Nov 11, 2009 21:36
14 yrs ago
Italian term

in un ambiente dove pochi si avventurano.

Italian to English Other Tourism & Travel
Navighiamo in fondali poco profondi in un ambiente dove pochi si avventurano.
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Rachel Fell Nov 12, 2009:
Context? Hi Franco: Any context you can add?

Proposed translations

5 mins

in an environment where few dare venture

I would say "set foot" instead of "venture" but if you are talking about a marine environment, that might connote the wrong thing. "Area" or "place" might also work instead of environment.

There is a fair amount of bravado to this formulation, and it may be too melodramatic for your pruposes. If the larger context is simply about a place being remote, you can use far simpler formulations such as "in an environment/place untouched by most people/by humans/by the hand of man."
Peer comment(s):

neutral cristina prina-ricotti : I am not so sure about the use of "dare", I mean the source hardly seems to imply courage of any kind. so maybe i would go for the "untouched" version
1 hr
At the same time 'avventurare' is a step up from simple touring. It could also be "where few have gone/ventured"
agree James (Jim) Davis : I would have posted "dare to venture", then I was about to bow to Cristina's native tongue authority, but decided to check first. Devoto Oli and Garzanti, cite esporrsi a rischio o a pericolo. So dare would seem absolutely necessary. Shallow=risk.
8 hrs
Thanks, Jim!
agree carly kelly : dare to venture
10 hrs
Thanks, Carly!
agree Barbara Carrara : I like the 'untouched' idea best. B
14 hrs
Thanks, babsita!
agree potra : I think dare to venture works well
17 hrs
Thanks, potra!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 hrs

where few dare to go

Remember Star Trek? "Boldly going where no man has gone before"
Your phrase could be translated in so many different ways that you only have "l'imbarazzo della scelta"
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9 hrs

areas of the (sea/coast) where few craft dare to venture

i think this covers the phrase from a ourely commercial point of view
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14 hrs

in a virtually unexplored environment/area

I agree with Claudio's interpretation (would go with untouched), and with Cristina's comment.
Here's my suggestion along those lines.

Peer comment(s):

agree Rita Bilancio : senza virtually la soluzione più calzante e fluida inho
2 hrs
Grazie Rita. B.
agree potra : unexplored is a good alternative to dare, both suggestions work depends on the tone of the source document
2 hrs
Thanks, potra. B.
agree claudiocambon : I like this one too.
3 hrs
Gee, thanks Claudio. Barbara
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