Apr 8, 2016 15:08
8 yrs ago
18 viewers *
Italian term

compagine sociale

Italian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
I am translating a release of liability for a golf club involving minor children. It specifically asks the signer to hold the golf club harmless. The first paragraph states something to the effect of a) I the undersigned, parent of the minor..... in agreement with the other parent,....... aware of the the risks entailed by the activity.......... shall hold the golf course harmless

and the second line states b) "persona esterna alla compagine sociale" I understand this to mean, a person outside of the immediate family (aunt, uncle, grandmother, babysitter ect. ) but all definitions I have seen refer to shareholders in companies, and in any case the person in question would not have the legal authorization to sign a release of liability under Italian law.

I am confused.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 corporate structure (owning the golf course)
4 shareholding


Ana Claudia Macoretta Apr 10, 2016:
Thank you very much, Howard. I totally agree with Adrian’s translation and with your own understanding. It is a statement of an adult (whether parent of the minor or another adult – the nanny, for example; but in all cases NOT related to the corporate body owing the golf course) who declares that s/he has been authorized to be at the golf course’s premises and who undertakes to hold the golf course harmless (I suppose, during the time the minor is taking the golf lessons).
Howard Sugar (asker) Apr 10, 2016:
- solleva ......................... da qualsiasi responsabilità per violazione delle disposizioni previste dal Regolamento Interno e delle regole di corretto utilizzo della struttura, anche in caso di incidente occorso all’interno della stessa, salvo i casi di dolo o colpa grave.
Howard Sugar (asker) Apr 10, 2016:
The paragraph starts out as follows
Il/la sottoscritto/a............................................................... (nome e cognome del soggetto),

in qualità di (barrare una delle alterative)
o genitore del minore ………………………..……………………………… (nome e cognome), nato/a a …………………… il …./…./……….. codice fiscale ……………………………………………. e d’accordo con l’altro genitore,
o persona esterna alla compagine sociale;

con la presente


- che la sua presenza è stata autorizzata da un responsabile della struttura, un socio o da persona comunque avente la specifica autorità. In particolare la presenza è autorizzata dal sig. ………………………………………………………………………;
Ana Claudia Macoretta Apr 10, 2016:
Howard, we would appreciate if you could post the whole paragraph in Italian at the same time you make your query. Additionally, if you wish, you can suggest your translation (but this is not really necessary). We could help you better if we can read the original text in Italian instead of trying to figure it out or doing reverse translation from your suggested translation in English. Please, bear this in mind for the next time. Thank you!
Marco Solinas Apr 8, 2016:
Corporate entity I have NEVER seen or heard "compagine sociale" with the meaning of "family" or any similar entity. I have ALWAYS seen it or heard it with the meaning of one or more bodies of a company. I am guessing that what they mean is that the person signing the release must satisfy two conditions:
a) he/she must have some form of parental authority over the minor;
and (not or)
b) must not be part of the "compagine sociale" [company, corporate entity] that owns or manages the golf course.

In other words, he/she must tick both boxes, not just one.
Howard Sugar (asker) Apr 8, 2016:
Usually they used both "hold harmless and indemnify"
philgoddard Apr 8, 2016:
I always think "hold harmless" sounds oldfashioned and odd. I know some lawyers use it, but you could make it clearer by saying "indemnify".
philgoddard Apr 8, 2016:
OK, thanks. I'm still not clear of the full context because it's in English rather than Italian, and if it says "parente" that could also mean "relative". But you could say something like "Parent/relative" for the first, and "Other responsible person" for the second.
Howard Sugar (asker) Apr 8, 2016:
You are supposed to tick A) parent of the child or B) persona esterna alla compagine sociale, and the text then continues with something to the effect that "aware of the possible risks"..... agree to hold the golf club harmless.........
philgoddard Apr 8, 2016:
Is that all it says? It doesn't seem to fit with the previous paragraph, and it's not a sentence.

Proposed translations

1 day 4 hrs

corporate structure (owning the golf course)

- as per Marco S. vs. social network or family household/ extended family kinship
Peer comment(s):

agree Ana Claudia Macoretta
21 hrs
Gracias, grazie and thanks! The plaudits, though, should really go to Marco S.
agree Peter Cox
2 days 8 hrs
Thanks and grazie!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 days 12 hrs


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