Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Polish term or phrase:
leżak pod stropem
English translation:
staple-up underside subfloor tubing
Polish term
leżak pod stropem
3 | staple-up underside subfloor tubing | Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. |
3 | horizontal main pipes under the floor slab | IRA100 |
leżaki pod stropem | geopiet |
Aug 9, 2015 19:03: IRA100 changed "Field (specific)" from "Other" to "Construction / Civil Engineering"
Proposed translations
staple-up underside subfloor tubing
JK Mechanical Staple-Up Radiant Heating HVAC SystemsTubing is attached to the underside of the existing subfloor. Aluminum plates can be used to spread the heat evenly under the subfloor. Insulation is placed in the joist space beneath the tubing. A 2” air space is usually left between the insulation and the bottom of the subfloor. If aluminum plates are used, the insulation may be pushed up tight against the plates.
With the staple-up system, aluminum heat emission fins are used to hold the radiant heating tubing up against the bottom of the sub-floor.
Note added at 3 hrs (2015-08-09 21:22:28 GMT)
Subfloor plates: Aluminum plates supported by wood or plastic spacers contain channels to accept radiant heat tubing. Hardwood floors can be nailed directly to the subfloor plates, or carpet and pad can be placed over the plates. A second subfloor also can be nailed over the plates to produce a smoother finish for vinyl areas.
Staple-up or hanging: Tubing is attached to the underside of the existing subfloor, and insulation is stuffed into the joist space beneath the tubing. A 2 -to 4-inch air space usually is left between the insulation and the bottom of the subfloor, allowing the warmth to circulate in the air between joists.
heat transfer plates that are stapled up with radiant heat tubing under your subfloor.
horizontal main pipes under the floor slab
Note added at 1 godz. (2015-08-09 19:22:17 GMT)
supply main
Reference comments
leżaki pod stropem
Z wentylatorów j.w. powietrze doprowadzone będzie pionem z przewodów wentylacyjnych stal.oc. typu spiro (w wersji uszczelkowej) do najbliższego możliwego punktu włączenia do istniejącego kanału wywiewnego ceramicznego (w schowku na leżaki pod stropem parteru). - - page 21