May 20, 2015 09:43
9 yrs ago
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Education / Pedagogy
W ekstrakcie artykułu:
Wychodząc z obowiązujących w szkolnictwie ogólnodostępnym praw, dyrektyw i trendów w kierunku inkluzji, autorka opisuje system kształcenia specjalistycznego, separacyjnego jeszcze w wielu aspektach i w większości sytuacji dotyczących dzieci o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych w Szwajcarii.
Wychodząc z obowiązujących w szkolnictwie ogólnodostępnym praw, dyrektyw i trendów w kierunku inkluzji, autorka opisuje system kształcenia specjalistycznego, separacyjnego jeszcze w wielu aspektach i w większości sytuacji dotyczących dzieci o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych w Szwajcarii.
Proposed translations
3 hrs
Tym bardziej, że mamy wcześniej wzmiankę o inkluzji. Separate schooling jest niejasne, zbyt ogólne - nic to nikomu nie powie.
Note added at 4 hrs (2015-05-20 13:47:48 GMT)
Chapter 12 | Education Counts
Obviously, the reciprocal of inclusive education, which was addressed in the previous chapter, is non-inclusive education. Therefore, many of the issues that ...
Heading for Inclusion - Alliance for Inclusive Education
The problem is that those of us who lead schools have only experienced a non-inclusive education system. That clouds our thinking and tends to make us work ...
Inclusive Education - Page 1982 - Google Books Result
Daniels, Harry (Professor in Special Education and Educational Psychology, University of Birmingham), Garner, Philip (Professor of Special Education Needs, Nottingham Trent University) - 2013 - Education
That 'answer', of course, is that inclusive education is superior in one or other way to non-inclusive education. The strength in this position is that it enables...
Note added at 4 hrs (2015-05-20 13:47:48 GMT)
Chapter 12 | Education Counts
Obviously, the reciprocal of inclusive education, which was addressed in the previous chapter, is non-inclusive education. Therefore, many of the issues that ...
Heading for Inclusion - Alliance for Inclusive Education
The problem is that those of us who lead schools have only experienced a non-inclusive education system. That clouds our thinking and tends to make us work ...
Inclusive Education - Page 1982 - Google Books Result
Daniels, Harry (Professor in Special Education and Educational Psychology, University of Birmingham), Garner, Philip (Professor of Special Education Needs, Nottingham Trent University) - 2013 - Education
That 'answer', of course, is that inclusive education is superior in one or other way to non-inclusive education. The strength in this position is that it enables...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Dziękuję."
12 mins
separate (schooling)
Mam na myśli np. stałą współpracę placówek prowadzących kształcenie separacyjne ze szkołami ogólnodostępnymi w różnych zakresach, ale też organizowanie klas specjalnych w szkołach ogólnodostępnych, gdzie uczniowie z niepełnosprawnością mogą uczestniczyć w życiu szkoły ogólnodostępnej -
Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of disabled children from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature and severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. -
Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of disabled children from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature and severity of the disability is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. -
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: I think so, or segregated. That may be too strong.
47 mins
agree |
George BuLah (X)
: tylko nie 'segregated', bo jeszcze nas stąd wyrzucą ;)
3 hrs
2 hrs
in many respects out of (isolated from/in isolation from) the educational mainstream
6 days
separate, special needs schooling, within mainstream education system
The rights of children and young people with special educational requirements are governed within the Federal Constitution and in several federal laws.
"The cantons shall ensure that handicapped children and young people enjoy the benefit of a basic education adapted to their specific needs." Paragraph 2 reads: "They shall encourage the integration of handicapped children and young people in the regular school system through appropriate forms of schooling to the extent that it is possible and beneficial for the handicapped child or young person concerned."
The cantons thus regulate special schooling within the scope of an Inter-cantonal agreement concerning collaboration in special educational areas’ in the form of a federal law (concordat). The way in which each canton organises the special needs education measures is specified in concrete terms within its cantonal special needs education concept. All cantons are obliged to develop such a concept, regardless of whether or not they have joined the agreement. The concept is approved by a cantonal authority (government or parliament).
According to the agreement, all children and adolescents (0-20) with special education needs who reside in Switzerland have the right to special needs education measures. The range of measures offered is determined by the cantons and includes the following services:
Counselling and support
Early childhood special needs education, language therapy and psychomotor therapy
Special needs education measures in a normal school or in a special needs school
Care in school-based day-care facilities or residential accommodation in special needs education institutions (according to requirements)
The agreement came into effect in 2011.
Switzerland - Special needs education within the education system -
"The cantons shall ensure that handicapped children and young people enjoy the benefit of a basic education adapted to their specific needs." Paragraph 2 reads: "They shall encourage the integration of handicapped children and young people in the regular school system through appropriate forms of schooling to the extent that it is possible and beneficial for the handicapped child or young person concerned."
The cantons thus regulate special schooling within the scope of an Inter-cantonal agreement concerning collaboration in special educational areas’ in the form of a federal law (concordat). The way in which each canton organises the special needs education measures is specified in concrete terms within its cantonal special needs education concept. All cantons are obliged to develop such a concept, regardless of whether or not they have joined the agreement. The concept is approved by a cantonal authority (government or parliament).
According to the agreement, all children and adolescents (0-20) with special education needs who reside in Switzerland have the right to special needs education measures. The range of measures offered is determined by the cantons and includes the following services:
Counselling and support
Early childhood special needs education, language therapy and psychomotor therapy
Special needs education measures in a normal school or in a special needs school
Care in school-based day-care facilities or residential accommodation in special needs education institutions (according to requirements)
The agreement came into effect in 2011.
Switzerland - Special needs education within the education system -