (GMT)
More on \"discovery\" vs. \"disclosure\" and K Metzger\'s conclusion that \"discovery\" involves showing the other side what you\'ve got. That\'s backwards. The Federal Rules use the term, \"disclosure,\" but in practice it still comes down to getting from the other side and keeping your own stuff close to the vest, narrowing the scope wherever feasible, and controlling the damage documents in your client\'s possession or his volunteering too much testimony can do to your case. Counsel goes through client files down to the last handwritten squiggle to assess whether the opponent is unavoidably entitled to it or they can \"keep it out.\"
Finally, if lawyers in a federal litigation write \"disclosure\" in their motion or responsive papers, informally, they say \"discovery,\" and you can be sure they think it.
Note added at 2003-04-14 06:52:47 (GMT)
Since this point is obscured in K Metzger\'s first answer, let me clarify that \"discovery\" or \"disclosure\" is a party/counsel process which involves the court/judge only on rulings and similar supervision relative to that process. The court/judge does not conduct discovery. The court/judge reviews evidence and examines witnesses called, usually by the parties, to testify.
agree |
gangels (X)
: excelent. Of course, lawyer complaints about production of interrogatories being 'too broad' is part of the game and practically automatic
3 hrs
Danke, Kollege.
neutral |
Kim Metzger
: I believe "interrogatories" is the right word here. My references point in that direction.
5 hrs
I think it may be too narrow, but would like to be educated. I've added a note.
neutral |
Margaret Marks
: I agree with the bit in asterisks in the last quote, 'unzulässigen ...'
13 hrs
Re your "spricht von" concern. It's either "bei X handelt es sich um," which is objectionable or "man spricht in U.S. Praxis von." I suspect the former. Grrrr.
Note added at 2003-04-12 18:45:21 (GMT)
Or maybe \'interrogatory evidence\'...
Note added at 2003-04-13 07:41:06 (GMT)
Continuing the note under Maureen Holm\'s opinion below: either the German is intelligently written and means \'there is a term referring to discovery that means \"Ausforschungsbeweis\"\', or it is badly written. In the latter case we can\'t do much about it. In the former, I can\'t think of anything between interrogatories (and depositions) and fishing expedition. Both are equally possible and neither is quite convincing. It can\'t be \'discovery\' because that was used at the beginning of the sentence.
I have just changed my mind....see below!
agree |
gangels (X)
: 'interrogatories' is correct.
2 hrs
agree |
Kim Metzger
: That's how I see it too. A set of written questions about the facts and contentions in a case submitted to an adversary as part of the discovery process.
4 hrs
neutral |
Maureen Holm, J.D., LL.M.
: Interrogatories are discovery device, but "man spricht von" has no substantive relevance here. Interrogatories are written questions propounded, usually to someone who is unavailable for an EBT.
7 hrs
That's the question: either 'man spricht von' means something, or it is a waffly kind of German. Without seeing more of it, it's impossible to know. 'Man spricht von' suggests a specific term is being referred to.
"DISCOVERY: the disclosure in practice or in pretrial procedures by a party to an action or proceeding of facts or documents which will afford material evidence in determining the rights of the party asking it"
Note added at 2003-04-12 19:03:02 (GMT)
so perhaps
either \"discovery procedure/process\"?
purely exploratory offer of unspecified facts
Note added at 2003-04-12 21:55:19 (GMT)
Sorry! Verbis was first.
neutral |
Maureen Holm, J.D., LL.M.
: Is this the correct link? It's an interesting answer, but the link discusses the Conv. on the intl sale of goods.
7 hrs
agree |
: do not worry! it can happen! ciao
18 hrs
purely exploratory questioning
Thus 'This is what is known in Germany as purely exploratory questioning (Ausforschungsbeweis; not permitted under German procedural law)'.
Google suggests and Romain, both the old and new, confirms:
(purely) exploratory quetioning of a witness (seeking to prove a point by improper exploratory offers of evidence or endeavouring to induce opponent to disclose a point in one's favour'
Google should provide more definitions in German.
More information
Here's Dietl on discovery:
discovery Entdeckung; Offenlegung, Bekanntgabe, Auskunftserteilung; (VersR) Anzeige; (Zivilprozeß) Erforschung, Ausforschung; erzwingbare Bekanntgabe von für den Rechtsstreit bedeutsamen Tatsachen und Urkunden (an die Gegenpartei vor Beginn des Prozesses); (BergR) Fund
Romain: 'Ausforschung': exploratory soundings, sounding out, seeking disclosure by adversary of facts supporting a case.
It is possible that the sentence means 'The U.S. pre-trial discovery is what we in Germany would call Ausforschungsbeweis'.
disagree |
Maureen Holm, J.D., LL.M.
: "Discovery" as showing the other side the evidence you've got is backwards. It's eliciting what they've got to help your case. U.S. discovery as Ausforschungsbeweis is objectionable. It's Selbstst. Beweisverfahren, ZPO 485 ff.
16 hrs
agree |
Margaret Marks
: §485 is usually granted by ct. only in building cases, where evidence has to be recorded before it's lost, or where expert reports may lead to settlement out of court.
21 hrs